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Sonakshi then smiled at the words Dev had uttered. Yes, she was going to punish him. No, she would not torture him as he did to her but she would surely hurt him.

"Are you sure Dev?" Sonakshi asked, "You won't back out?"

"I would not," Dev said his eyes resolute.

Somewhere, he had this belief that Sonakshi was still the pure good angel. He knew she would not be able to punish him too hard as she would end up hurting herself too.

But sadly, for him, Sonakshi had a different ideology.

SHE LOVED HIM. Something that would not change till her last breath. But that did not mean, she would not hurt him similar to the way he did.

She was giving him a heads up before turning brutal. Had it been someone else who would have kidnapped her, that person would be six feet underground by now. But unfortunately, her traitor heart reminded her that this man in front of her was the only other man who considered himself as hers, who looked at her with love and not lust. A man who had surely fucked up but was willing to atone by suffering the punishment that she was going to give him.

She loved him because despite being flawed, he was perfect.

HE HAD HURT HER. Something she was not willing to forgive and forget until he redeemed himself.

Sonakshi believed that the person who hurt you should get hurt in return but it should be done with dignity. One should not forget the morals and ethics that have been taught while demanding justice.

"Tell me the time," Sonakshi asked him.

Dev pulled out his phone from his suit pocket.

"12 am. Exactly," Dev uttered.

"I will punish you today from 12 am till 11:59 pm. Agreed?" Sonakshi asked him.

Dev sighed and nodded.

"Let me inform Tina," Dev said.

"You will make no calls in the whole day. Not even one," Sonakshi said crisply.

"But I have meetings lined up for the day, Sona. I have to get m meetings canceled so that you can get justice by punishing me," Dev said.

Had Sonakshi not known that Dev was Devil, she would have thought he is a kind gentleman but she knew it was only for her that he was the soft Dev.

"You need not cancel your meetings. I do not want to cause any business losses to your company," Sonakshi said. Her traitor heart still cared about what was his when she was supposed to be punishing him.

"Sona," Dev said incredulously.

What is she made up of? On one hand, she says that she wants to punish me and on the other hand she is not even trying to harm me.

"So rule number one, in this 24 hours you are not allowed to make any, I MEAN ANY calls. You can only receive any calls after taking my permission," Sonakshi declared, "Understood?"

Dev nodded.

I can't even call Arjun to get me out of this mess!

"Rule number two, you will be MY PERSONAL SERVANT for the day," Sonakshi said, giving a devilish grin, "Does that ring a bell?"

Dev sighed remembering what he had done exactly three weeks ago.


"Are you ready for the punishment babe?" Dev asked tilting his head a bit, his eyes boring into hers.

The office staff had all gathered around the scene. Some were looking at Sonakshi with pity. Some were fuming at her as Dev had referred to her as babe. Some were mocking her as they knew she was Sonakshi Sharma, daughter of Shekhar Sharma the famous businessman.

Sonakshi knew that she had no option. She nodded her head slightly. Dev was elated.

"For today, Sonakshi Sharma, you will be my personal servant. I will give you tasks to complete today. Tomorrow onwards you can resume your work as an intern. " Dev proclaimed.


"Yes, it does Sona," Dev sighed.

"I promise it won't be a karma hits back revenge. I don't want to burn that hand of yours with coffee," Sonakshi said increasing Dev's guilt a bit more.

She was doing this intentionally. She wanted him to feel really guilty. He had not acted as Prince Charming ever since she met him.

"You still angry about that?" Dev asked in a very small voice.

"Should I not be?" Sonakshi said giving him a deathly glare.

"Umm... Yeah, you should be. Yeah, I get it. You are angry at me for that too." Dev stuttered. He was getting 'joru-ka-gulam' vibes even before marriage.

"Don't you remember your infamous Dev Dixit is a Devil smirk you gave me after dropping the coffee on my hand?" Sonakshi asked him coldly.

Dev remembered that incident.


Dev took the glass of hot coffee kept on his table and walked towards her. Sonakshi's eyes portrayed fear. Dev smirked at her.

"Put your right hand forward." He said to her.

She obediently did so. Dev had a satisfied smile. A woman who was obedient to his orders was standing in front of him. A tamed wild cat.

The next thing that Dev did not just cause physical pain to Sona but also hurt her mentally and emotionally. Dev had poured the hot coffee on her right hand. Her right hand was brutally burnt.


"I am sorry for that too Sona," Dev said. This woman was increasing his guilt tenfold.

"And what about that stupid kiss in the night?" She asked him raising her voice slightly.

"Sona, you do realize the door is locked and we both are in the room. Are you sure your family would not be assuming stuff that we would be doing in your room at this minute?" Dev smirked changing the topic.

"They would not. My mother can handle my Dad and my brother. Don't change the question," She said narrowing her eyes at him conveying that she had understood his trick.

"I do not regret that kiss," Dev said with his famous smirk "You co-operated so well, right? We both could not control our raging desires."

Sonakshi picked up a pillow and threw it at him. Dev started laughing as he took the pillow in his hand but his laughter died down and his eyes widened as he saw the object in Sonakshi's arm.

She had a vase in her hand and she was aiming it right at him.

"No. Don't. It might scar my handsome face, Sona. How will you live with me for the rest of your life looking at the scar you make," Dev said dramatically.

Sonakshi rolled her eyes at his dramatic act. She put the vase back down, "Stop acting like an old granny. This is your last warning. I am still wondering how are you the cold and ruthless Devil? All I see in front of me is a dramatic old granny."

"I am bad, sweetheart," Dev said huskily.

"Pfft... I don't think so," Sonakshi said.

Her one statement made the monster in Dev awake. Now he had a playful smirk. He glanced at the door to be sure that it was locked. When he confirmed that it was locked, he quickly walked close to Sona.

He knew his dominating presence would perk her up and shut her mouth up for her own good. He never liked anyone questioning him too much but unfortunately, his love was doing that just too much today.

"Why are you coming close to me?" Sonakshi asked her eyes widening as Dev moved towards her at a really fast pace.

"To show you that I can be cold and ruthless," Dev said

"Dev, I might get a panic attack," Sonakshi said.

"Your problem Mia Bella. You questioned my ruthlessness, didn't you? It is payback," Dev grinned cockily.

Sonakshi stood up firm now. She was not going to let Dev get the satisfaction of dominating her and get out of the punishment.

"Rule number 3, Mr. Dixit, is that you do not impose yourself, your decisions, or your thoughts on me till midnight," Sonakshi said.

Dev's grin faded as he saw that his plan flopped. He could not see Sonakshi getting affected by him. Hardly did he know the conflict happening inside Sonakshi behind the mask that she was putting on in front of Dev.

Suddenly, Dev's phone rang. He took it out of his pocket. It was from an unsaved number. Before Dev could accept the call, Sonakshi picked up the call and put it on speaker.

"Dev Baby, where are you? I am waiting at the hotel for you. Let's make it an interesting night," The voice spoke.

Dev knew now his place was secured in the graveyard. He did not even know who that woman was. Or how she got his personal number. Heck! He did not even know the name of that woman. Sonakshi would not take this easily at all.

Sonakshi was giving him a deadly glare. He could see the thin glassy layer of tears in her eyes despite her trying to look all brave. Despite her mask, he could see through her. He could see inner turmoil and agony reflecting straight in her eyes.

He felt so helpless. He was not at fault. How was he going to convince Sona?

He grabbed the phone from Sonakshi. Sonakshi did not say a word.

"Who is this?" Dev asked the woman.

"Dev baby. It is me, Nisha," The voice said

"Who Nisha?" Dev asked really confused. His priority was comforting Sona not speaking to some Lisha or Tisha.

"Such a shame. You forgot me after spending such a wonderful night with me?" The voice said seductively.

Fuck! Dev cursed internally Sonakshi was surely not going to understand this anymore. Heck! He would never understand if he would see her kissing another man. How was she going to be fine with him spending a night with another woman?

"When was that night? I have spent many nights with women. I don't remember you. Now shut the fuck up and never contact me again," Dev yelled.

"Don't you remember the night we spent one month ago?" That voice asked shamelessly.

"No, I don't. If you call me again, I will put you behind the bars for a mental harassment case," Dev threatened her.

Without waiting for a reply, Dev cut the call and turned towards his girlfriend. Sonakshi was looking at him as though he was some foreign creature. Her eyes never leaving him but never lost in his eyes too. He could see anger, hopelessness, and shock in her eyes.

Dev smiled wryly at her. It was not possible for him to change his past deeds. What was done was done! He couldn't hide his past. Especially from Sona.

Sonakshi had known that Dev had been a playboy. She knew he had a past. She too had one. She knew she had no right to judge him on his past. She would not do that. But she did not want the elements of his past to interfere in their present and future. She wanted him to be hers. Only hers.

"Sona. That was a month ago. Before I met you. I swear after I have met you, I have not looked at any other woman," Dev said looking at Sona trying to explain.

"I grasped that. But are we not hurrying Dev?" Sonakshi asked him.

Dev's face scrunched in confusion, "What do you mean Sonakshi?"

"I mean. We met just three weeks ago and we are now thinking about marriage," Sonakshi expressed her thoughts.

"I needed only one day and a kiss to know that you are my Soulmate. I will only love YOU and ONLY YOU. I promise you," Dev said.

"Give me a blood promise Dev," Sonakshi said.

Dev grew serious.

"Why a blood promise?" Dev asked her.

"If you do not remember, you are not allowed to impose your thoughts on me according to rule three. According to rule two, you are my personal servant. Give me a blood promise," Sonakshi said.

"Sonakshi, It is called a blood oath," Dev corrected her.

"I and Bhai call it blood promise," Sonakshi retorted "Do not divert from the topic."

"What do I have to promise you with my blood?" Dev asked her.

"You will always love me; however I am, whatever I am. From this instant, no other woman has the right to call you hers," Sonakshi announced.

Dev thought deeply for a few minutes. What Sonakshi was asking was not too much. All she wanted was commitment. The commitment that he would belong to her. Well, Dev was ready to give her his loyalty and commitment when she would be his wife.

Well, why not now? Dev thought I already belong to her.

"Get a dagger," Dev said to her.

"Don't order me around," She said irritated.

She brought a beautifully carved dagger that was there in her room already. She slit her right hand at the wrist with the dagger in her left hand and handed it over to Dev. Dev had been keenly observing her all the while. He saw that her eyes did not clench even slightly when she slit the wrist. It was as though she had done it many times and she could bear the pain of a knife cutting her skin.

Well, detective Dev was pulled out of his observations as soon as he had seen the knife with his Sona's blood being forwarded towards him. He looked into her eyes. He could see the lingering fear that he might deny her the promise. Well, she was going to be proven wrong.

Dev took the dagger in his left hand and slit his right hand at the wrist. He dropped the dagger on the floor. It kissed the ground with a clunk. Dev put the cut in his arm right on the slit on Sonakshi's right arm. His blood ran in Sonakshi's veins now. Sonakshi turned the arrangement around to let her blood into his blood flow.

"Done," Dev said

Sonakshi just nodded. She looked at the time. The clock showed 12:30 am.

"I have to ask you something Sona," Dev said to her

"Shoot," She replied.

"Why will I shoot you? Bloody hell woman, I love you," Dev said

"Tumi ekdom Obhodro," Sonakshi said to him

"What the heck was that? Which language was that? What did you say?" Dev asked completely confused.

"It was Bengali and I said YOU ARE REALLY MR RUDE," Sonakshi answered.

"How do you know Bengali? And stop that Tumi Tumi Sona," Dev said to her.

Sonakshi walked towards him giving him a poker face. Dev could feel tingles in his spine. He could anticipate that this wildcat in front of him was going to pull off some bold move.

Shit, I can't even call Arjun for help! According to Rule number one!

Sonakshi put a finger on his lips.

"Shhh..." She said huskily.

Dev felt his breathing hitch. His heart had gone crazy. He could not but help a smile on his lips that had Sonakshi had put a finger on.

"Rule Number three Mr. Personal Servant," She said seductively "I learned this line from my friend Jatin Roy. No more questions. Now we need to sleep."

Dev's imagination started to run wild as soon as she said the last line. Him over her. What a satisfying sight!

"You sleep in my balcony," Sonakshi said to him and Dev's eyes popped out.

"What the!" He yelled.

"Well, I was going to make you sleep on the couch in my room but you lost that right when that bimbo called you on your PERSONAL NUMBER," she explained emphasizing the last two words.

"Please don't be cruel Mia Bella," Dev said

"This is called punishment," Sonakshi said and pushed him out and locked the door from inside so that he could not get into the room.

Dev sighed and laid down on the cold floor of the balcony.

"I love you, Mia Bella," Dev mumbled in his sleep.

A dog somewhere in the neighborhood started barking loudly. Dev got irritated at the volume of its barks.

"What the heck!" Dev cursed covering his ears "This is not the tune of my alarm."

He suddenly sat up and then realized where he was. He saw that he had a blanket on and his head had been on a pillow. Dev started smiling like a teenage lad when he understood who had done this for him. Even he knew, she would still care for him even though she was punishing him.

Sonakshi walked into the verandah. She had a bag of clothes for him. She handed them over to him and said, "You have exactly 15 minutes to get ready for breakfast. Use my bathroom and room."

She walked out without a word. She did not want to lessen his time of fifteen minutes to get ready.

Dev got ready and walked down to the dining table of the Sharmas. How he wished he could make a phone call to just call his mother once but his wildcats rules stopped him from doing so.

"Dev and I will have breakfast at the office," Sonakshi said to her family standing next to Dev and locking their arms together.

Dev gave her a 'what are you planning' look. She just gave him a wide smile. He interpreted that as 'play along with me or you are mincemeat'.

"Yes, we both wanted to spend some time together so we will have breakfast at the office. It will be Sonakshi's first day back after the medical leave so she should be early," Dev said

"Ok dears go on," Madhuri said with a smile.

Sonakshi narrowed her eyes at her elder brother. He seemed troubled with something.

"Bhai?" Sonakshi called out.

"Hm?" Suraj responded with his right eyebrow raised anticipating her to question him.

"Did you speak to Aahana?" Sonakshi got straight to the point.

"No," Suraj replied.

"Why?" Sonakshi shot back

"I am planning a surprise for her in the evening," Suraj disclosed.

"Well done Bhai. All the best," Sonakshi said.

"You too. Take care with this moron," He said giving Dev a menacing glare.

Sonakshi pulled Dev out of the house with her.

"Good morning Sir. Welcome back Sonakshi," Tina said with a smile as soon as both of them entered the office together.

"What is the schedule for the day, Tina?" Dev asked her his eyes on Sona all the time.

"You have 7 meetings today sir. Mr Ahuja, Mr Dalal, Mr Grewal, Mr Sapru, Mr Harid, Mr Nair, and Mr Chopra," Tina informed him.

"Hmm," He hummed and looked down to face Sonakshi "Come let's get you to your cabin."

"I am staying with you in your cabin for the day," Sonakshi proclaimed.

Tina's eyes widened at her words.

"Fine," Dev gave in. He had to bear this the whole day.

Dev and Sonakshi entered his luxurious cabin. Sonakshi could remember it when it had been filled with dresses that he had brought for her. Only her.


Dev had pulled Sonakshi along with him to his car made her sit and drove to their office. Both of them walked to his cabin.

As soon as they entered the cabin, Sonakshi saw the room was full of beautiful full-length gowns. She gasped in delight her eyes shining with the excitement of a small innocent child. Each piece was unique in the room.

"You like the surprise?" Dev asked her. The previous night he had spent hours calling up designers to send their limited-edition pieces to his office. He wanted to surprise her. They would be meeting his parents and he would like his diamond to look like a real-life princess.

Sonakshi did not answer him. She walked to the dresses and examined them. The dresses were so beautiful. She did not know what to choose. More than the dresses what affected her was the love and affection that Dev was showering on her.


"So what's for breakfast?" Dev asked her

Sonakshi took out a box. Dev frowned looking at it. He looked really confused. 

If she wanted to have home-cooked food, she could have had breakfast at home. Why did she have to get the food in a tiffin? Dev wondered.

She opened the box and Dev's eyes flew out of their sockets when he saw what had been labelled as breakfast.


"Umm Sona..." Dev stuttured.

"Eat them," Sonakshi said with a poker face. She was trying hard not to show her vulnerabilities.

Dev gave in. His eyes did not leave Sonakshi's face even once. He picked up the first chilli and ate it. Sonakshi did not look into his eyes as she could not bear to see him in pain. Dev finished the whole box his eyes not leaving Sonakshi's face for even a second.

His eyes had tears coming out of them. His tongue was on fire. He started coughing uncontrollably. The spice was too much for his body to take.

It took all of Sonakshi's strength to not rush towards him and give him water to soothe the burning sensation in his body.

Dev rushed to the table and drank a glass of water.

"What ne... ext?" His voice quivered.

Sonakshi stood mum.

"Is my punish...meant done?" Dev asked her.

"No this was just the beginning. You have completed 15 per cent till now," She said.

"What next?" Dev asked. He wanted to get this done as soon as possible.

Sonakshi took a deep breath. She put on a stoic face and uttered the next words,

"You will not speak a word to anyone till 12 pm. Not a word."

WORD COUNT: 3598 Words





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