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Dev returned with Sonakshi's bag in his hands. He saw Sonakshi busy looking at the menu and Anurag busy messaging someone on his phone.

Dev handed the bag to Sonakshi and sat down. As Sonakshi was rummaging through the bag, she did not notice Dev picking up his phone that had been kept hidden under the menu card.

Dev switched off the recording and put his phone back in his suit pocket. He then picked up the menu and was looking at what to order when he looked up and saw Sonakshi handing over a wrapped gift box to Anurag. Anurag looked at it incredulously and opened it.

It had two bracelets. One made of gold. The other was made of Diamond. Anurag looked at them curiously. They looked really beautiful.

"The Gold bracelet is for you. The diamond bracelet is for Komolika. It's an engagement gift," Sonakshi said to Anurag.

Anurag felt overwhelmed at the gift. The bracelets given by Sonakshi were so beautiful. Dev was a bit irked when he looked at the way Anurag was staring at the bracelet, as though it was his long-lost lover coming back to him. Dev thought Anurag had lost his mind but then he remembered the news that had come two days ago that Anurag Basu and Sonakshi Sharma's engagement had been broken and that now, Anurag Basu would be marrying Komolika Choubey.

Dev realized that Anurag was indeed looking like his long-lost lover had come back because Sonakshi was his long-lost lover. Dev's jaw clenched with anger. He now wanted to punch Anurag in his face for thinking about Sonakshi.

Sonakshi is Mine! His possessiveness clicking in.

"It's a nice gift, Sona," Anurag said to Sonakshi who was worried that Anurag might not like the gift that she had brought for them.

"You liked them?" Sonakshi asked still not completely convinced.

"Yes, I loved them," Anurag affirmed.

"Will Komolika like it?" Sonakshi asked pointing at the diamond bracelet that she had personally got made for Komolika.

"Yes. She loves diamonds. After looking at this beautiful masterpiece there is no chance that she will not like it," Anurag said.

"They do look beautiful," Dev butted in. He was feeling so uncomfortable looking at the conversation. What angered him the most was the genuine carefree smile that Sonakshi was giving Anurag. She had never smiled at him the way she was now. She would become the girl who would either fight with him or avoid him.

"You really think so?" Sonakshi asked him. She looked like such a cute innocent child who is still not convinced about some fact that her mother told her.

Dev nodded with a slight smile on his face.

"What would you like to order?" Anurag asked suddenly ending the exchange going on between Dev and Sona. Anurag did not feel comfortable seeing Sona with Dev. When he saw the eye lock between them, Anurag lost his composure. He was almost going to stand up and push Dev out of the restaurant.

Dev was much more furious at Anurag. Dev had already plotted Anurag's murder in his head in a few seconds after he had interrupted his and Sonakshi's moment. He planned to pull Anurag up, take him in his car to the cliff that was ten minutes away. Use his gun to shoot him with a handkerchief around the handle of the gun so that it won't be known who shot Anurag.

He can't go to jail for murdering Anurag right? He will not be able to live without his Sona. Finally, after shooting him, push his body off the cliff.

What a filmy murder! Dev thought. Typical Indian daily soap Murder!

"Dev sir?" Sonakshi called out.

It was then that Dev realized that he was lost in his own thoughts about murdering Anurag.

Damn this Arjun. Where is he when I need him to murder someone or help me murder someone!

"Yes, tell me," Dev said, turning his complete attention towards Sonakshi.

"What would you like to have?" She asked.

"What did you order?" Dev asked her. He decided that he would eat whatever Sonakshi had ordered for herself.

"Umm... I ordered some Lasagne and a Campari," Sonakshi said not knowing whether he understood what he ordered.

Dev understood that they were Italian cuisine. He personally loved Italian cuisine. But for him, French cuisine and Indian cuisine were the best.

"You drink?" Dev asked.

"Not much," Sonakshi said.

Campari is an Italian alcoholic beverage. It is obtained from the infusion of herbs and fruit in alcohol and water. It is bitter, characterized by its dark red color. It does not lead to a hangover if taken in limit.

"Same for me too," Dev told the waiter.

"You drink!" She said it more like a statement than a question.

"Yes I do darling," Dev said, giving his signature smirk.

"What about you sir?" The waiter asked Anurag who was lost in observing both the people sitting at his table.

"Umm... A white sauce pasta for me." Anurag said.

The waiter was back in a few minutes. It was a silent lunch. There were no words exchanged. The waiter came with the bill. Dev took it and put two 2000 rupee notes in it and said to the waiter "Keep the change."

The waiter was so happy. He was getting a tip of almost a thousand rupees. He merrily took the bill to the reception.

"How much do I owe you from my side?" Anurag asked Dev.

"Chill dude," Dev said, smirking slightly at Anurag, " I paid it for all of us. You do not owe me any money."

Sonakshi was unhappy. Dev was wasting so much money on her. She did not appreciate him doing so much for her.

"Sir you did not need to..." Sonakshi started.

"I wanted to pay," Dev cut her off, giving her an intimidating look.

"Let's leave then?" Anurag asked, "Nice meeting you Sona. Thanks for the gifts."

Anurag said forwarding his hand. He knew about Sonakshi's phobia but did not know how bad her condition was. Sonakshi shook his hand after some hesitation.

Anurag then forwarded his hand to Dev.

Dev turned to Sona and said, "Go and wait for me near the car."

Sonakshi abided by his order so as to not anger Dev by disobeying him. After Sonakshi left to go near Dev's car, Dev turned towards Anurag. Anurag's hand was still forwarded for a handshake.

"Nice to meet you. Attila," Dev said grinning. He noticed that Anurag's face color was changing. His face portrayed shock and fear.

"How do you know? Are you a police officer? Who are you?" Anurag asked at once, scared that he may have come into the hands of a police officer.

"Nope," Dev denied.

"Who are you?" Anurag persisted.

Dev gave him a smirk and he turned his back towards Anurag and walked away. Near the exit, he turned and faced Anurag and said just one word that sent shivers down Anurag's spine.


"Thank you for dropping me home Sir," Sonakshi said as Dev halted in front of the gate of Sonakshi's house.

"No issues," Dev said, "Call me Dev."

"Ok, Dev Sir," Sonakshi said with a slight glint of mischief in her eyes and moved out of Dev's car.

Dev just shook his head in frustration and glared at her. Sonakshi did not want to get into Dev's bad side now.

"Bye Dev," Sonakshi said and ran into the gates of her house.

Dev just smiled at her. She looked so innocent. Hardly did he know, looks can be deceptive.

"So adorable," Dev said to himself.

"You just did not smile. Right?" A voice spoke, now shocking Dev.

Dev turned to see the source of the voice. There he was leaning to the door of the car, his best friend, Arjun.

Arjun opened the door of Dev's car and sat inside. Dev was still looking at Arjun with a 'what are you doing here?' look. Arjun just shrugged.

"What the heck do you think you are doing here? Don't you have any other work? Really I should increase your workload," Dev said looking at his annoying friend.

"What the heck am I doing here?" Arjun shrieked looking as though he was a child whose chocolate had been taken away from him, "The hell! You have assigned me as her bodyguard you idiot! And about you giving me more work. There is a limit to what work you give me."

Dev heard Arjun's rant in an amusing manner.

"Why are you here? Don't tell me you guys are dating. You just met yesterday," Arjun said, prying.

"No," Dev said turning the car on, "She had a panic attack. I took her to her doctor."

"What! She had a panic attack. What did you do?" Arjun shouted, assuming Dev would have crossed his limits.

"Chill Dude," Dev said, "She has agoraphobia. Me caging her between me and the wall led to a panic attack."

"Agoraphobia?" Arjun said, "She looked pretty much normal to me."

Dev just sighed.

"She is a Diamond. My Diamond."

It was already 10:59 pm. Elizabeth Winden was waiting in room 123. There was no trace of Songbird.

She had the diamonds ready for the deal. She was so happy that she was going to meet Songbird in person.

Whenever it was a deal with a man Songbird would mostly not do the deal. She would send someone else in her place.

What is it with Songbird and Males? Jade wondered.

It was 11 pm sharp. She heard a clear knock on the door of the room. Jade opened the door. There she was in her black dress. Wearing black netted gloves and her customary veil that always covered her face. She walked in followed by Krystle and her best friend Jaguar.

Jatin Roy.

Both Krystle and Jaguar had guns in their arms whereas Songbird was holding the suitcase filled with money.

The suitcases were swapped. Songbird opened the suitcase and saw the gems. Then she nodded at Krystle and Jaguar. They opened the door after covering their faces with masks.

When the door was opened what happened next shocked everyone. There was a gunshot. Everyone froze at their places.

Songbird looked at herself. She was supposed to be hurt right? She looked in front of herself. Her best friend Krystle had taken the bullet for her. Songbird gritted her teeth and looked up to see who it was.

She was shocked to see the police. No, it was not a team of police. It was just a woman Songbird recognized really well.

Inspector Aahana.

Just then another man came and knocked Aahana down from behind by hitting her on her head.

"I am sorry," He said softly when hitting her.

Songbird gave a relieved smile when she saw the man in front of her. He too was in a completely black outfit and was wearing a mask. He too was wearing a chain with S on it.

"Glad to see you here Sylvester," Jatin moved forward patting Sylvester on his back, "You are true to your name. Sylvester. Wild."

"Listen take Krystle with you to the medics. Oh yes, take the police inspector too. I don't want her to die," Sylvester said to one of his men.

Now after Krystle left, all three of them turned to face Jade who was standing looking completely pale. Jade shook in fear. She was the target of three mafias. What had she gotten herself into?

"Now what should we do with you?" Songbird asked menacingly.

"Please forgive me," Elizabeth pleaded, "I had no choice. He asked me to do it."

"Who is he?" Jaguar asked.

"Devil," She said.

"Damn this Devrath," Songbird stomped her foot.

"Calm down angel!" Sylvester said to the woman who was losing her temper.

"How can I calm down, Bhai?" Songbird said to Sylvester, "Especially after this."

Jatin's eyes widened. He realized the mistake Songbird had just made. She had revealed Sylvester was her brother right in front of Jade.

"Why is the safe password his name then?" Sylvester asked Songbird.

Jatin could not bear it anymore. These siblings in their fight were giving away so much information to the traitor they had to punish at the instant.

"Guys! Just so you know. We have a traitor in front of us," Jatin yelled.

Both Songbird and Sylvester stopped. They glared at Jatin slightly but kept mum. The traitor was more important than discussing the importance of Devrath.

"What do we do with her?" Jatin asked raising an eyebrow questioningly at Songbird.

"Keep her with the other traitors," Songbird said nonchalantly, "I don't like taking anyone's life."

Jaguar just nodded and pulled away a pleading Elizabeth Winden. It was just Songbird and Sylvester left in the room now.

"Do you know how stupid it was of you to come here for the deal?" Sylvester said, scolding his sister gently.

"It must have hurt you a lot right when you had to knock out Aahana right?" Songbird asked him.

Sylvester just stood still. He felt numb knocking out his girlfriend. Songbird understood it that he was trying to be strong as he doesn't her to be feeling guilty that she was the reason for him almost killing his love. Sylvester knew his priorities. His Sister.

"Suraj Bhai. I am sorry," Songbird said cupping her brother's face in her hands.

Suraj said nothing. He had to protect his angel from getting harmed. He just called out her name softly and lovingly.


WORD COUNT: 2334 Words
DATE UPDATED: 7th Jan 2023

NEXT UPDATE: In a few hours



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