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It was cold, the frosty winds even making it through the faulty insulation around the window Jungkook sat beside. He donned a scarf, partially due to the temperatures, mostly due to the visible hickey on his neck. He didn't remember getting it, but it must've happened in the blur of the party a few nights ago.

A few nights ago.

Jungkook shut his eyes and sighed. He could remember it all, but when he did he wondered if it was just a dream that his mind conjured up. It was just so hard to believe that he did such things with Park Jimin. It was even harder to believe how confident he had become, although he'd blame it on being slightly buzzed if he was ever asked about it.

He remembered Jimin's lips on his, and how shy he was when he first started out. And Jimin was so forgiving about it too, guiding him along until Jungkook got into the rhythm of things. He could recall Jimin guiding his hands under his shirt, and the soft, smooth skin that he glided his fingertips across.

And how could he forget Jimin's gasp when he was pushed against the kitchen counter, or the quiet whines that left his lips when Jungkook sucked on the tender skin of his neck softly. He gulped, breath stuttering as he thought back to Jimin's face when he threw his head back, and the way he cried out when Jungkook pulled on his hair gently.

Jimin sounded just as beautiful as he looked, his hushed moans still ringing in Jungkook's ears. They almost went too far, to the point where Jimin had Jungkook in his bed; the younger's shirt tugged over his head and thrown to Jimin's bedroom floor. And Jungkook remembered having the older's shirt nearly off as well, the material pushed up to Jimin's ribcage.

He thought back to the kisses he pressed just above Jimin's navel, and his fingers popping the button of his older's jeans. But then he remembered stopping, because it felt wrong.

Jungkook was barely a drink past sober, and Jimin was drunk to the point that that he could hardly walk a straight line. It wouldn't've been fair. Jungkook concluded. Jimin's thoughts would've been so clouded that his decision making would've been misguided. He didn't want to take advantage of the older like that. As much as he wanted to continue, he stopped himself and remembered kissing Jimin softly to hush his whining. When he pried himself away and got off of the bed, Jimin was nearly passed out a mere few minutes later.

And Jungkook knew then that he was right in the decision that he made, because if Jimin was pass out drunk, then Jungkook would've felt bad if he went any further with the older.

Jungkook sighed, swiping his pencil lazily against the paper of the sketchbook in front of him. He didn't have any classes today, so he walked over to their on campus coffee shop after much convincing from Taehyung. He didn't tell Taehyung what happened at the party; to be fair, the older probably wouldn't believe him.

Someone as closed off as Jungkook getting with someone like Park Jimin? Laughable.

Jungkook took a sip of the coffee he ordered, setting it down afterwards and sighing softly. He scratched at his wrist softly, absentmindedly picking at the skin as he looked through the window. He halted his movements once he heard footsteps walking towards him, moving his arm underneath the table to hide the red welts that appeared due to his actions.

His eyes widened once he noticed a small pastry being slid his way across the table top, looking up and smiling softly once he noticed the barista, Heejin, standing next to him.

"It's on the house." She smiled, tucking a few strands of hair behind her ear before sticking her hands in the pockets of the sweater she wore. "You looked kind of down, I figured that you needed a pick me up."

Jungkook nodded slowly, the smile staying in his face as he brought the pastry closer to him.

"Thank you." He nodded, gesturing for her to sit down. Usually he would've preferred being alone, but she was nice. Despite his first impression of her being fairly negative, he quickly realized it was only his nerves that were getting in the way and warping his perception.

"No problem." Heejin smiled, glimpsing at the page of Jungkook's sketchbook as she sat down. "That's amazing. I've always wished I could draw like that."

Jungkook looked down at his page, a fairly detailed sketch of the inside of the coffee shop covering the paper. He took a sip of his drink nodding softly.

"I'm sure that you could if you tried, it's never too late to learn." He suggested, Heejin shrugging and looking out the window.

"I'm too caught up in my studies to add something else to my plate right now." She sighed. "Maybe once I've graduated, but that won't be for a little while."

"What's your major?" Jungkook asked, Heejin smiling softly and adjusting her sweater.

"Medical." She replied, Jungkook's eyes widening and making her laugh quietly. "I don't act it, I know. All of my other friends in the medical field stress and strain themselves over exams and memorizing notes, I don't really want to live like that. So, I found my own way to get through my studies. Exams still stress me out of course, but letting the stress run my life isn't going to help me academically at all."

Jungkook nodded, listening to her intently as he took a small bite of the pastry she gave him. "What about you Jungkook? Doesn't taking a second year course put a lot of stress on you?"

He thought for a moment before. nodding slowly.

"Well of course." He replied. "I've got a lot more expectations put onto me than the other first years have. My professor expects me to have knowledge that students my age are just learning right now." He paused. "But I signed up for that, so I can't complain. I wanted a challenge, and here I am getting one."

Heejin nodded, tapping her fingers along the wood of the table.

"You're Taehyung's roommate right?" She asked. "Kim Taehyung?" Jungkook nodded in response, making Heejin smile wider. "Did he succeed in dragging you to Yoongi's party a few nights ago?"

Jungkook sighed and nodded once more, able to feel his blush start up again as memories of Jimin kicked in again.

"Yeah.. He did." He replied, Heejin raising an eyebrow and edging him on.

"How was it? I've heard that you're not usually a partygoer." Jungkook sighed, breaking eye contact and looking out the window. Various students walked across the campus, most bundled up in coats and scarves as they scrambled towards their classes.

"It's... Not my scene." Jungkook answered. "I don't think I'll be going to another one if I don't have to."

"Fair enough." Heejin nodded, laughing lightly as he leaned on her elbow. "I was going to go, because I've been to one of Yoongi's parties before and it was a good time, but if I want to actually graduate I don't have time for stuff like that right now." She sighed. "But Taehyung must've shown you the ropes right? I don't know how that guy gets through his classes, going to a party every other night."

"I don't know either honestly." Jungkook chuckled. "But Taehyung... He kind of ditched me five minutes into the party. I didn't see him for the rest of the night."

Heejin raised an eyebrow.

"What'd you do then?" She asked. "You don't look like the type to get drunk, but hey, I could be wrong."

Jungkook bit his lip softly, the tips of his ears becoming hot as he looking down.

"I'm not..." Jungkook mumbled, "I met up with someone in one of my classes. Not much happened, it was pretty boring if I'm going to be honest. Probably why I won't go again."

Heejin frowned.

"That's a shame." She responded. "But if it's not your scene then there's nothing you can do about it. Hopefully Taehyung won't pressure you to go to anymore."

Jungkook shrugged, swirling his drink around and sighing. "But anyway, it was nice talking to you. I've got to get back to work though, if I'd like to get payed."

Jungkook nodded, waving goodbye as Heejin stood up and walked back to the counter where she immediately helped another customer.

He sighed looking back out the window and bringing his hand up to draw a scribble on the fogged up glass. Jimin didn't remember anything. Or at least he didn't act like he did in class the day before. He didn't even seem like he wanted to give Jungkook the time of day, and the younger honestly wasn't surprised.

Of course he didn't like Jungkook when he was sober. Because when he was sober, he could see just how boring Jungkook really was.

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