Chapter 4: The First Day

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Sonakshi was woken up from her slumber when she felt someone was gently shaking her shoulder. She opened her eyes to see a young girl, maybe the same age as her giving her a bright smile. Sonakshi hadn't seen her before.

Maybe she is some family member Sonakshi thought

"Hi ma'am," The girl greeted Sonakshi.

Ma'am! Why is she calling me ma'am? Sonakshi pondered.

"I am Meeta. I work here in the Dixit Mansion. If you need any help please let me know. Ishwari ma'am has assigned me to you," The girl chirped.

"Assigned to me?" Sonakshi uttered in disbelief. Sonakshi was not used to personal help. Yes, there had been helpers at the Dixit penthouse too but Sonakshi had spent most of her life at hostel. She had learnt to manage herself quite well and was not the typical 'I am the daughter of a rich man' type of girl.

"Yes ma'am. I am here to help you around," Meeta said with a warm smile.

"It is not needed Meeta. And, call me Sonakshi. I feel old when someone calls me ma'am," Sonakshi said smiling back at this girl.

"Sure ma'am. I mean Sonakshi. Can I call you Sona Di?" Meeta asked her.

"OK. But never call me ma'am again," Sonakshi said making her way to her suitcases that had already been kept in the room.

Sonakshi took out a loose T-shirt and comfortable shorts and then went into the bathroom. The bathroom was as luxurious as the house. It had a separate area for shower and another area for the bath tub.

Sonakshi looked at her reflection in the mirror. She was still wearing the wedding saree and jewelry. Her mascara and eyeliner were smudged in her sleep. Her hair looked like a bird's nest. She looked a perfect mess.

She quickly got into the shower after stripping and let the cool water wash away her tiredness. By the time she came out of the bathroom, Meeta had cleaned and arranged the room.

"It's almost 9 am Sona Di," Meeta said looking at the clock, "­As soon as you get dressed, we will go down for breakfast."

"I am already ready. We can go for breakfast," Sonakshi said pointing at her shirt and shorts.

Meeta widened her eyes. How was she going to tell Sonakshi?

"Umm... Sona Di, No one dines in these clothes over here. Please let me show you," Meeta led Sonakshi to another bedroom. Sonakshi expected maybe a few dresses picked out for her but her jaw dropped to the floor looking at the sight in front of her. It was a room filled with clothes. No, a room with rooms filled with clothes.

They were filled with shoes, jeans, crop tops, shorts, sarees, cocktail dresses, and the list could go on and on.

"Pinch me," Sonakshi stated.

"Umm... Di, What?" Meeta asked her.

"I said pinch me," Sonakshi repeated.

Meeta shrugged and did as she was told. She pinched Sonakshi on her arm.

"Oww..." Sonakshi shrieked "What are you doing?"

"I pinched you. You told me to do so Di," Meeta said in a small voice.

"Who set this up?" Sonakshi asked her eyes still taking in the magnificent room.

"Ishwari ma'am arranged this for you," Meeta answered her.

"What should I wear that would be appropriate for breakfast here?" Sonakshi thought out loud.

Meeta went and picked out a sea green colour knee length dress with sea green colour pumps, sparkling earrings, and a matching bracelet.

Who wears such clothes for breakfast! Sonakshi thought internally I would wear such clothes only for outings.

At hostel, no one minds what types of clothes people wear. At the Saxena house, there were hardly any family dinners for her dad and brother to notice what she was wearing. This was something really new for Sonakshi.

Sonakshi got ready quickly. Meeta then led her towards the dining area. No one had arrived yet.

Isn't today that thing called a first rasoi (the first dish made by the bride in her in-law's place)? Sonakshi thought.

She got up and walked towards the kitchen. Meeta had told her to take a left after walking a few steps.

Sonakshi entered the kitchen. It was a posh kitchen. Not one untidy thing there. Sonakshi saw her mother-in-law already present there.

"Good Morning Sonakshi," Ishwari beamed at her.

"Good Morning..." Sonakshi said but did not know what she would call Ishwari.

"Call me Mom," Ishwari finished.

Sonakshi took a good look at Ishwari. She was a beautiful woman. She had been really sweet to her. But somehow, Ishwari was not giving her the motherly vibes at all.

"Good morning Mom," Sonakshi said with a smile.

"So, why is my daughter-in-law in the kitchen so early in the morning? You could have waited at the dining table. I am not that type of lady who wants her daughter-in-law to cook and not live her life," Ishwari said.

"Ok Mom. But the first rasoi?" Sonakshi asked raising her eyebrow.

"What will you make? I did not know if you wanted to do the first rasoi," Ishwari informed.

"Maybe a small sweet," Sonakshi replied "I don't know too much cooking though."

"Sure dear. This is Ira, the cook," Ishwari said pointing to an old lady who was smiling fondly.

"Hello Ira aunty," Sonakshi smiled.

"Hello dear. Tell me what you need, I will put them out near the stove for you," The elderly lady said.

"Um...I need ingredients to make Apple walnut kheer. Just a minute," Sonakshi said as she fumbled with her phone.

She opened the gallery of the phone and stopped and clicked on one image. It was the recipe of the dish she was planning to make today.

Apple Walnut Kheer


Grated apple (unpeeled) –1/4 cup

Chopped walnuts – 2 tsp

Low -fat milk – 1 1/2 cup

Oats – 1 1/2 tsp

Sugar – 1 tsp


Mix all ingredients in a pan and bring the mixture to boil while stirring it occasionally.

Cook the mixture for 10-15 minutes or till you get the desired consistency.

Now, serve the kheer warm or chilled, whichever way you like it.

Sonakshi looked at that and started making the sweet dish.

Sonakshi looked satisfied with what she had prepared. She took it to the dining table. No one had arrived for breakfast yet.

She pulled out a chair and sat down. She had not seen Dev ever since she had woken up. Then as if on cue, Dev entered with another guy. Both seemed to be in deep discussion. The guy stopped talking when he saw Sonakshi.

"Hi," He said extending his hand, "I am Vikram. Call me Vicky. Dev's cousin. Ishwari aunty is my father's sister."

Sonakshi stood up and took his hand and smiled, "Nice to meet you, Vicky, I am..."

"I know you Sonakshi," Vicky cut her off "I know you Saxenas really well."

He had not let go of Sonakshi's hand and his comment made her feel really uneasy. She pulled her hand out of his hand with all her strength. She looked at Dev, who seemed engrossed in his phone. It was as though he had not heard his brother misbehave with her. Due to the lack of Dev's reaction, Vicky continued.

"I must hand it over to you Saxenas," Vicky said smirking "Never seen anyone stoop so low. Dealing their daughter to save their business."

Sonakshi clenched her fists. She felt humiliated. She did not have too much of an opinion about the Dixits yet but Vikram had crossed the line. Sonakshi was about to retaliate when Dev suddenly grabbed Vicky's collar and pushed him to a wall.

"You have no right to speak to her like that," Dev growled menacingly at his cousin.

Vicky's face was already red and fear was clearly visible, "I am Sorry... Dev...Bhai..."

At that minute, Vishal and Anjali entered the dining area.

"Dev. Leave Vikram," Vishal commanded his son.

Ishwari looked at her son. She could see the anger visible in his eyes. She was sure her nephew had crossed his limits.

Neha entered the room. She was shocked to see the scene.

"Dev. Leave him," Ishwari said to her son "This is not the way to deal with everything.

Dev let go of Vicky's collars. As soon as Dev left him, Vikram rushed out of the dining area as soon as he could.

"Don't let him anger you, Dev. You know how Vicky is," Ishwari said trying to calm her son down. She made a mental note to call up her brother and bash him for his son's misbehavior.

"Well then, he should learn how to behave," Dev gritted.

"Let's have breakfast," Ishwari said.

Everyone sat down and the house help started serving them.

"Why is there a sweet here?" Neha asked her mother noticing the kheer.

"Your sister-in-law Sonakshi has made it," Ishwari said.

"It tastes good dear," Vishal complimented her.

"Thank you ..." Sonakshi was again in a dilemma as to what to call her father-in-law.

"Call me Dad, Sonakshi," Vishal said.

"Thank you, dad," Sonakshi said smiling at him.

Neha tasted the kheer. It was delicious. She did not want to compliment Sonakshi though. A Saxena would always be a Saxena.

Sonakshi looked expectantly at her husband hoping he would say something about what she had prepared as her first dish in his house as his wife.

She saw Dev just ate the sweet dish just like he ate everything else served on the table for breakfast. Sonakshi felt slightly disappointed at the lack of response.

The breakfast table had just small talk between the members of the family. Sonakshi was shocked that no guests stayed back in the mansion and were rather residing in a hotel.

After breakfast was done, Sonakshi caught up with Dev and said, "Thanks. Thank you for stepping in back there."

He raised his right eyebrow indicating her to explain.

"When... you know...Vikram was disrespecting me," Sonakshi whispered remembering what Vikram had said.

"I did not do it for you," Dev said with a straight face "Vicky was trying to take a dig at me using you. I don't let people mock me. You are my wife."

The way Dev said my wife, sent shivers down Sonakshi's spine. It was not with love or endearment, but with possessiveness.

She looked at his retreating back and thought, this is just your first day here Sona. You have an entire lifetime to spend with him.

Sonakshi was bored after breakfast. She had no work to do at all. It was now lunchtime. It would only be her, Ishwari, and Neha.

Ishwari smiled as Sonakshi took a seat but Neha showed no reaction. Neha had already started eating.

This brother and sister are so alike. Looks like ignorance runs in the family. Sonakshi thought internally.

"So, I heard you had plans to pursue MS in Surgery in America," Ishwari started the conversation.

"Yes, Mom. Now, I think my NEET PG score is good enough to get a seat in AIIMS Delhi for MS in Surgery," Sonakshi spoke.

"I could talk to the dean to help you out maybe," Ishwari offered.

Neha rolled her eyes at her mother's theatrics. Everything her mother spoke about involved power and influence. Neha was shocked at Sonakshi's reaction when her mother had offered her the dean's help.

Have I judged Sonakshi too fast? Neha thought internally.

"Well then. Your choice dear," Ishwari said.

"I have a month free before college would start in September maybe," Sonakshi said.

"I wanted to talk to you about one more thing," Ishwari said.

"Yes, Mom?" Sonakshi asked.

"We still have not held yours and Dev's reception. We will put it on Sunday that is 3 days from now. I want you to plan out whatever you want as the reception arrangements. Meeta will help you with that. Just make sure it is up to Dixit standards," Ishwari said.

"I have never planned an event before Mom," Sonakshi informed.

"Then let this be your first. Don't worry. Meeta will help you out. Also, if you need my help, don't hesitate," Ishwari said.

"OK Mom," Sonakshi gave in.

"You could ask me for help too," Suddenly Neha spoke up.

Sonakshi was shocked. Neha had not spoken even once to her till now and suddenly she was offering her help.

"Thank you so much," Sonakshi said.

The rest of the day was spent choosing the arrangements for the reception. The last thing that was left that Sonakshi decided to do before sleeping was choosing the dress color and design.

At Dinner, Dev and Vishal were at the dining table too. It was just the usual business talk that was going on between the family. Dev had not said even a word to her throughout the dinner. Sonakshi quickly finished her dinner and went off to her correction their room.

After Dinner, Dev came into the room. He could see everything strewn on the floor. Sonakshi took one look at him and she understood that he was angry. His clenched jaw showed that he was controlling himself from yelling at her.

"I am sorry," Sonakshi started, "Mom asked me to..."

Dev raised a hand signaling her to stop. Sonakshi expected him to yell at her. Instead, he went up to the closet, picked up some clothes, and went to the bathroom to change.

Dev came out wearing a grey shirt. The shirt gripped his body tightly. Sonakshi peeked at him sideways.

He has a well-built body She thought Oh God Sona! Stop having bad thoughts.

"I think you look beautiful in any color," Dev said looking at all the designs and color schemes that were strewn on the floor.

"That doesn't help," Sonakshi rolled her eyes.

"Well, I think you should wear something with violet as I plan to wear a violet suit," Dev advised.

A guy wearing purple. Wow! This is a first! Sonakshi thought internally.

"Um OK," Sonakshi shrugged.

"Also, the sweet you made was quite good. I thought you did not know how to cook. Who thought Sonakshi Saxena could cook?" Dev said.

"It is Sonakshi Dixit," Sonakshi corrected, and then she realized what she had done.

"Well then," Dev said with a grin on his face "Good night Mrs. Dixit."

Sonakshi smiled to herself.













So now, as you all see, the first day at the Dixit mansion has been really tiresome for Sonakshi. Dev has been quite a jerk for the morning and has become a good husband at night. 

I have also been watching KRPKAB regularly. I do not like the track of how Aayush is their son and Soha is not their daughter. They are degrading Suhana's character so much by making her look like a rich brat. In the previous seasons, Suhana was stubborn but not a brat. Also, I see a grey shade in Dev's character when he went to clear up the land in yesterday's episode. Ishwari vs Bijoy is something that is inevitable as Asha is not there anymore. 

I have this tiny hope that in the middle somewhere it comes out that Aayush is not their son and then Ishwari repents for how unfairly she has treated Suhana. I am not against Aayush but I loved Suhana as she was the mini Sona.

I want to thank all of you for spending some of your precious time reading my book 📖 💖 💕

I would just like to tell people that it takes just one click to like someone's work. That might mean a lot more to them than it may mean to you. Please I hope you get what I mean.

Thank you for reading my book 📖
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