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Suraj dropped Sonakshi off at the office early. Sonakshi walked into the building opening the glass doors.

Today, I will be working as a regularan average intern, not his personal servant. I should find some other way to get to his secrets so that dad can ruin him. Let me see if his PA, Tina can help me. Sona thought to herself while walking towards Tina's office to ask Tina to assign proper intern duties to her.

Sonakshi knocked at Tina's cabin door.

"Come in," she heard.

"Umm... Tina ma'am, can you assign me my work, please?" Sonakshi pleaded.

"Ms Sharma, please no formality. Just call me Tina. Ideally, I should be calling you ma'am as you are Mr Shekhar Sharma's daughter," Tina said with a smile, "You are a shareholder's daughter."

"But I am an intern here, Tina, " Sona spoke with a smile.

"Well, here are the files you must go through for the day. Tomorrow onwards, you will be working under the marketing head Arjun Rawat," Tina spoke, handing her a pile of files.

"Thank you for everything, Tina," Sonakshi said, thanking Tina for her support at all times.

Tina just nodded in understanding. She had taken a liking for Sonakshi. Sonakshi was so humble despite her robust background. It was expected that girls of high families mostly turned out to be snobbish. However, Sonakshi did not appear that way with anyone.

"She reached the office, boss," Arjun said to Dev.

"She reached in time," Dev said, his mouth twitching into a mischievous smile.

Arjun was perplexed at the behaviour of Dev. Dev looked more interested in a girl than trying to get back a critical deal he lost. What had changed in a few hours that Dev stopped trying to hurt Sonakshi Sharma?

"Umm... Boss, should we leave?" Arjun said so that they were not late for the office.

"Yes. From tomorrow she will be working under you. I have heard she has a good business mindset. Shekhar Sharma himself trained her," Dev said, "I heard her marketing skills are wonderful."

"She will work under me?" Arjun asked, shocked and surprised that an intern was being given work in the primarycentral marketing team of Dixit Industries.

People with at least five years of experience worked in the high-end marketing team that Arjun headed. Rookies were never given a chance.

Sonakshi Sharma. You interest me. What do you have in you that the cold-hearted and ruthless Devil is after you? I will have to find out what you are so my best friend Dev doesn't get harmed.

"Jade speaking. I need an appointment with Songbird," Elizabeth Winden said. Elizabeth Winden was a well-known British businesswoman with connections with the mafia world.

"I am afraid Songbird doesn't have any free appointment until next Sunday, miss," said the woman on the phone.

"Please tell her it is urgent," Elizabeth pleaded.

"What is it about? I am her personal assistant Krystle," the woman said. Krystle wasn't her real name. Kriti was.

"Please tell Songbird that Jade is ready to trade the Rubies and Sapphires that Songbird had asked for at the last meeting," Elizabeth said.

"I will pass on the message to her. She will be there tonight. Please be ready to receive the time and location of the deal," Kriti said authoritatively.

"Umm... Is it OK if I send the time and location?" Elizabeth hesitated.

"If you want to deal with Songbird, it is Songbird who decides the time and place. And mind you—no—no foul play. Songbird hates cheaters in this business. If you ever try to double-cross her, you will not be able to see the next day," Kriti said seriously.

"Alright. Understood. I will wait for your message," Jade stuttered.

Kriti ended the call and messaged the number saved as SS in her phone about the impending deal with Jade.

Jatin walked into Suraj's cabin in Sharma Industries. His face was sullen. He did not know why he was coming here but still went ahead. Suraj looked up to see who dared to enter his cabin without knocking on the door.

"Come in, Jatin. How come you are here to see me?" Suraj asked Jatin.

"I found out what happened," Jatin said.

"When? To Whom? Don't speak in riddles, my man. Come take a seat," Suraj said, pointing to a chair.

"Devrath Dixit kissed her," Jatin blurted.

Suraj froze in his position. He was feeling as though he was going to explode any second. The anger. The rage. The fury. Everything was burning inside him.

How dare he! How dare he kiss my younger sister! Who permitted him to do so? Why didn't Sona tell me about this? She went through so much, and I could do nothing. Now you watch Devrath and what I will do to you. You touched the wrong cord in me. Now you will see the effect of feeling what does not belong to you. My sister does not belong to you!

"Anurag Basu speaking," Anurag said as he picked up the call without looking at the caller.

"Hi, Anurag. It is me. Sona," the voice said.

Anurag was so happy that he felt like doing a happy dance at the place, but he couldn't as he was in the office. What would his employees think of him if they saw him dancing like a madman in his cabin?

"Tell me, Sona. What can I do for you?" Anurag asked, composing himself.

"It's about business," She said, "Can you come down for lunch near Dixit Industries? Please. It is crucial."

Anurag's eyebrow got slightly raised when he heard the word business. He understood what Sona would have to speak to him about.

"Umm... Sona," Anurag said, "I am not your fiancé anymore. With what relation should I come to meet you for lunch? Don't you think the paparazzi will make up new stupid stories about us? Like about me cheating on my fiancé Komolika and about you being spotted at lunch with your ex-fiancé?"

"Can't you come to meet me as Anurag Basu, my friend?" Sona asked him genuinely.

Anurag was overjoyed at the fact that Sonakshi considered him a friend.

"Anurag?" Sonakshi called out, not knowing whether he was still on the line.

"OK, I will be there at 2 pm," He said, "Fine with you?"

"Yes. Perfect. Just Perfect," She said.

"Tina. Please give me Dev's appointment today," Natasha pleaded.

"I am sorry, Ms Gujral. But sir does not have any free appointments today. You can meet him tomorrow." Tina said, looking at Dev's schedule.

"Fine," Natasha gritted, "Give me the earliest appointment."

"Tomorrow 10am," Tina replied.

"OK," Natasha said and cut the call.

Natasha looked at herself in the mirror. She looked like a mess. She had been trying to get through to Dev, but he was not picking up his phone. Usually, Dev would always pick up her call, but after she lost the deal with Chang, Dev did not pick up even one of her calls.

"Songbird! Whoever you are NG will make you pay for making Dev go away from me," Natasha said.

Her phone suddenly rang. It was from a private number. She thought for a few minutes before picking up the call.

"Hello?" She spoke.

"How do you feel NG? You lost. I won," A female voice spoke and giggled.

"Who is this speaking?" Natasha asked.


Devrath Dixit entered his office at dot 10 am. All the employees were standing to greet him. He gave a smile to all of them. A bit rare, to be precise. Then, his eyes met the pair of eyes he was searching for. Sonakshi.

She looks gorgeous. Formal wear suits her. He thought.

Tina came up in front of him with his schedule for the day.

"Did you tell her what I asked you to tell her?" Dev asked Tina.

"Yes, sir", she affirmed.

"Good job." He said.

"Send her to my cabin." He added, walking towards the CEO's office.

"OK, sir," Tina replied.

Sonakshi Sharma. I hope you don't repeat the same mistake you made yesterday. Trying to find out my secrets will backfire on you, darling. I know you are here for that, but despite being my dad's enemy's daughter, I cannot stay away from you. You are mine to ruin.

"You called me sir?" Sona questioned, knocking on Dev's cabin and walking towards him.

"Yes, I did. Sweetheart," Dev said, smirking.

Sona flinched when he said 'sweetheart'. Somehow the way he said it gave her the creeps. The possessiveness that he was showing over her was scaring her. She started to think Dev Dixit was mad.

"I am not your sweetheart." Sona retorted with attitude.

"You are." He said." Did you forget yesterday night?"

Sona looked petrified. Last night was a mistake. A grave mistake. It was never meant to happen. Kissing her rival was never a part of the plan.

"I remember it well. It does not hold any importance for me," Sonakshi replied, crossing her arms. 

"Do not do things that will anger me, Sonakshi Sharma. Do not go searching for my secrets. You will get very badly trapped if you do," Dev said, giving her a crooked smile, "If you still find my secrets, I will make you regret the fact that you ever came in front of me." 

He did not want Sonakshi to find out that he was Devil. A cold-blooded and ruthless mafia. A man who did not spare any mistake without punishment. A man who claimed he did not have a heart.

"I will try. Sir," she said, stressing the word sir.

"By the way," Dev started.

"Hmm?" Sona looked at him with annoyance and confusion that this man still had more to say to her.

"YOU ARE MINE!" he completed.

Sonakshi's eyes widened when she heard that. She felt so angry that the man in front of her claimed that she belonged to him. A woman is not an object. Men do not have the right to own a woman. They have the right to stand by them and not claim them as belongings.

"I am not a thing and," She spat.


WORD COUNT: 1845 Words





NEXT UPDATE: In an hour.

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