Chapter Eight

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It was the middle of the night. The entire room was silent bar the muffled snores of Pierre coming from the living room where him and Charles, unknown to Millie, had made a makeshift bed with the sofas. You could have heard a pin drop
Suddenly Millie shot straight up, she was in a cold sweat and taking short quick breaths. She held her head in her hands trying to calm herself down. She always relived that trauma this time of year. Last night had been Millie's way of trying to distract herself but clearly it hadn't worked. It was almost like her brain didn't want her to forget
Millie let her body calm down before looking around the room.

How did I get to bed?

Shoving the duvet off her, Millie got out of bed to grab a drink. Her throat was dry and scratchy - a sign she had been snoring. Not that she would ever admit it to anyone.
Millie headed for the door but almost broke her neck falling over Mick

Millie: Ahh ... shite ouch ... feck

Mick: Hmm... Millie? Are you okay? What time is it?

Millie: Just gone 2am. I'm sorry just grabbing a drink .. wait why are you on the floor?

Mick: Well ... I well I-

Millie: Actually it doesn't matter. Get yourself into bed your going to wreck your back down there. Bottle of water?

Mick: Yes thank you

Millie: Be right back. I'm serious by the way, be in bed by the time I'm back

Millie tip toed out of her room and slowly closed the door behind her. Mick got up and realised Millie was right, his back was stiff. He threw the pillow he stole earlier in the night back towards the headboard and basically fell into bed. Before he knew it his eyes were heavy and he was falling back into the peaceful sleep he'd been woken from just a few minutes before. He felt a dip in the bed beside him - Millie was back

Mick: Good night Mills

Millie: Night Mick. Your water is here for when you wake

Millie lay on her side and stayed silent until she could work out from Micks breathing that he was out for the count. Millie was exhausted but after the first dream she was scared to fall asleep again. She opened the drawer on the side table and pulled out her kindle. It had been 9 years since she was assaulted and each time she thought she was okay these dreams brought her back to earth. Hannah, Pierre and Charles were the only three people she had ever told about that day. Since telling Pierre and Charles they had been very protective over her, no one could get close to her without getting through them first

Millie: No .. no no no NO! GET OFF ME!

Millie didn't know when she had let herself fall back to sleep but the second Gerry's face appeared in her dream her body shocked her awake. Unfortunately for her ... she managed to wake everyone

Mick: Millie? Shit fuck shit what's going on

Millie: Twice in one night that must be a record. Sorry Mick, nightmare again

Millies hand shot to her head as she started to try and calm herself down. Before Mick had a chance to reply the bedroom door flew open

Charles: Millie?

Pierre spied Mick, his hand was on Millie's shoulder. He lunged for Mick and grabbed his by the collar of his T-shirt dragging him out of the bed


Millie: Pierre stop it

Pierre: If you have hurt her I swear to god Schumacher

Millie: Jesus Christ Pierre stop! It was a nightmare okay! Fuck. Get your hands off him
Mick are you okay?

Mick: Yeah. Are you?

Charles: Millie you never have nightmares. The last time you had a nightmare it ... oh shit. Mills I forgot I'm sorry

Millie glanced at Charles and Pierre before looking to Mick who had reclaimed his spot beside her. He looked so confused and also like he was trying to figure out if this was all just some sort of weird dream

Millie: It's fine I'm fine. I've woke Mick twice now and Pierre has almost killed him. The cub needs to rest. What time is it?

Charles: 4:30am

Millie: Jesus Christ

Pierre: Mick ... Im sorry. 

Millie got out of bed and grabbed some gym clothes.

Pierre: Where could you possibly be going at this time?

Millie: If I fall asleep again Il only end up having another nightmare. The only thing that helps is exercise so early morning run it is.

Mick: Millie...

Millie: Il explain some day Mick. Trust me you've been through enough tonight to hear that story. Now go back to sleep

Millie went into the bathroom to change and came back out a few minutes later changed and ready to go. She kissed the cheeks of the boys before grabbing her phone, headphones and heading outside.

The air was light and cool. The sun was starting to rise so the sky was a beautiful pink/purple colour. Millie took a deep breath before sticking on her running playlist that Charles had made for her. She took one last glance around her and started jogging towards the sea

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