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There's gonna be some action between Jimin and Jungkook soon I promise :)
Jimin sometimes wished, that the ground would open up underneath his feet and pull him down into the darkness that may lay below. He usually felt this way, in times when his soulmate was connecting with him.

Jimin had an extremely good week. He held a party with Yoongi, made memories with a mystery guy, and got with Taehyung yet again. This entire week too, he hadn't one new burn on his skin. It wasn't that he had no more injuries for the week; no, he had discovered red scratch like marks against his wrists and arms throughout the week. They didn't really hurt; only a slight, almost irritating, sting in comparison to the burns that he had grown accustomed to.

But when Jimin returned home from class and nearly collapsed to the floor due to the pain in his legs once more, he wanted - for that moment - to just stop feeling altogether.

His knuckles turned white as he gripped their doorknob, weakly knocking at the door as tears built up in his eyes. He had his keys, but his mind was too clouded to be able to get them out right then. Jimin heard footsteps, but they sounded very distant. It was a few moments before he felt the doorknob turn, the door opening soon afterwards.

"Hello-" Yoongi's words were cut short quickly, a wave of shock crashing over him as his roommate all but collapsed into his arms. He didn't bother asking questions, helping Jimin into their room and closing the door behind them. Jimin was shaking, fingers gripping at Yoongi's shirt as he forced himself to stand.

Yoongi walked slowly, and gingerly with Jimin towards there couch before setting the younger down. He knelt down so that he could be more at eye level with Jimin. "Where does it hurt?" Yoongi didn't even have to ask what happened, deep down he had known that week that Jimin's soulmate was going to act up again.

Jimin squeezed his eyes shirt, taking Yoongi's hand in his and placing it on the part of his leg just above his kneecap. Yoongi gulped as he felt Jimin's grip on his tighten around his hand. The younger then took a deep breath before taking Yoongi's hand and pressing it against his side, just below his ribcage.

"Yoongi-Hyung, It's so painful." Jimin voice was hoarse and quiet, breathy as well as he closed his eyes in attempt to calm himself down. "I need to rest." He sighed. "I need to sleep."

Yoongi shook his head, running his thumb over Jimin's knuckles.

"You'll let me bandage you up first right Min?" He asked, Jimin sighing softly and brushing a few pieces of hair out of his face. His eyes were still closed, a few drops of sweat beading on his forehead. "If your burns get infected you'll just be in even more pain."

"Can't we do it after?" Jimin asked, squeezing Yoongi's hand as another wave of pain flashed through him. "I don't know if I'm tired from my classes or from this shit, but I'm ready to pass out right now."

Yoongi shook his head, pushing Jimin's hair off of his forehead. He sighed softly, his heart feeling as if it was being squeezed as he looked at the pain filled expression on Jimin's face. What was he going to do? Yoongi bit his lip, looking away and taking a deep breath. It wasn't fair that Jimin had to go through with what he did on a weekly basis. He was one of the most genuine people Yoongi knew, and yet he was forced to deal with the consequences of the things done by someone that he didn't even know.

"How about..." Yoongi paused. "Just lie down alright? I'll fix you up, don't even worry about it." He stood up, making sure that Jimin lay down fine before he got up and left towards their bathroom.

When he did, Yoongi closed the door and closed his eyes. He leaned against the counter, breathing a deep sigh. He could already feel the tears building up in the corners of his eyes, but he wouldn't dare let Jimin see. Yoongi ran a hand through his hair, opening his eyes and looking at himself in the mirror. "Fuck.." He breathed, rubbing his face before leaning against the counter once more. "Jimin, what am I going to do with you?"

He rubbed at his eyes, wiping any visible evidence of tears away before he grabbed a towel and turned on the tap. He ran it under the water quickly, before wringing it out. Yoongi would be lying if he wasn't stressed out - he was.

He was stressed out because he was trying to think of what he could do to help Jimin, and he couldn't think of anything.

Yoongi took a few minutes to calm himself down before grabbing a handful of bandages and walking back outside of the bathroom. He walked out towards Jimin, and honestly wasn't surprised when he found the younger to be completely passed out on the couch. He sighed, but made his way over to Jimin nonetheless.

The older pushed Jimin's shirt up slowly, wincing as his eyes scanned across the blistered wounds on his friend's side. They were an angry red in colour, and Yoongi couldn't even imagine how much they hurt. He pressed the cold cloth to the skin, watching as Jimin stirred in his sleep a bit.

"Jimin how are we going to fix this?" Yoongi mumbled softly, moving the cloth away and drying Jimin's skin with his sweater. "You're so strong, you know that?" He pulled the wrapper off of three bandaids, a deep frown on his face as he stuck them to the younger's skin. He paused for a moment before leaning down and pressing his lips to the bandages softly. He then pulled away, running his thumb over them as well. "You're going to be alright."

He could see some past scars scattered on Jimin's skin, some mostly healed over, others extremely hard to look at still. "It's so hard to see you have to deal with this." He remembered Jimin saying that it hurt on his legs as well, so Yoongi didn't think twice before he tugged Jimin's sweatpants down until the new injuries were visible.

And God, were they visible.

The burns there looked even worse than the ones on Jimin's side, so much to the point that Yoongi contemplated getting ice to cool down the skin even more than the cloth would. Afterwards, Yoongi bandaged Jimin's leg up as well before dressing the younger fully again, and standing up.

He walked to his bedroom and sat on his bed, letting his head drop into his hands as he breathed out a heavy sigh.

What were they going to do?


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