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i didn't proofread! guys, this is the end of the book. i just wanna say a special thank you to sabreenacarpunder for giving me the plot. this book has been a wild ride & i just love writing it. thank you to everyone that is reading any of my books, it means so much that people want to read my works. if you haven't already, please check out my Beverly Marsh fic, Sweet Tarts.
thank you <3  )

"TODAY WE honor the deaths of Amanda Steven, Cara Stewart and Sophia Thompson. All were excellent students and the best of friends to each other. May they rest in peace. If you have any additional words, please stand."

Joann stood from her seat, sniffling a little as she stood from the chair she had ordered for her daughters funeral.

"Amanda is the light of my life. She brought smiles to my face on my dad days. She brought rainbows the every rainy cloud I had brought with me throughout my life. Amanda always, um ... she always thought she was dragging me on and was a dread to my life. But she's the reason why I'm still alive."

Others frowned, giving the mother of one their silent condolences.

"I cry each day knowing that this ball of sunshine won't wake me up to pancakes in the morning anymore, or bring sunlight to my thunderstorms. To make my life better. She was a bright girl; my little Nancy Drew. But my baby is gone, and she'll n-never r-r-return."

Joann sink back down in her seat, silently letting sobs escape her mouth as her husband comforted her.

Next, an old friend of Cara's stood up. Her name was Tiffany.

"Cara was my best friend in all of middle school. She was always so nice and shy. She showed me many firsts in my life. Like the first girl I ever had a crush on, my first real friend, my first rejection, my first learning lesson in the form of a person. She was my everything, I lost her in eighth grade, and now I truly lost her. She'll forever be in my mind and thoughts. Much love."

Tiffany sat down.

"Okay, if the rest of the people wish to send their prayers and stories with the three bright girls in private, please do so. May these talented girls rest in peace."

Everyone got up from their seats, silence taking over the small place. The only sound was sniffles, some whispering but it was barley any and the noise of everyone miserably shuffling around. Joann ran to the casket that Amanda laid in, the lid open to let people see the amazing girl as she 'held' a bundle of flowers on her chest. Her blonde hair was wavy, none disseminated on her shoulders. She was wearing a white dress with a light pink floral pattern on the top half, the sleeves being cuffed.

Joann peered down at her daughter, noticing how flawless her skin was.

"She really did look like a goddess," someone said in the crowd.

The cries and sobs escaped Joann's mouth like a flood of words, spiraling down everywhere like it was scattering itself in s book of depressing poems.
Life was one long depressing poem.

"My baby!" Joann cried as she wanted to touch her daughters pale face. But she wanted to remember the warmth on her fingertips as she touched Amanda's cheek. And now if she touched her face, all she would feel was ice. Cold ice. Nothing more or nothing less.

Her heart didn't beat no more, the life left her eyes, her skin turned cold, her rosy cheeks turned pale, her limbs went numb.

Tiffany peered down at Cara's body, raising her chocolate hand to move her bangs from touching the edge of her eyebrow.

"You look so pretty," Tiffany said as she felt the urge to run her hand through Cara's silky silver hair. But she didn't, as she had respect for the dead, unlike the immature students that poked at Sophia's face like it was a doll.

And as everyone looked in the caskets and comforted their family, they didn't notice the angels in the room. For out of 3, only 1 was the angel.

Everyone else was a demon.


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