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This is technically the second last chapter, but I kind of have two different endings planned
(Although only one of them is the "official" ending that I had been thinking of for awhile, you can choose whichever path you like better)
"I'm proud of you."

Jimin's words repeated over and over in Jungkook's mind as he tapped his fingers nervously against the uncomfortable chair that he sat at. His skin crawled with the feeling of fear and insecurity, eyes trained on the clock as he waited for his doctor to walk back into the room.

It had been a few weeks since Jimin and him had made up, and the older was the reason he was even sitting in this office in the first place.

Jungkook had avidly avoided the doctor for the past few years, too scared to accept that there was something wrong with him, and too worried that he would be asked about his scars. He doubted that he would be able to lie with a straight face in front of a licensed professional, but he also hated owning up to the truth.

Jimin wanted to skip class to be there with him, but Jungkook refused to let him. It was just a prescription after all, it's not like it was a surgery or something of the sort.

"Alright." Jungkook startled the moment that his doctor walked back into the room. The older sighed softly, pushing up the round framed glasses he wore, before flipping through a few pages the were attached to a clipboard. "Mr. Jeon..." The doctor began, uncapping his pen and beginning to scribble something down. "I'd like to prescribe you two different medications, based on what you've told me."

Jungkook didn't know whether his heart fluttered, or sunk.

It was a strange feeling, for somebody to confirm that there was a part of him that needed to be "fixed". Although he knew himself, that his flaws were called 'flaws' for a reason, Jimin uttering sweet nothings to him day in and day out gave him a false belief that his imperfections weren't as bad as he though they were.

Maybe the physical flaws weren't as bad, but Jungkook knew that the mental ones scared both of them.

"This is an antidepressant." His doctor spoke, sliding the paper slip into Jungkook's shaky hands. "One pill every single morning. In some patients it causes drowsiness, so if you begin to feel more tired than usual after taking it that's perfectly normal." Jungkook merely nodded, folding up the slip and placing it in the pocket of his jeans.

"As well as that.." His doctor continued, handing him another slip that made Jungkook raise an eyebrow. "I'd like you to try this as well. It's an anxiety medication."

Jungkook gulped softly, reading the complicated name of the medication off of the slip. "Although the antidepressant I gave you should help with your anxiety as well, if you feel that you need extra help with your anxiousness just take one of these whenever they're needed."

"It's safe to take them at the same time?" Jungkook asked softly, his doctor nodding in response to his question.

"It is, just always keep the dosage in mind." He replied. "You shouldn't need more than one pill of the anxiety medication at once." The doctor stood up, setting his clipboard on the counter behind him. "While we're talking about this, I'd limit your alcohol consumption while on these prescriptions. It's not going to hurt you if you take a pill in the morning and then drink at night; it's just if you either take the pill with alcohol, or drink less than an hour after taking it."

"Of course." Jungkook nodded, standing up as well and stuffing the new slip into his pocket along with the other one. "Thank you, doctor Kim." He bowed softly, his doctor nodding and smiling softly.

"It's no problem, take care of yourself." He responded, Jungkook nodding and opening the door before leaving.

He walked outside and tugged his jacket further over him, the winter weather not being kind to him as he began to walk. The doctor's office was only about a fifteen minute walk from campus, and the weather wasn't as bad when he last so he decided against asking Taehyung to borrow his car. The older didn't have classes that day either, and Jungkook would hate to wake him up just to ask for a small favour.

It felt bittersweet for him as he walked away from the doctor's office, boots crunching in the newly fallen snow. With recovery, came acceptance that something was wrong with him in the first place.

Jungkook had always liked saying to himself, and to everybody else, that he was fine. Everything was fine, he was alright. He had even started believing what he was putting forth, allowing himself to think that the scars were fine, and the pain was fine, and the tears that would drop off of his chin were perfectly okay.

It was when he found out about Jimin being his soulmate that he started to think that it wasn't alright.

And now, with two prescriptions in his pocket that were promising to "fix" him, he was sure of it.

It's human nature to find it hard to accept that you're wrong, or have done wrong. It's even harder to own up to it, and take the actions to fix it. Maybe that's the reason why Jungkook found it hard to drag himself to the doctor's office that day.

"There you are!" Jungkook's heart fluttered at the voice, a smile growing on his face as he laid his eyes on the person walking up to him.

Jimin's hair was coated in snowflakes, his glasses fogging up from the cold. His ears, nose, and cheeks were tinted with rosiness, a smile on his face regardless as he neared Jungkook. "I saw that you didn't take Taehyung's car, so I decided that I'd come and meet you after class." His hand found the younger's as if it was a reflex. "How did it go?"

"It went... Well?" Jungkook would never get tired of the feeling of Jimin's fingers curling around his own. "I got prescribed two different medications, both of which I get to pick up tomorrow morning."

Jimin had a soft smile on his face, before he leaned up onto his toes so that he could kiss Jungkook's cheek lightly.

"I know I've already said this, but I'm proud of you. You always put on such a brave face, but I know that this must've been hard for you. I know how much you hate talking about... It." Jimin avoided specifics, but Jungkook knew exactly what he meant.

"It's not that I hate talking about it." The younger frowned, "I'm just... Ashamed of it. Which I think I should be aloud to be, considering that's it's not exactly something to be proud of." He looked down at Jimin, allowing a smile to grace his features. "I wouldn't've been able to do what I did today, without your support."

Jimin beamed, giving Jungkook's hand a squeeze as their campus began to come into view.

"And I'll keep supporting you. All the way until the end." Jimin sighed, Jungkook raising an eyebrow and making eye contact with him.

"That could mean supporting me for quite a long time. Sure that you want to deal with me for that long?" He laughed lightly, the older returning his smile.

"I'm sure." He took a deep breath. "Which reminds me, I know that we refer to each other as 'soulmates', which is nice... But if it's alright with you, I'd like it if we could put a more official label on us."

Jungkook beamed, removing his hand from Jimin's so that he could wrap his arm around the older's waist.

"You want to call me your boyfriend, don't you Hyung?" He grinned, Jimin nodding and laughing softly.

"I do." He chuckled, "I know we basically already act like it, but I just wanted to make sure that we're on the same page."

The same fluttering ache that Jungkook usually felt around Jimin, bloomed in his chest once more, reminding the younger yet again of just how happy Jimin made him.

"I can't even begin to explain how much better you've made my life." He sighed. "It's been nothing but uphill, and I don't think I've ever felt happier than I do now."

Jungkook could say honestly, in that moment, that he was doing better than fine.


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