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Jungkook groaned softly as he woke up, his joints cracking as he sat up in bed. The sunlight filtered through the blinds that covered his window, creating sharp shadows behind much of his possessions. He sighed softly, bringing his hand down to ghost over the blistered wounds on his hips.

Last night.

He couldn't even remember what struck him so hard, but he couldn't bring himself to move his hand away, although he had worries that he would injure himself too badly. It was like his mind abandoned him for a moment, the flames engulfing all of his better judgment as he watched his skin blister. He doesn't even remember the pain of it, but he remembered the tears.

And you'd think, that after a night like that it would take him awhile before he was willing to subject himself to pain like that once more. But when he looked over to his bedside table as saw his lighter resting on the surface, it felt like it was taunting him.

Jungkook's fingers twitched, his teeth sinking into his bottom lip as he stared at the object.

Should he?

He could basically feel his skin tingle with anticipation. His mind was in a frenzy; half of it saying 'go for it Jungkook!' and the other half yelling 'Don't be stupid. You've done enough damage.'

Jungkook couldn't bring himself to agree with half of the words that his brain was yelling at him, reaching towards his nightstand and taking the lighter into his grasp. It felt so familiar to have it there, so natural. He observed how most of the lighter fluid had been used up. He'd have to get a new one.

Jungkook shot a quick glance towards the door. He definitely didn't have as much time as he did last night, Taehyung had morning classes and a habit of not knocking before entering. He could walk in at any moment. Which was the reason Jungkook was opting for the skin of his abdomen instead of his thighs; it would be a lot easier to pull his shirt down quickly if Taehyung walked in unexpectedly.

He flicked the lighter a few times, the lack of lighter fluid causing it to take longer than usual for a flame to ignite.

He stared at the flame for a little while before lifting up the hem of the t-shirt he wore, carefully to to catch the fabric of shirt on fire. Jungkook gasped the moment the flame met his skin, he had never hurt himself on the skin of his stomach before, due to the fact that he had just become so much more accustomed to doing it elsewhere. His thighs were mostly scarred, so going over old patches of leathery, damaged skin didn't hurt so much.

But the fresh, unmarked skin of his stomach wasn't something that he was used to, and he had to move his hand away much sooner than he usually would. He gripped the lighter and closed his eyes, taking a few breaths before shaking his head.

Jungkook set his lighter back on his dresser before standing up. He winced slightly, but didn't let it bother him too much as he opened to door to his room and walked to the kitchen.

Although it was painful, Jungkook felt almost refreshed now that he had a new scar to add to his collection. It caused adrenaline to surge through his veins, energy shooting from his toes to his fingertips as soon as the lighter met his skin. It gave him a sort of high, one that he knew would be impossible to explain to anyone else.

"You're finally up. God, I was sure you just decided not to go to class today." Taehyung laughed as Jungkook walked in, the younger raising an eyebrow and running a hand through his messy hair.

"What do you mean?" He asked, his socks causing his feet to slip on the floor slightly as he leaned against the counter.

Taehyung shook his head, chuckling softly.

"Don't your classes start at 10:30?" He asked, Jungkook nodding. "It's 10:20."

It took about thirty seconds for Jungkook to comprehend Taehyung's words. He blinked a few times, opening his mouth as if he was going to say something, before closing it once more.

"What?" He asked, Taehyung rolling his eyes.

"You. Class. Ten minutes." He emphasized his words, pointing at the front door to prove his point further. "It takes you about five minutes to walk there, and you were already late once this week so I suggest that you get going now."

Jungkook snapped out of the haze he seemed to be in, nodding quickly before he raced back into his room. He stuffed his sketchbook and paintbrushes into his bag as quickly as he could, running towards the door once he did. He slipped his shoes on and grabbed a coat off of the hook beside the door, not bothering to put it on before he left the door.

He was going to be late.

Twice in one week, really?

Both times were due to his destructive tendencies taking priority over everything else.

Jungkook huffed once he noticed that the elevator in his dorm was being used, opting for the stairs instead and picking up his pace.

He was going to be late. He was going to be late. He was going to be-

"Jimin look at me." Jungkook's movement stopped short as he heard the words spoken clearly, although they weren't directed at him. He looked up, eyes widening when he noticed none other than Jimin and Yoongi standing in front of what must've been their room.

Jungkook forgot that they lived so close. He observed the two of him, frowning when he noticed the tears on Jimin's face.

"I know you've had both a rough night, and morning Min, but you've got to keep going." Yoongi spoke, smiling and brushing a few strands of hair out of Jimin's face. "You're going to be late, you should get going."

"I'm just not up to it today Yoongi-Hyung." Jimin sighed, leaning forward and resting his head on the older's shoulder. Jungkook took a sharp intake of breath, his heart thudding in his chest.

Was he jealous?

"I know Jimin." Yoongi breathed, patting Jimin's back a few times before pulling away. He used two fingers to tilt Jimin's chin up, and Jungkook wondered just what their relationship was. "Just get through classes alright? Then when you get back we can go out for lunch, or stay in and watch movies... Your pick."

Jimin sighed, moving Yoongi's hand from underneath his chin. Jungkook watched as his fingers stayed circled around the older's wrist.

"I think I'd like to stay in." Jimin spoke, Yoongi nodding and smiling softly.

"Whatever'll make you happy." He nodded. "Now get to class, I'll see you when you get back."

Jungkook decided it would be best if he started walking again when Yoongi pulled Jimin into another hug, he didn't want them to know that he was listening. He avoided all eye contact as he walked past them both, descending down the stairs as quickly as he could.

He could hear footsteps behind him, and he knew that they were Jimin's. He didn't look behind him though, he couldn't bring himself too no matter how much he wanted to. Oh, how much did he want to turn around and strike up a conversation with Jimin. He'd love to know him and hear his voice.

But he couldn't.

Jungkook shivered slightly when he walked outside. He had been in such a hurry when he left that he hadn't bothered to slip his jacket on, just grabbed it off of the coat hook as quick as possible. The wind that day nipped at his bare arms, making Jungkook bite his lip and increase his pace as the building his class was in grew nearer.

He sighed softly when he finally opened to door, the warmth of the indoor heating welcoming him. Jungkook checked his watch, and once he noticed that his class started in one minute he broke into a run down the hall. He passed a few people, and knew that they were staring at him, but he didn't want to disappoint his professor for the second time that week.

When he finally made it to class, it was 10:30 am exactly. His professor made eye contact with him, simply giving him a slight nod before Jungkook walked off to his station. It was about five minutes later that Jimin walked in, a frown still evident on his face as he bowed to their professor in apology for being late.

There wasn't a hint of a smile on his face as he set up his easel, nor when he mixed his paints or stared down what he had painted so far.

It brought a frown the Jungkook's face as well. He couldn't help but wonder what happened.


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