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Sona is happy. She is smiling. I don't have any regrets about breaking the matrimonial contract with the Basus. But now, if I tell her about the Dixits and if I tell her what my plan is, will she hate me?

Asking my daughter to spy on my rival's company is not making her a pawn right?

My Sona is really smart. She would be a perfect spy, just like the way I have trained her. I am worried about how she will take the idea of spying in Dixit Industries. Suraj is already against this plan of mine. Madhuri is worried after hearing my idea.

Thanks to Mr Basu, he sold the 20% shares that he owned in Dixit Industries to me in exchange for breaking the matrimonial contract as Mr Basu planned to take over Choubey Industries by making Anurag marry Komolika Choubey.


"You had something to say, Moloy?" I asked him as soon as I entered his cabin.

"Yes. Shekhar, don't take me wrong. I feel that we should end the matrimonial contract that is there between my family and yours," Moloy said.

I did not quite understand where all this was coming from. Moloy and I were very good friends. Did he feel something was wrong?

"Why?" I asked completely surprised.

"I want to take over Choubey's empire. You know our enmity. I have a clear chance. Komolika fancies Anurag. I have this method to make Choubey pay for the insult 14 years ago," Moloy said.


Now, I have to speak to Sona about my plan to take revenge against those Dixits for what they did 25 years ago. She will be out of the plan as soon as she gets me some information on them. I can't let her be harmed. That child has been harmed too many times till now. As her father, I owe her a safe life. I will give her a safe life.

Dev entered Raghunath's room after a while. He saw that his father was sitting on his armchair looking outside the window lost in some thought.

"Dad," Dev called out, wanting to know what exactly was disturbing his father.

Raghunath looked up at his son.

"What happened Dad?" Dev asked him.

"Shekhar Sharma acquired 20% of Dixit Industries," Raghunath said giving Dev a blank look.

"So what, Dad? I will acquire them back even if I need to pay double the amount," He replied.

"Dev. Even if you sell Ishwari Enterprises, you will not be able to acquire 10%. This is because those shares are high-value shares," Raghunath explained.

"How did he get the 20%?" Dev asked. He still couldn't understand how their biggest rival had become successful in owning 20% of the shares of Dixit Industries.

"Mr Moloy Basu," was all that Raghunath said.

Then, the realization hit Dev. The Basus owned 20% of the shares. Mr Basu must have sold the shares to shrewd Sharma in return for something.

"What do you plan to do then?" He asked his father.

"Dev. Take over as the CEO of Dixit Industries. Merge Ishwari Enterprises into Dixit Industries."

Dev was shocked to the core. His father was giving up. This was not like his father at all. His father loved playing with risks.

"How will that help?" He asked panicked.

"I want you to control the company and take it to great heights. I know that you are a person who will be able to keep Shekhar Sharma's shares at 20% only and not let them increase," Raghunath ordered.

"OK, Dad. I plan to take over Dixit Industries as the CEO tomorrow," Dev said as he was in deep thought.

"Dev. The papers are ready. Sign them now and take over today itself," Raghunath urged.

"Dad, I have a plan in mind. I need to do some research on the Sharma family," Dev said grimly.

"Dev. I hope whatever you do is ethical. They are our rivals, but we can't stoop to their low level to take revenge," Raghunath said, noticing something wrong going on in Dev's mind. It was clear that Dev had a plan, but it looked like the plan would not only destroy the rival but also destroy him.

There was a quote that kept repeating in Raghunath's mind.

Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves.

Raghunath sighed as Dev walked out of the room. Had he made a mistake by asking his son to become a part of the revenge game?

"Baba. What did you do?" Anurag Basu entered his father Moloy Basu's study. Rage was visible on his face.

"What happened Anurag?" Moloy asked his only child.

"Why did you break the matrimonial contract with the Sharmas?" Anurag yelled.

"Anu. Listen, dear. I plan to take over Choubey Industries. For that, you will have to marry Komolika, the daughter of Mr Choubey," Moloy explained, "Choubey will have to pay for calling me wretched lowlife."

"But baba I want Sonakshi as my wife. I want her baba. I need her. She is like that rose that never loses its fragrance. Baba, I want Sona. Please baba. I love her Baba," Anurag pleaded.

"Anurag! Whatever you are having for Sonakshi is not love. It is lust. Lust is bad Anu. Komolika is a nice person. I don't want my friend's daughter's life to be spoiled by you," Moloy said.

"Baba. I have warned you. I want Sona. I will get what I want in my way," Anurag said smirking at his father. Anurag thought about the first time he had seen Sonakshi.



I was just chilling out with my friends at the college. MBA was just a formality that I was doing. In a few years, I will be leading dad's empire.

"Hey, dude! Look at that girl," My friend Vedant said, pointing in a particular direction.

I turned my head in that direction and in a few seconds, I stumbled off my bike. That girl looked gorgeous. I wanted her. I recognized her after a few minutes.

Sonakshi Sharma.

Shekhar Sharma's daughter. She was the one with whom I was going to get engaged. Dad has done a brilliant job. This beauty is mine. I am going to love enjoying every night with her. 

I walked towards her. Her eyes flashed in confusion when I came closer. She looked quite distant. Her eyes had kohl that was not smudged. Her lips were sirens. I tried to control myself. I could not give a bad first impression.

"Hi, I am Anurag. The man you are supposed to marry," I introduced putting my hand in front.

"Nice meeting you," She answered. 

She did not shake my hand. That hurt me slightly.


"Sonakshi. I want to ask for a favour dear," Shekhar Sharma said looking earnestly at his daughter.

"Tell me, Dad."

"Sona. You know that at the office the work or training that I have given you is not the training given to a normal employee," Shekhar reminded.


Sonakshi walked into her father's cabin. It was the first day of her internship there.

"Dad!" She called out.

"Sonakshi Sharma, that is not the way you address your father," Shekhar reprimanded.

"Why did you call me into your office when the other interns were not called here? Don't make me regret choosing our company for the internship," Sonakshi said.

"I am doing what is best for my child. I am going to personally train you," Shekhar said.

"Dad! You are not supposed to be partial," Sonakshi argued, "This is similar to nepotism."

"I am just doing my duty of being a father," Shekhar replied.

"Training for what?" she asked her father.

"A spy," Shekhar replied, "I want you to train as a company spy."


"Yes, Dad. I know that you have given me the training to become a spy," Sonakshi said.

Here goes nothing. Shekhar Sharma thought to himself.

"Sona dear. I want you to spy for me," Shekhar said.

"Where Dad?" She asked him getting curious.

"Dixit Industries," Shekhar dropped the bomb.

As the saying goes, Curiosity killed the cat. Sonakshi's face froze upon hearing the words her father just said.

Suraj Sharma entered the mansion after a hectic day at work. Training to be the next CEO of Sharma Industries was not a piece of cake. The office workload was huge.

"Suraj! You're back."

His mother greeted him warmly with a hug. He reciprocated the hug. When he looked at his mother clearly, he noticed that she was looking worried.

"What are you worried about Maa?" He at once questioned Madhuri.

"Your father told Sona about the calling off of the matrimonial contract. "

Suraj suddenly got panicked. Many thoughts started coming up in his mind.

How did Sona react? Did she take the news properly? She isn't in shock I hope. Is she crying in her room? Oh, God. What kind of an elder brother am I? I wasn't here when Sona would have been told the truth.

"Suraj!" Madhuri called out seeing her son suddenly zoned out.

"How is Sona Maa? Is she ok? Did she take the news properly? What kind of a brother am I? Not at home when my sister needs me," he muttered.

"Suraj!" Madhuri again shouted at her son.

Madhuri felt so warm seeing her son care for his little sister. He was a possessive brother. Loved Sona to the moon. He always spoke out against his father for his sister's freedom.

"Sona is fine," she answered him.

"I knew it. She would be crying in her room. Wait what?" Suraj kept blabbering but suddenly stopped hearing his mother.

"I said Sona is fine. She is happy. She is speaking to Shekhar currently. I am a bit unhappy with Shekhar's plan," Madhuri said.

"Plan?" Suraj questioned.

"Shekhar wants to take over Dixit Industries," Madhuri answered.

When his mother said Dixit Industries, Suraj felt his body turning hot with rage. He immediately understood what his father might be telling his sister.

"So what Maa?" He spat angrily " How is that related to Sona, Maa? She doesn't even know what exactly happened 25 years ago. All she knows is that Dixits are our rivals," He scoffed.

"Suraj dear. You know your dad's plans," Madhuri tried to explain.

"I don't support that plan Maa. It is dangerous for Sona to go into rival's territory. And that too as Sonakshi Sharma. An intern. Maa? That's the brilliant plan made by your husband," Suraj shouted.

Madhuri didn't know what to say. She wasn't happy with the plan made by her husband. Suraj decided to go into the library and give his father a piece of his mind and stop his naive sister from giving in to their father's demands. Suraj walked fast to reach the library.

"Yes, Dad. I agree," Sonakshi said.

At that moment, Suraj burst into the room shouting, "No Sona! Are you mad?"

"Bhai! I agreed to do this. My decision is final," Sonakshi said.

Suraj looked at his father angrily, who responded with a sheepish smile.

"Sona. Tomorrow, Devrath Dixit is taking over Dixit Industries. It won't be easy," Suraj informed her.

"Bhai, just wait and watch. Sonakshi Sharma is a tough nut to crack. I want to help dad by taking revenge against the Dixits," Sonakshi said, trying to assure her elder brother.

"Now that you have agreed, remember one thing. Sonakshi Sharma is not alone. Suraj Sharma is always there backing up his younger sister," Suraj said, accepting the situation.

"We Sharmas will take revenge," Madhuri joined her family.

The four of them hugged each other and shouted,

"Tomorrow the game will begin!"

"The Sharma family is so interesting!" Dev said out loud while sitting in his room.

"Shekhar Sharma. Such a shrewd and manipulative businessman. But a very doting father I must say," Dev said, looking at the photo of Shekhar.

"The charming Madhuri Sharma. Looks like a perfect woman. I don't know why she chose to marry the shrewd man. Mother to two children, but still has youth left in her. A good woman overall. I am slightly sorry woman, but my plan is going to make you cry buckets," he said glancing at Madhuri's photo.

"The smart hunk Suraj Sharma. The eldest child of the Sharma family. Training to be the next CEO of Sharma Industries. An overprotective brother I see. Even with your protection, your family will not be safe Suraj as Dev Dixit is a Devil," Dev said, burning Suraj's photo with a lighter.

"Finally, the beautiful Sonakshi Sharma. Looks beautiful and naive. You are the one who will be taken into devil's hell darling. I must say you are stunning. Can't wait to see you tomorrow. You are walking right into my trap darling. That internship that you are going to do in my company is my trap," Dev laughed, grinning at Sonakshi's photo.

"Tomorrow the game will begin!"

WORD COUNT: 2325 Words
DATE PUBLISHED: 6th Jan 2023

Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves.
This quote is so true in real life. The person on whom the revenge is going to be taken and the one taking it are both people who can lose in the journey of revenge.




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