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"When I was lived in LA I remember wanting to see snow so badly. It doesn't snow there, so it was like a dream to see snow one day."

A snowflake landed on Jimin's nose as he spoke, melting against his skin and making Jungkook smile. It was the first snow of the season, and Jungkook thought that Jimin looked borderline ethereal; snowflakes swirling around him, melting against his skin and collecting in his hair. His nose and cheeks were red from the cold, a scarf wrapped around him tightly in an attempt to keep him warm.

"What do you think of it now that you've seen it?" Jungkook asked, eyes glued to Jimin as they walked around their campus. He had decided to get outside mostly due to the fact that he and Taehyung were at a strange point in their relationship right about then; they were fine, but Taehyung was more cautious around him now. Combined with the fact that his lighter had suddenly gone missing.

"I love it." Jimin's eyes crinkled up as he smiled, breathing out watching as his breath visualized in the air. "It's so beautiful, isn't it?" The older shook out his hair, snow falling off of the strands as he did so. "Winter is definitely my favourite season. When I lived in New York, it would snow all the time and I remember missing it so much when I had learned about how hot LA got."

The frozen blades of grass crunched beneath their feet as they walked closer to the coffee shop on campus, the snow not have been falling long enough to coat the ground. It was silent for a moment after that, the two of them just enjoying eachother's presence as the frosty wind tousled their hair. "I've been meaning to ask you, did you and Taehyung get everything sorted out?"

Jungkook sighed. The beginning of his and Taehyung's little dispute started just under a week ago. The past week had been one of the most emotionally unstable times of his life; feeling happy for one half of the day, and then upset for the rest. If he was going to be honest, his times with Jimin were probably the only times that he did feel truly okay - even if it was just for a little while.

"We're... Okay." Jungkook decided to answer, breathing out a puff of hair that visualized into a small cloud that disappeared moments later. "Not completely back to how we were before, but good enough."

The shop came closer into view, but Jungkook was only thinking about how close Jimin was; how their shoulders brushed as they walked, how their fingertips would graze each other's every so often as well. Jungkook learned that Jimin didn't need to say anything, or even really do anything in order to have Jungkook smiling. It was just his presence. Jimin just had this upbeat aura about him, his happiness seeping into Jungkook's mood even if the younger didn't want it to.

"I'm glad to hear that." Jimin smiled, opening the door to the coffee shop and letting Jungkook walk in before him, "You two are really close right?" Jungkook watched as the older unravelled his scarf, sighing softly as he rubbed his hands together as well.

"Very." Jungkook nodded, noticing the rosy tone to Jimin's fingers. "Are you hands cold?" He asked, Jimin laughing softly before nodding.

"Freezing." He chuckled. "I forgot my gloves at home." Jungkook looked down at his own gloved hands, hesitating before moving forward with his next action. He reached over, one of his hands taking hold of Jimin's cold one. He watched as Jimin's eyebrows shot up, but his expression softened only seconds later. "This works too, I guess." He grinned, squeezing Jungkook's hand gently before guiding him over to the front counter of the store.

"What'll you have, Jungkook?" Jimin asked. "I'll pay."

"You don't have to." The younger protested, Jimin merely rolling his eyes at Jungkook's words.

"If I didn't want to do it I never would've offered." He laughed, running his thumb over Jungkook's knuckles absentmindedly. "So I'll say it again; what'll you have Jungkook?"

"Just a black coffee, thank you Hyung." Jungkook mumbled, a smile gracing his lips as the feeling of Jimin's hand in his flooded his thoughts.

As Jimin ordered, Jungkook looked around the shop briefly, frowning slightly when he noticed that Heejin was nowhere in sight. He wished that she was there that day, mostly because she was one of the only other people on campus that he felt comfortable around, partially because he knew that she secretly wanted him and Jimin to get to know each other.

He remembered when he and Heejin first met, she had told him that Jimin had been complementing him outside of class. He also remembered how much he doubted that Jimin would actually say nice things about him.

But look where he was now.

Jimin's hand was warming up now, the freezing temperature leaving the older's skin as Jungkook's own hand warmed him up.

Jimin thanked the barista when she handed them their drinks, Jungkook sending a nod of appreciation instead as he knew that his voice would probably end up coming out too quiet for the worker to even hear him. "I finished my drawing of you, by the way." Jimin spoke once they sat down at a table, only letting go of Jungkook's hand so that he could sit down across from the younger.

"I don't have my sketchbook on my unfortunately." Jimin spoke, "So maybe if you'd like to come back to my dorm after this I could show you?"

Jungkook had been spending a lot of time at Jimin's dorm room lately. Not that he minded it, hell, waking of from a nap and finding himself to be curled up next to Park Jimin was one of the best moments in his life right about then.

"I'd like that." Jungkook smiled, his smile only widening once Jimin reached over the table to place his hand on top of Jungkook's once more.

Jimin loved holding Jungkook's hand.

The younger's hands were so much larger than his own, giving him a strange sense of safety whenever their fingers were intertwined. He also learned that he just loved talking to Jungkook. Just listening to his voice, and his stores was enough to have a smile tugging at his lips.

And he couldn't help but wonder, as he stared into Jungkook's warm brown eyes, was this was it felt like to have a soulmate? Was this was it felt like to become attached to someone? Was this the feeling of falling for someone?

Jimin knew that whenever he was around the younger, his heart beatef quicker, and he felt as if everything around him was at ease; Jungkook drowning out everything else.

Jimin realized it right then and there, as Jungkook giggled while telling a story.

Screw a soulmate. He decided. He was falling for Jungkook.


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