Chapter 11

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I watch nervously as Peeta gets out of the coach, leaning heavily on the cane he's carried since his accident jousting last week. I follow, taking his hand and exiting the coach, although I am careful not to let myself lean too much into him. I look up at the looming palace I had been so excited to be entering only four months ago, dreading everything that lies inside.

So many people who wish I never existed, never stole their prince's heart and gave him mine in return. They would look for any and every reason to get rid of me if I wasn't under the queen's protection. I glance at Peeta and then back at the tall palace.

"I should go up the servent's passage," I say. "I shouldn't be seen with you right now." He shakes his head and brushes my hair behind my ear.

"You have nothing to fear," he says. "You must make your statement and not let her intimidate you. You will be Queen of England. Not Elizabeth." We both walk up the steps, my hand in his.

"I don't care about the power and you know it," I whisper.

"I'm only saying," Peeta says quietly. "Is I plan to and most definately will marry you and only you, Katniss Everdeen." I nod and we enter into the the palace doors.

"His Grace, Prince Peeta of England and Lady Katniss Everdeen," the gentleman overseeing the King's court says as we enter the room. I see King Edward standing in front of his throne as the people of court all bow. He looks sternly at me and then to a short, black haired girl to his right. Princess Elizabeth, no doubt.

She has a scrunched up face. Flat almost. As though she had run into a wall at some point. Signs of the fact that her parents were aunt and nephew. Her hands are folded over her chest, tiny and pale like a child. She isn't ugly. But she isn't beautiful either.

Peeta and I both bow to the King and as I rise, he motions for me to leave the open floor and I move off to the side with the rest of Her Majesty's ladies. King Edward motions for Princess Elizabeth to step forward and he take Peeta's hand and joins it with hers. I can't stand to stay and listen to King Edward make the announcement and I turn to try to slip away but Johanna stops me.

"Stay," she whispers. "For his sake don't crawl away with your tail between your legs. Keep your head high." I look back at Peeta with his new fiancee and as he glances at me I give him a sad smile and he lets go of Elizabeth's hand immediately stopping his father's words.

"No," he says. "I don't accept this. I don't even like Princess Elizabeth, much less want to be said to love her. I will not accept this betrothal and you cannot solidify it until I do." King Edward looks angrily at his son and then shakes his head.

"Do you think I will release you to marry your servent girl if you refuse this princess like you have the others?" He asks and Peeta shrugs.

"Probably not," he admits. "But I will reject every girl you bring before me until you do." Princess Elizabeth starts crying and she looks at Peeta.

"I'm just as beautiful if not more than that little seam rat," she says. "My father has paid my dowery. I want my wedding. I want the titles I have been deserved."

"And so you shall," Kimg Edward says. "Whether His Grace wants to or not, you two are betrowthed to be wed and upon the new year to allow time for preparations to be made." I take a deep breath, hearing my fears be confirmed. Johanna squeezes my hand and I glance back at Peeta as they are both dismissed and he shoots me an uncomfortable look as he stands at his father's side and Princess Elizabeth comes and joins Her Majesty's ladies, pushing me a little as she stands and I notice that her tears have suddenly dried.

"You aren't what everyone here makes you out to be," she hisses and I don't even acknowledge her. "You have no claim to him, so why don't you go back to the poorhouse where you belong." I fold my hands across my middle and look straight ahaed as I speak.

"I am in Her Majesty's service, Your Highness," I say. "I will remain in this position until I am relieved of my duties by her and only her."

"When I become Queen, I will see you burned at the stake for tainting Prince Peeta with your witchery," she says and I shake my head.

"If you become Queen, I will proudly go to the flame for I would rather die than serve you," I reply and she whips her head around to look at meand I get the strong stench of cloves from her perfume.

"Lady Everdeen, you will serve who you are ordered to," Princess Elizabeth says. "And I wish you to come serve me when you have finished with Her Majesty at night and each morning." I start to object but she holds up her finger. "I wouldn't complain if I were you. I'm the chosen one of King Edward. I can take away this life you've made for yourself here as easily as I can snap my fingers. And with a poor mother and sister at home, I know you don't want that, do you." I look down, knowing what she says is the truth and reluctantly nod.

"Yes M'Lady," I whisper. And she smiles and turns back around.

"Good," she says. "I can see why they love you so around here. You are such a nice, obidient pet." I keep my head down, defeated and Johanna nudges me and motions for me to follow her and leave. I walk after her and we leave the room. I lift my head to see her looking angrily at me.

"What is wrong with you?" She asks. "I thought you had more pride than that."

"Everything she said was true," I say. "I need this job, Johanna. I need to provide for my family and that stuck up girl has every ability to take it all away."

"Yeah, but I thought you cared about, Peeta," she says. "But apparently, like her, the money to be made here is more important to you." I stand up to her and back her into a wall.

"I do care about him," I say. "He does mean more to me than money. But picking a fight with a princess of Spain is not a wise thing to do. Especially in a room surrounded by the people who were there. I will never be able to be his wife without a head which is exactly what would happen if I threatened Elizabeth." She looks at me strangely and I realize I may have let on to more than I would have wanted to.

"His wife?" Johanna says. "I knew you cared about him, but I didn't know you had any intention in being his wife." I look up at the ceiling and close my eyes and she continues. "Did something happen in York?"

"Nothing really," I say. "But when he got hurt," I stop, trying to stop any tears from falling, "I had this feeling of my chest being squeezed. Like claws in my heart at the thought of never getting to hear his voice again. Or see the way he looks at me and his smile. The feel of his hand in mine and," I stop and she looks at me with compasion.

"You realized you loved him too?" She says and I nod.

"Peeta can't marry Elizabeth," I say. "I know I sound crazy and have no right to say such things, but she doesn't love him. She is exactly what King Edward calls me. A power hungry bitch who wants only a title and jewels." She smiles and laughs.

"I know she is," Johanna says. "Her Highness is insufferable. She's been driving my aunt crazy and has not stopped her pitiful whining since she arrived." I laugh. "We've even given her a nickname."

"Clove?" I ask remembering the stench of the spice on her and she nods.

"I see you noticed that stink too," Johanna says and I nod. "And if it helps, Peeta has been betrothed ten times, three times to that girl in there."

"King Edward was very firm this time," I say. "I think it might happen."

"Over my dead body," Peeta says behind me. I turn to see him standing there and I walk into his arms. He holds me there a moment and then I look up at him.

"You can't marry her," I whisper.

"I'm not going to," he says. "I have a plan. Don't worry sweetheart "

"Am I allowed to know this plan?" I ask and he smirks and looks at Johanna. "Considering I'm guessing it will involve me."

"Johanna, for your own safety from my father, I would recomend you didn't overhear this," she nods and walks back towards the throne room and shuts the door. "Do you trust me?"

"With my life," I whisper.

"Then know this," he says. "I love you, and only you and will marry you and only you."

"Peeta, you have a set date this time," I say and he shakes his head.

"And the week before, we will be married by the Bishop of York if this whole arrangement goes that far," he says. "Even my father cannot contest if we were married. He is not above God." I look up at him and we smile at one another.

"That is a terrible idea," I whisper. "But I know you mean well and I trust that this may be the only way." Peeta brushes my hair from my face and kisses me softly, which should feel wrong considering he's promised to another. But I can't help but feel so right about this.

"Don't worry, I will do everything in my power to give you the true wedding deserving of my princess before we need to resort to that," he says. "But know that you have nothing to worry about. Whatever route we must take, you'll be my wife if it pleases you." I smile and pull away from him.

"It would please me," I say. "But for now, I need to keep my head down and go to serve your mother as I always have." He kisses my hand as I leave his side and follow acter the ladies as they begin following Her Majesty back to her chambers for midday needle point.

I keep my head held high and silent. I let nothing Clove says get me down because I know that she is only a temporary annoyment.

She may win battles. But I know I will win the war.

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