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"What the hell were you thinking, Sonakshi!" Suraj yelled at his sister as soon as they reached his room. His face was flushed with anger, eyes burning with a mix of frustration and worry.

Sonakshi, equally defiant, crossed her arms over her chest and met his gaze head-on. "I was thinking that someone needed to do something, Suraj. You weren't going to help, so I did."

Suraj ran a hand through his hair, trying to contain his rising temper. "You don't get it, do you? This isn't some game. You could have been hurt or worse."

"I can take care of myself," she retorted, her voice steady but tinged with a hint of uncertainty. "I'm not a child anymore."

"That's not the point," he shot back, pacing the room. "You went behind my back, Sonakshi. Do you have any idea what kind of position that puts me in? If anything had happened to you..."

"But nothing did," she interrupted, her tone softening. "And it worked. We got the information we needed, didn't we? We managed to trap Ravit."

Suraj stopped pacing and turned to her, his expression a mix of exasperation and concern. "At what cost, Sonakshi? You can't just throw yourself into danger like that. We need to be smarter, more careful."

She sighed, dropping her arms to her sides. "I know, Bhai. But sometimes, we have to take risks. You taught me that."

Suraj's shoulders slumped, the fight draining out of him. "I know I did. But it doesn't mean I won't worry about you. You're my sister, Sonakshi. I can't lose you. It will not be wrong before Ravit will backtrack to figure out who exposed him."

A moment of silence hung between them, heavy with unspoken emotions. Finally, Sonakshi stepped forward and placed a hand on his arm. "I'm sorry, Suraj. I didn't mean to scare you. I just... I wanted to help."

"You wanted to help your cheating ex," Suraj pointed out.

"He might have his reasons," Sonakshi countered.

"He cheated on you. He doesn't deserve you," Suraj yelled, "My sister is a gem. How dare he cheat on her!"

Sonakshi whispered, "I love him. I still do. I should hate him, but I still love him."

Suraj looked at her, his anger melting into a resigned acceptance. "I know. Just promise me you'll be more careful next time. We can't afford to lose each other."

She nodded, a small smile playing on her lips. "I promise."

Dev walked into his company's conference room, the sleek, modern design of the space doing little to ease the tension that had settled over him. He was here for a crucial board meeting that could determine the future of his business. His mind was still preoccupied with the recent confrontation between Ravit and Sonakshi, but he had to push those thoughts aside. Right now, he needed to focus.

His assistant, Tina, was already there, setting up the projector. She looked up as he entered, giving him a brisk nod. "The board members are on their way, sir. I've prepared the latest reports, and the presentation is ready."

"Thank you, Tina," Dev replied, taking a deep breath. "Let's make sure everything runs smoothly today."

As he sat at the head of the table, the door opened, and the board members began to file in. Devrath greeted each of them with a firm handshake and a polite smile, his mind racing with the strategies he needed to discuss.

Once everyone was seated, Dev's father, Mr Raghunath Dixit, cleared his throat and addressed the room. "Ladies and gentlemen, we are here to discuss a matter of utmost importance. As you know, allegations of embezzlement have been brought against my son, Devrath, and in light of this, we have decided to vote on appointing a new CEO."

Dev felt a cold wave of anxiety wash over him but quickly regained his composure. "Father, may I have a moment to speak before the vote?"

Mr Raghunath Dixit nodded, gesturing for his son to proceed. "Go ahead, Dev."

Dev stood up, commanding the room's attention. "Thank you. I understand the gravity of the allegations against me. However, I have evidence to clear my name and expose the true culprit behind these accusations."

At that moment, the door burst open, and Ravit stormed in, a smug expression on his face. "This is a waste of time. The evidence against Devrath Dixit is overwhelming. We need to move forward and appoint a new CEO. I nominate myself."

Dev met Ravit's gaze, his eyes cold and determined. "Ravit, it's interesting that you should arrive just in time. Tina, please connect my laptop to the projector."

Tina moved swiftly, her fingers flying over the keyboard. Moments later, Dev's screen was displayed for all to see. "Ladies and gentlemen," Dev began, his voice steady. "Please watch the following footage."

A video began to play, showing Ravit in a dimly lit room, exchanging a thick envelope with a shadowy figure. The video zoomed in, capturing the sinister glint in Ravit's eyes as he handed over the envelope. The camera then panned to reveal the figure lying lifeless on the floor, a pool of blood spreading around him.

The room erupted in shocked exclamations. Ravit's face turned ashen. "This is a setup!" he yelled, his voice cracking with panic.

Dev paused the video, his gaze hard and unyielding. "This is incontrovertible proof of Ravit's involvement in criminal activities, including murder. But that's not all. Please direct your attention to the financial records displayed next."

The screen switched to a series of documents, clearly showing transactions that led to offshore accounts in Ravit's name. "As you can see, the embezzled funds were funnelled through multiple shell companies, all traced back to Ravit."

Raghunath Dixit's face hardened as he reviewed the evidence. "Ravit, do you have anything to say for yourself?"

Ravit stammered, his bravado crumbling. "I... I was framed! Dev set this up to save himself!"

The door opened again at that moment, and several police officers entered the room. The lead officer stepped forward, holding out a pair of handcuffs. "Ravit Raheja, you are under arrest for embezzlement, conspiracy, and murder."

Ravit tried to protest, but the officers quickly restrained him, reading his rights as they escorted him out of the room. As they passed by Dev, he leaned close to Ravit's ear and whispered, "Checkmate."

Ravit's eyes widened in realization, his face a mask of fury and helplessness as he was led away. The board members were still reeling from the revelation, their expressions a mix of shock and relief. Dev turned back to them, his voice steady but firm. "I apologize for the disruption. As you can see, there have been attempts to undermine our company from within. Rest assured, we take every measure to ensure our integrity and security."

The board members nodded slowly, beginning to recover from the shock. Mr. Raghunath Dixit spoke up. "Thank you, Dev. You've acted in the best interests of the company. The vote to appoint a new CEO is no longer necessary. We support you."

Dev nodded, a sense of relief washing over him. "Thank you. Now, let's get back to the business at hand. We have a lot of work to do."

Dev drove through the deserted streets, his mind racing with thoughts of Sonakshi. The revelation of Ravit's true nature had been a shock to everyone, but the fact that Ravit had tortured Sonakshi was a bitter pill he couldn't swallow. His engagement to Natasha was a strategic move, a desperate attempt to shield Sonakshi from Ravit's wrath. But tonight, he needed to confront the woman he truly loved.

He drove towards the Sharma's house. He needed answers. He needed to know why she hadn't told him about her past.

Dev stood at the gates of the Sharma mansion, his heart pounding with a mix of urgency and trepidation. He called out Sonakshi's name, his voice carrying across the silent night, hoping against hope that she would appear. Above him, on the balcony, Suraj watched with a conflicted expression, torn between protecting his sister and understanding Dev's desperation.

"Let him in," Suraj instructed firmly, his voice carrying down to the security guards stationed at the gate. Reluctantly, the guards nodded and unlocked the gate, allowing Dev to enter.

As Dev approached the grand entrance of the mansion, his eyes scanned the surroundings nervously. He knew the gravity of the situation—Ravit's betrayal, Sonakshi's hidden past, and now, the armed presence of her family.

The door swung open slowly, revealing Sonakshi standing there, flanked by her father and brother. The air was tense, thick with unspoken words and the weight of their shared history. Her father and brother stood resolute, their expressions hardened with determination, guns in hand, a silent but unmistakable warning.

Dev halted, his heart sinking at the sight of the guns. He held up his hands in a gesture of surrender, his eyes locked on Sonakshi's. "Sonakshi, please," he pleaded, his voice cracking with emotion. "I need to talk to you."

Sonakshi's gaze flickered with uncertainty, torn between the love she felt for Dev and the need to protect her family. Her father stepped forward, his voice stern and commanding. "Why should we trust you, Devrath? My daughter has cried blood tears because of you." 

Dev swallowed hard, gathering his courage. "Because I love her," he said, his voice steady despite the turmoil within. "And because I need to explain everything."

Suraj exchanged a glance with his father, and silent communication passed between them. Slowly, cautiously, they lowered their weapons, though their stance remained guarded.

"You betrayed me," Sonakshi's voice sliced through the silence, her tone betraying a mix of hurt and anger. "You said you loved me and then published that you got engaged to Natasha Gujral."

Dev swallowed hard, meeting her piercing stare with a mixture of regret and determination. "I thought I was protecting you," he began, his voice steady despite the turmoil inside him. "Ravit threatened to harm you. He made me believe that if I didn't comply with his demands, he would... harm you."

Mr Sharma's expression remained stern, unmoved by Dev's explanation. "And you thought marrying another woman was the solution?" he demanded, his grip tightening on the gun.

"It was a mistake," Dev admitted, his jaw tight with resolve. "A grave mistake. But I did it to keep Sonakshi safe from Ravit's threats."

Suraj stepped forward, his voice laced with barely restrained anger. "You've caused enough pain, Dev. Do you honestly believe a few words will undo everything?"

Dev's gaze flickered to Suraj, his tone pleading yet resolute. "No, I don't expect forgiveness just like that. But I'm here now because I love Sonakshi. I want to make things right."

Sonakshi remained silent, her eyes locked on Dev's, searching for any hint of sincerity amidst the turmoil. Memories of their past love mingled with the betrayal she felt, creating a storm of conflicting emotions within her.

"Why didn't you tell me?" she finally asked, her voice quiet but laced with accusation. "Why did you keep everything hidden?"

"I was afraid," Dev admitted, his voice raw with emotion. "Afraid of losing you, of putting you in danger."

Shekhar stepped forward, his gaze hard and unyielding. "You've endangered my daughter enough," he said icily. "If you truly care about her, you'll prove it."

Dev nodded solemnly, his determination unwavering. "I will," he vowed. "I'll prove it to you, to all of you."

Sonakshi's expression remained guarded, her stance unyielding. "You have no right to be here," she said, her voice cutting through the tension. "Leave."

"I'll prove to you that you're mine, Mia Bella," Dev whispered as he walked out.







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