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"Sona! Are you OK? React something. Yell! Cry! Shout! Punch! Do something!" Tanya cried out in frustration.

"Sona! I am sorry! I swear, I did not do it on purpose. Say something Sonakshi," Dev cried from the phone.

Sonakshi cut the call. Tanya looked at Sonakshi filled with worry. Tanya felt immense anger for Devrath Dixit. Sonakshi did not deserve a heartbreak.

"Should I kill him?" Tanya offered.

Sonakshi looked up at Tanya with bloodshot eyes. Tanya could see the immense pain in her eyes. Sonakshi's face showed no emotion but her eyes told the whole story.

Sonakshi felt hurt. She felt rejected. She felt betrayed. After so many years, she thought it was finally the time for happiness to enter her dark and doomed life but then destiny had to always be cruel to her.

History had repeated itself!

Natasha Gujral had managed to snatch away Sonakshi's happiness when it had just found her. Sonakshi did not know how to handle this. She trusted Dev. For a minute, she could even understand that the media could have cooked up the story. She remembered the day of the fashion show. Dev had the power to keep the media away from his personal life. Why had he not done it this time?

Did he accept her punishments as he wanted to atone for himself and free himself from her?

Did she not deserve happiness?

Did she not deserve love?

She remembered her past. The past that haunted her always,

I swear Sonakshi Sharma, your life will be dark, as dark as the night's darkness, and no one can pull you out of it." The voice said.

"You do not deserve love. Even your father thinks you are unworthy of love. You are just a pawn for him"

"I will kill you, Sonakshi Sharma. You will not be able to escape alive from here. Only your corpse will leave this place."



I broke up with Ravit a week ago. He and Natasha have been begging for my forgiveness. I can see the genuine guilt in their eyes for cheating me but I can't forgive them so fast. I can never trust them again.

I told my parents what happened. They were enraged when they came to know about the cheating that had happened. Dad dissolved the agreement between our company and the Rahejas.

Apparently, Rahejas had wanted to make a matrimonial agreement with us. But after what Ravit did, I did not even want to be called his friend anymore. 

"Hi Sonakshi, I am Kriti," A girl came and extended her hand.

I was a bit hesitant as I did not trust too many people anymore. Natasha had been a brilliant friend. Note the sarcasm.

"Hi," I said. I did not take her hand. Trusting her so fast is not a good decision to make.

The next few days passed by really quickly. Kriti was a good person. I was coming back to normal. 

"Sonakshi, help me," Natasha suddenly blocked my way one day when I was entering the cafeteria.

"Get out of my way," I said.

"Please help me, Sona," She pleaded. 

I took a deep breath. My mom had always told me that a good person is someone who helps a person in need whether they are friends or not.

"What happened?" I swallowed my ego and answered.

"Ravit has planned to defame me, Sona. He has pictures of both of us in compromising positions on his phone. He blamed me for the whole cheating debacle. He is going to ruin me, Sona. Please help me," She fell near my feet and sobbed.

I could feel complete disgust rushing all inside my body. How could a human do that! Whether Natasha is my friend or not, I have to help her.

"What do I need to do to help you?" I asked. I could see the shock on her face when she saw that I had agreed to help her.

"Ravit promised that if you hear him out once, just once, he will delete all the photos. Please come with me now," Natasha cried.

"Lead the way," I said to her.

Both of us walked out of the campus. Next to the campus, there was a park, apparently, the location where Ravit had asked for Natasha to meet him. We entered the park. Ravit was there standing with another friend of his.

Natasha walked up to him. Ravit looked at her and showed her his phone and deleted her photos and videos and said, "Our deal is over. You brought Sonakshi here. Now leave."


Natasha Gujral is a witch! She used me as a pawn and not a support. I will never sympathize with this vamp. She will rot in hell!

"I am leaving," I announced. 

However, before I could walk away from the creepy men, I felt darkness blind my sight.



"Get out of my mind," Sonakshi shrieked, clutching her head.

Tanya picked up her phone. This was the time to act. Sonakshi needed someone who knew her. Tanya knew her, but could not read her friend like how Suraj managed to read Sonakshi. She dialled Suraj's number.

Suraj had made all arrangements for asking Aahana to forgive him for his behaviour. He had booked a whole restaurant and the whole place was decorated with lilies. Lilies symbolized purity. Just like his Cherry.

"Hmm... Someone seeks my forgiveness?" A sweet voice said tactfully.

Suraj turned around and smiled at his love.

"I am not just someone," Suraj said, scrunching his nose, "I am your boyfriend."

"Oh, God! Fine, you are my love. Is that ok possessive businessman?" Aahana giggled.

"You seem to be in a good mood Cherry," Suraj grinned pulling her towards himself.

"Well, Sona told me about your plan," Aahana smiled.

"Angel did What!" Suraj groaned.

"Well, it is girls bonding you know," Aahana smirked.

"I swear, Sona will be in trouble. That little satan," Suraj said, shaking his head frustrated.

"She will not be in trouble," Aahana said firmly narrowing her eyes at him.

"OK. I give up. I know I have been a jerk, Cherry. I want you to forgive me because you are my reason for survival. I was just tensed after what had happened to Sona and I burst out on you," Suraj said, sitting on one knee.

"It's alright. You do not need to kneel on one knee for that," Aahana said, smiling at her boyfriend.

"Ms Aahana Khurana do not interrupt me now.  I got down on one knee for you, and whether you say yes or no, I'm going to need your help getting back up. When I met you, I knew I'd met my match. It was only a matter of time until we arrived at this moment. How it turns out is all in your hands. You deserve the very best, someone who will back you up without limits, let you grow without borders, and love you without end," Suraj looked up to see Aahana who now had her hands on her mouth.

He continued, "I can't imagine growing old with anyone else, nor do I want to. I know you're the only one I want to share the rest of my life with. The story of our love is only beginning. Let us write our own happy ending. There are many ways to be happy in this life, but all I really need is you. When I look into your eyes, I can see a reflection of the two of us and the life I hope we'll share together. I know my life will never be complete without you beside me to share it.

When I look into my heart, I see only you. If you can look into your heart and only see me, then we should spend the rest of our lives together. When I think about you, I know that no one else will ever hold my heart the way you do. When I think of the future, I like to picture us as two trees planted side-by-side, our roots growing together more firmly as the years go by, and our children sprouting like seedlings around us. Life offers many challenges. I know I can meet them if you're willing to face them with me. Let's put our hearts into each other's hands for life."

Suraj saw that his fiesty girlfriend had tears in her eyes. He knew that the amount of practice he had put into this proposal actually was paying off.

"They say money can't buy love, but I paid for this ring with money, and you're going to accept it under the condition that you have to stay with me forever, so it is kind of like buying love if you say yes. I never wanted a wife because I thought they were all nagging and bossy. Then, I realized girlfriends are too, so what the heck!"

Suraj bit his lip as he saw Aahana scoff slightly at his sarcasm and humour. He was still not completely done though. He took a deep breath and continued his proposal.

"I was hoping one of these days you would get all modern woman and propose to me, but since you haven't, I thought I better ask before you get the chance to decide you would rather propose to someone else. It's funny how you need an expensive ring to get someone to agree to marry you, then only a piece of paper to make that union legal. Here's to Step One.

You stole the key to my heart, now it's only fair you use it to open our wedlock. I vow to fiercely love you in all your forms, now and forever. I promise to never forget that this is a once-in-a-lifetime love. If I don't ask you to be mine, I'll regret it for the rest of my life, because I know in my heart, you're the only one for me. Our past was memorable, can our future be infinite?"

Suraj held out the ring he had specially taken from his mother for Aahana. It was the ancestral ring of the Sharmas. It was made of gold and had a ruby in the centre with six emeralds around it forming a flower. It was his mother's possession. Each heir of the Sharma family used to pass this ring to his beloved and here he was, doing the same.

"YES! Stupid businessman! I will marry you!" Aahana squealed in glee and then Suraj put the ring onto the ring finger of her left hand.

"Help me up Cherry," he called out to Aahana who was admiring the ring.

"Uff! You are a businessman! Get up!" Aahana teased him but moved and help him up.

At that moment, Suraj's phone started ringing. He was annoyed. He would blast out at anyone who would call him at this minute to disturb him. He looked at the caller id. He frowned seeing the name.

Tanya Saberwal.

"Who is it?" Aahana asked, peeking to look at the name.

"Sona's friend," Suraj whispered.

His mind was having really weird thoughts running inside him. He could feel that something was amiss. He picked the call up.

"Tell me, Tanya. What happened?" Suraj asked, worry dripping from his voice.

"Devrath Dixit," Tanya answered.

"What about Devrath Dixit?" Suraj questioned trying to make some sense out of what Tanya was trying to convey.

"Oh, my God!" Aahana gasped when she came across the headlines.

"What happened Cherry?" Suraj asked his girlfriend.

Aahana did not waste any time and showed him the article.


Suraj's jaw tightened. Aahana could see pure rage visible in his eyes. Aahana too had anger in her own body too. No man was allowed to play with the feelings of Sonakshi. If Suraj planned to do anything, Aahana knew she would support him her eyes closed. She trusted her man completely.

"She is not normal Suraj! She is turning into the Satan she was 7 years ago. Betrayal by Natasha Gujral has woken her monster. You need to come over," Tanya pleaded.

"I will be there with Aahana. Jatin will be informed too. Mind you, my Cherry is a police inspector," he indirectly warned her.

"No need to scare your friend," Aahana slapped him lightly on his muscular arm.

"I am warning her to behave with you. Tanya, we will be there. Don't allow Angel to leave," Suraj said and cut the call.

"Any plan in mind?" Aahana asked in a voice that her now-fiance recognized really well.

"I don't. However, I know you have one," He said as they both got into their car and left.

Dev was sitting in his room. He had bolted the door from the inside. In a few hours, his life turned upside down.

"Ravit fucking Raheja! You shall pay," he shouted with pure venom.

He opened his phone and saw so many messages asking him about his engagement with Natasha. He clutched his head in frustration. He did not know this would come out. He paid so many people to prove this article false but this news had reached everyone.

It had reached the person, the woman, who mattered most to him in his life.

"What the heck is this article Dev?" the clear voice of Arjun spoke in the room.

"How did you enter?" Dev retorted, "I want to be alone."

"Well, you forgot to bolt the last window to the left side. Anyway, what in the world is going on Dixit? The Sharmas will destroy you for this. You loved Sonakshi, right?" Arjun started badgering him.

"I love her. I will always love her. Till my last breath. This news was supposed to be a secret. A weapon to use. I can't figure out what went wrong. I don't want Mia Bella to hate me," Dev said.

"She would obviously hate you. Any girl would. She would be plotting your downfall with her family. I am telling you, Sylvester, I mean her brother Suraj, he is not going to let this go without a fight. I am going to mobilize our men. I tried finding the editor of the first news article that came out but somehow, that person is untraceable. Did you even read the article?" Arjun asked.

"No," Dev replied and then opened the dreaded article that had caused just pure destruction in his life.


CEO of Dixit Industries, business tycoon DEVRATH DIXIT, is officially engaged to Natasha Gujral, the daughter of the great businessman Mr Arvind Gujral. The two lovebirds were spotted at the hotel Radisson Blue, Delhi. They were sitting and sipping tea while having smiles on their faces. A large diamond ring was spotted on the left hand of Ms Gujral. While leaving the hotel, the ruthless businessman was seen hugging his lady love.

Recently, at the fashion show hosted by Dixit Industries, Mr Devrath revealed that he was a committed man and had fallen in love with a beautiful woman. Today the media finally were successful in reaching Juliet of the businessman. 

One thing to ponder is the fact that Mr Dixit and Ms Gujral are the heirs of influential companies. Does this mean upon marriage, the companies would merge? Is this some false love story to show the impending merger of Gujral Industries?

Up till now, neither Mr Dixit nor Ms Gujral has come out and spoken to the media regarding this news. We presume they wanted to keep this a secret. All we know is that this would become one of the most lavish weddings of the year despite the Covid restrictions on marriage.

Many girls have had their hearts broken by Mr Devrath Dixit who has now planned on settling down in life with Ms Natasha Gujral. There is not too much negativity though. People have come up with a ship for them. #DEVASHA is trending on Twitter with many people posting photos of whenever the lovebirds were spotted together.

We, at MediaNet, are wishing a wonderful life ahead to the couple.

#DEVASHA wins hearts!

"Sue them for defamation!" Dev yelled.

"Without knowing the whole story, I am not budging Dev," Arjun stood like a rock.

"Arjun..." Dev groaned.

"Are you or are you not engaged to Natasha Gujral?" Arjun asked the million-dollar question.

"Will this affect our friendship?" Dev questioned.

"Depends on your answer," Arjun replied grimly. He had this small hope that he would be proven wrong by Dev's answer.

"I am engaged to Natasha," Dev dropped the bomb.

"You and I have no relation, Mr Dixit. I am just your subordinate in the mafia. I can't leave your mafia as death is the only route to leave it. We are no longer friends," Arjun said while jumping out of the window.

Dev could feel a deep pain in his whole body. He did not want this to happen. It was just a plan. It was not supposed to be taken this far. Natasha Gujral had double-crossed him. She had cheated Devrath Dixit. 

"You shall be punished with your lover boy, Natasha Gujral. I swear Devil will destroy you," Dev swore vengeance.





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