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Jungkook remembered always craving to have Jimin's eyes on him, to have the older finally give him the time of day. Now however, as Jimin was watching intently -perched on top of his desk chair with a sketchbook in his lap - he felt fairly uncomfortable.

Jungkook had always been the type to squirm underneath someone's gaze, never liking to have people stare at him for a long period of time. He had agreed, though, to let Jimin draw him. The older probably didn't realize how much of a privilege this really was - Jungkook would almost never let anyone capture his likeness in any way, whether it be as a photograph or a work of art.

"You have really pretty eyes." Jimin commented, adjusting the glasses that he wore as he looked up from his paper. His eyes scanned over Jungkook's features, smiling as he began to pick up on some of the smaller details. The younger's youthful eyes really contradicted the dark circles beneath them, just as how the blush on his cheeks contrasted the frown on his lips.

It wasn't long before the frown morphed into a shy smile, Jungkook laughing softly and averting his line of vision from where it met Jimin's. Jungkook's smile. That was Jimin's favourite feature of the younger. The way his eyes crinkled up when he did was absolutely adorable and Jimin made it a secret goal to make the younger smile more often.

"Thank you." Jungkook's voice was soft, gaze directed out of Jimin's bedroom window as his fingers drew invisible patters against the older's bedsheets. "Could I ask you a question?"

Jimin raised an eyebrow, looking back to his page and swiping a few pencil strokes across the page to begin drawing the younger's hair.

"Of course." He nodded, frowning softly as he heard a sigh leave Jungkook's lips. He knew that the younger was still upset over whatever occurred that morning, despite attempting the cover up his sadness with halfhearted smiles.

"Imagine that you've been doing something for as long as you can remember." Jungkook spoke, "It's not a hobby, per say, just kind of something that you'll do when you're feeling down. It's a comfort thing." Jimin nodded, not completely sure where Jungkook was going with this. "But it's also not... Good for you. It's kind of harmful towards you. But it's so close to home that you never want to let it go. If your friend offered to help you kick the habit, would you accept?"

Jimin gulped, halting the movements of his hand. He knew right then that this correlated with the fight he heard between Taehyung and Jungkook that morning. What was the harmful habit that Jungkook was insinuating that he had? The younger didn't look like a smoker, nor did he smell of smoke, or taste of it when Jimin kissed him.

He didn't seem like an alcoholic either, plus the fact that Taehyung had mentioned Jungkook not being a heavy drinker once.

"It would really depend on if I actually wanted to get better or not." Jimin finally answered, still trying to find out the hidden facts lying underneath Jungkook's vague words. "If I knew that it didn't benefit me, but I kept doing it, then that would show that I just didn't care wouldn't it?"

Jungkook looked down. "I would... I would try to take my friend's words into consideration, I think." Jimin continued. "More often than not, the people around you can see how much something is affecting you more than you're able to." He shaded in the darkest sections of Jungkook's hair on his paper. "If my friend was able to see how much I was being negatively affected, and I knew myself that it was hurting me - for myself that would be enough to try and stop." He paused. "Everyone is different though."

Jimin quickly noticed how silent the younger got after that, Jungkook's gaze casted out the window. Even the rhythmic sound of Jungkook's fingers absentmindedly scratching against his bedsheets ceased. "Why do you ask?"

"Just wondering." Jimin decided that it would be best for both of them if he left the topic alone from then on.

He set down his sketchbook onto his desk, watching as Jungkook tried to sneak a glimpse at the drawing as he did so. Jimin stood up, walking the few steps across his room that it took to be standing right in front of Jungkook. He rested his hand on the side younger's face, smiling softly as he felt Jungkook lean into his touch ever so slightly.

"I've said this before but I'll say it again; I don't know what you're going through." Jimin brushed a few pieces of hair out of the younger's eyes, locking gazes with him as he did so. "But that doesn't mean I'll brush it off my shoulder if I know that you're feeling down. Whether it just be a hug, or an hour long talk; I'll still hold you or listen to you if you need it."

"Hyung." Jimin noticed Jungkook's wavering tone, and the glossiness of his eyes. He brought his hand up, placing it on top of Jimin's. Jungkook slipped his fingers in between the spaces between Jimin's, not being able to help it as a tear rolled down his cheek.

He had just been receiving so much love and care from the people around him in such a short time, and it was overwhelming. For someone that often doubted that the people around him actually cared about what happened to him, having them put efforts into showing him their appreciation for him made Jungkook emotional.

"I told you that I didn't want to ever see you cry." Jimin pouted, wiping away Jungkook's tear with his thumb. "It makes me sad, knowing that you're upset enough to shed tears."

"Hyung." Jungkook repeated, tightening his hold on Jimin's hand. "Kiss me."

Jimin's eyes widened, gulping as he stared into the younger's eyes. Another tear had rolled down Jungkook's cheek by then, slipping down his skin until it died on his lips. "I know what you're thinking. It's not too fast for me, I promise."

Jimin leaned even closer than before, close enough that their noses were touching, but not enough that their lips were.

"I wish that I could kiss all of your problems away, Jungkook." He whispered, his breath fanning against Jungkook's lips. "I wish that as soon as my lips touched yours, your sadness would disappear into thin air." He stared straight in Jungkook's eyes, wanting the younger to know that he was being completely sincere. "I hope that one day, I'll be able so see the sunshine that I know lives behind your eyes."

"The sun can't live behind my eyes." Jungkook responded, dropping his gaze to watch Jimin's lips curl into s slight frown. He was still so, so close; Jungkook itching to pull him even closer.

"And why's that?" The older asked, leaning even closer now, lips barely brushing against Jungkook's as he spoke.

"Because the sun is standing right in front of me." Jungkook responded softly, watching with a slight smile as Jimin's expression completely melted.

It was only moments later that Jimin had closed the gap, capturing Jungkook's lips with his. The younger's lips tasted salty from his tears, Jimin's free hand moving down to intertwine his fingers with Jungkook's other hand.

It was evident in how gentle he was that Jimin just wanted Jungkook to feel okay. He wanted to give the younger the affection that he deserved. That he needed.

And he felt something in his stomach as he moved his lips against Jungkook's. They weren't butterflies; they were stronger, causing adoration for the male in front of him to course through his veins. If he had to describe what he felt right then, he knew that he definitely wouldn't describe it as butterflies.

Airplanes, was more along the right lines.

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