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"Sona," a deep voice called out to Sonakshi as she was still standing on the ground floor of the building of Dixit Industries. Sonakshi looked up to see her best friend Jatin Roy standing in front of her.

Jatin gave her a smile. A sarcastic smile to be precise. He had already warned Sonakshi that going to Dixit Industries would lead to her sorrow. However, Sonakshi being overconfident as always, told him that there would be no problem as no problem could waver the Sonakshi Sharma.

Sonakshi felt so happy seeing him. She didn't even care about the fact that he was giving her a mocking smile. She went right up to Jatin and hugged him really hard. She broke down in his arms. Jatin felt really bad for Sonakshi. He did not know exactly what had happened but Sonakshi's state conveyed that something horrible had occurred.

"It's ok Sona. Calm down," Jatin said, trying to soothe her.

Sonakshi stayed mum throughout the drive back home. She didn't utter a word. Jatin was a bit worried at her silence. Sonakshi was a usually silent person, but around him, she was a cute talkative bunny.

Jatin pulled up in front of Sonakshi's house. Sonakshi walked out of the car and went into her house without bidding goodbye to Jatin.

Jatin had seen the swelling in Sonakshi's lips. He initially didn't ask her how they had swelled up hoping she would open up and tell him. But now, looking at the impassiveness in Sonakshi's behaviour, Jatin decided he would find out what happened to his friend.

He called up his personal investigator Khanna for the task. He would get to the root of this problem and would not spare the person who had harmed his Sona.

Dev was still in his cabin. Sonakshi had run out of the room the moment he ended the kiss. It would be a lie to say that Dev kissed her for revenge. Dev was having a nagging urge the whole day to kiss her rose petals. And finally, when both of them were alone in the office, he lost his self-control.

Arjun jumped into Dev's cabin from the open window. He walked towards Dev. He took one look at Dev's face and was shocked to see tears in Dev's eyes.

"Dev! Are you crying?" Arjun asked shocked.

"No! Why will I cry?" Dev retorted turning away from Arjun.

"Maybe because you hurt the lady by forcefully kissing her," Arjun said, raising his eyebrows to question his dumb friend.

"It is my plan to hurt her and in turn hurt Shekhar Sharma," Dev replied not once looking at Arjun. Dev internally knew that he was lying to himself when he said that.

"Is that what you have been telling yourself?" Arjun asked.

"Look at me, you idiot," Arjun scowled.

Dev looked at Arjun. Arjun saw something very different in his eyes. There was regret in Dev's eyes for the shameless deed that he had done to Sonakshi. Devrath Dixit had tears in his eyes for hurting someone who was not family for maybe the first time in his life.

Arjun saw a Human in the Devil.

Dev was late for dinner. As soon as he entered the mansion, he saw his mother almost dozing but still struggling so that she can stay awake till he finishes his dinner.

Dev became touched by this gesture of his mother. He felt his eyes tearing up. He went and hugged his mother. Ishwari felt elated seeing her son.

"How was your first day as the CEO of Dixit Industries Dev?" She asked.

"Pretty fruitful," Dev said remembering the kiss he had forcefully extracted from Sonakshi. He felt as if his thirst had been quenched but still had a lot of burning desires growing inside him as he remembered how close they were.

Dev shook his head and wondered to himself From when have I started thinking about a girl? That too the daughter of my father's rival. Come on Dev snap out of this.

Dev tried but somehow he was again and again reminded about Sonakshi. He felt possessive of her. He wanted her close to him. His body wanted her warmth. He was longing for Sonakshi.

Finally, Dev Dixit had found the girl that had made his heart skip a beat.

Was it wrong to be interested in an enemy? I think I should keep her around me to figure out whether my feelings for her are lust or love.

"Did someone say something to you Dev?" his mother's voice broke his thoughts.

"Nothing Mom," Dev said and started eating his dinner.

Sonakshi entered the house and ran into her room and locked the door. The whole family was shocked at her behaviour. Shekhar was worried. He had been getting a gut feeling that something was wrong that day. He should not have sent his daughter to collect information for his revenge. Now, his daughter was bearing the brunt of his decisions.

Suraj was anguished as he had a fair guess of what might have happened. He knew Devrath Dixit would have tried to hurt his sister in the name of revenge.

Suraj walked away from the living room making up his mind to dig out information about what might have happened. Madhuri gave a stern stare to her husband before she moved up the stairs to go to her daughter's room.

Sonakshi fell down to her knees and started crying hysterically. Her sobs were not stopping. She felt ashamed of herself that she had kissed her enemy. Her father's enemy. She felt so guilty at the fact that she had responded to his kiss and allowed him to affect her. She remembered the past.



I walked back into the empty classroom. I saw him. He was there waiting for me. He gave me the most dashing smile he could shoot.

"You came," He whispered huskily.

I could feel butterflies in my stomach. He was coming closer to me. I could feel the temperature of my body rise. He had shaven his face today. His hair looked tousled making him look even hotter. He put his muscular hands on my waist.

"Wha... what are... you do... ing?" I managed to breathe out.

Does this man even know that my body is going crazy due to his touch?

"Want me to continue?" He asked me.

I was going to lose my first kiss today or so I thought.



She clenched her eyes shut. She hated those memories. Those haunted her all the time. The betrayal she faced always came back to her mind.

Today, she kissed her enemy. She felt so filthy of herself. She felt like killing herself. Suddenly, her great ego came up. She felt like killing Devrath Dixit instead.

"Sona," her mother's voice echoed as she knocked on the door.

Sonakshi just walked up to her teddy bear and cuddled it. She did not know how to convey what had happened. The kiss did not start from her side but then she did respond to his touch. She could not deny the attraction she had felt for the enemy.

"Sonakshi Sharma," her mother yelled, "You open the door in a minute or I am going to make sure that this door is broken down."

Sonakshi sighed. Her mother was usually very serious with her threats. She would indeed break the door down.

Sonakshi opened the door of the room to let her mother in. Madhuri walked in and closed the door of the room and led Sonakshi to her bed. Both mother and daughter sat down on the bed.

"What did he do Sona?" her mother asked.

Sonakshi just raised her burnt hand to show the burn to her mother, "This."

Madhuri's eyes scrunched in anger looking at the burns. She brought a first aid kit from Sonakshi's bathroom and bandaged it properly.

"You are not going there tomorrow," Madhuri said.

"I promised Dad," Sonakshi said.

"Tomorrow is the last day then Sona," Madhuri said. She was going to have a long talk with her husband about this. She wasn't happy at all. Her child was ill-treated. She was going to make sure Shekhar Sharma slept on the couch.

WORD COUNT: 1487 Words


Added more content to this chapter. Initially, the chapter had only around 1k words. Increased the length and added more details.



NEXT UPDATE: In an hour.

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