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BY THIS TIME, Cara and Amanda were in Amanda's parents other car. Sophia's body laid in the back seat, making sure a seat belt would prevent her from falling off and getting blood on the carpet.

They were off to bury a friend. The thought sent chills through Amanda, but Cara loved the thrill of doing it. She felt as if Sophia wasn't going to be her only kill, but tonight they weren't in their right minds, so Cara pushed the thought off to the side.

"Take a right." Cara nodded and took the sharp turn, the noise of Sophia's body moving made Amanda close her eyes and bite her tongue. She didn't want what happened in the basement, because she knew if she tried to drag Cara down, she would go down as well.

Amanda glanced at her phone; 9:45. That meant 15 minutes until her parents would return to a home that had blood in the front entrance. The thought made Amanda quickly turn her phone off and put it in her pocket.

"Which way?"
"Um, take a left and keep driving straight."
Cara nodded once again.

In less than two minutes, Cara stopped at the town cemetery. Once they got out of the car, the smell of dirt and dead people hit them in the face like the hammer hit Sophia in the head. But the only thing weird about this scene was the girls had two different reactions. One looked amused; the other looked scared and uncomfortable.
Could you guess who was who?

"Grab Sophia's body. I'll start digging the grave," Cara ordered as she looked at her 'friend.'

Amanda nodded, wondering what Cara was going to use to dig the grave. Unsettlingly; Amanda opened the back seat doors to get to Sophia's body, not wanting to glance at her phone for the fear she didn't want to run over her again.

"You'll be okay Amanda," she whispered to herself as she quickly (still keeping her eyes closed) grabbed the arms and pulled Sophia out of the car. "Wow, what a weekend."

The bottom half of Sophia's body flopped onto the floor, making Amanda to quickly let of her hands so nothing would get on her.

"Hurry up Amanda! We don't have much time!" Cara yelled from far ahead of her. The sound of a shovel aggressively hitting the ground sent Amanda on edge.

But what didn't?

"I wish that hammer went through my head inside," Amanda murmured to herself as she started to drag Sophia's body away from the car. They didn't have to worry about people spotting them as no one went to the cemetery, and no one really drove by it.
Through tough times, that's how Amanda tries to relieve herself. By making jokes. She didn't want to die (but she was close to pulling a Cara on herself), it was a joke so she could try to lighten up her inner mood.
But if you couldn't tell already, that was failing. Miserably.

The dirt rubbed onto Sophia's clothes no doubt. By the time Amanda got to the grave, Sophia looked like she's already been in one.

Amanda stopped where Cara was, Sophia's body just laying on the ground, letting the tiny bugs that ran through the dirt, run through her, scouring for food to bring back to the other insects that crawled through the dirt. Amanda watched as Cara kept digging, the hole getting deeper each time she dug into the (soon to be) grave.

"A little help please?" Cara snapped. Amanda quickly nodded and looked around for a shovel, but she couldn't see one. "You idiot. The grave is deep enough; put the body in."

Amanda once again grabbed the arms of Sophia and dragged her, the bugs that were crawling on her screaming, sensing that they didn't get get any food from her. But who knows? There could've been no bugs. When Amanda glanced at Cara, she could see how tightly she was gripping the shovel. Firmly; was all that could come to Amanda's mind as she drew her eyes away from Cara's hands.

She set the body right before the entrance of the grave, letting go of the arms so she could push (and kick if she wanted) Sophia in the hole.

"Go on Amanda, do it. We don't have all day."

Amanda glanced down at her wrist, hoping she had a watch so she didn't have to get her phone out. But there was no watch on her wrist. And she couldn't stall anymore; Cara was growing impatient.

"Amanda! If you try to back out now, I'm just gonna kill you."

And with those words that came out of Cara's mouth, Amanda kicked Sophia's body inside of the small grave, finally noticing how light the girl was.

"Good. Now come on," Cara said. "Go to the car, I'll be right behind you."

Amanda didn't take a second look at Sophia before she ran to the car. All she wanted to do was cry and call her parents. But she couldn't.
Especially with Cara around. She might've just took a hammer to the head if she called her parents.

Amanda opened the car door and sat in the passengers seat, letting the tears flow. Every emotion; fear, happiness, sadness, all just left her with a single drop from her eye.

"I'm so sorry," she told herself. "I thought you would have a good life, but I guess not."

She wiped her nose and grabbed her phone from her back pocket. When she turned on her phone she checked the time; 10:05. Making sure Cara wasn't coming, Amanda dialed her parents number, shakily bringing her phone up to her ear, making sure to get herself together before she started talking to her mom or dad.

"Amanda?" It was her mom. "Is everything alright?"
"U-um, yeah. E-everything is g-g-great."
"You don't sound so sure."

A nervous laugh.

"Mom, I just w-wanted to say that I l-love you. N-never f-f-forget me pl-please."

Quickly, Amanda hung up and shut her phone off completely. She rested her head back on the seat, not letting the smell of death invade her brain. Finally, she had peace and quiet for once.

But all good things come to an end.

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