Chapter 15

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I look around at the people gathered, waiting for me to address them. I look nervously at my feet as I look upon my ladies in waiting before taking a step forward.

"You all have been gathered here to serve me in my time as Duchess of Windsor and in the spring, when His Highness decides, as ladies in waiting to the Queen of England," I say quietly. "I will expect no more of you than Queen Mary would have expected of me, which is everything. I know the job. I know it is hard. But in all, I want you all to do your best and I will always thank you for that." They bow their heads slightly and I turn to my bed where a beautiful red gown, covered in a darker shade of red embroidary. "Now lets start getting ready for this banquet tonight. I'm sure this thing fits together somehow, someway." The ladies chuckle and come to start pick up the pieces of the fine garment. I smile at my sister and she helps me start to remove the dress I had been wearing for morning prayers. I'm quickly and efficiantly redressed in the red Christmas dress. I sit down on the bed and the four girls who are not my sister get to work adoring and decorating me in a headress of pine branches and berries along with my necklace and other green jewelry I've been gifted in recent days.

"Is something wrong, Your Grace?" One of them asks and I shake my head.

"No," I say. "I just realized besides my sister, I don't know any of your names. And it would be nice if I did, because I plan on all of you becoming more than just the people who pick up after me. You are the people who will essentially become a part of a little family we will have here. My best friend is a lady in waiting to Her Majesty who I roomed with. I want to know you." They look at one another and the first to speak is a short woman with blonde hair.

"My name is Lady Emily Hunt, Your Grace," she says softly. "I believe I served you over His Highness' birthday trip to York." I nod.

"Of course," I say. "I remember." The other three go on to introduce themselves as Anna Woodroe, Cassandra Buckingham, and Adrian Brandon. All of them except for Emily are local girls of little money like I once was. I smile at the thought of giving them the opportunity to begin their fresh start and maybe, just maybe, a life beyond poverty.

I stand up and they all move away from me as I start to the door.

"Dinner should be ready soon," I say. "We should go and join the celebration." They nod and we walk with my guards down to the Christmas activities.

The courtroom drops their heads as we enter and my name is called. I continue walking with my head held high into the throne room. Peeta smiles at me as I curtsey and come back up to stand with my hands folded. He becons me forward and I walk up to him. He takes my hand and seats me next himself where I have always witnessed his mother. This year, my understanding is that Mary has chosen to go home to France and see her mother for a while. She is only 36, still fairly young. She may even remarry with time. Hopefully here in England so she can still be close to us.

"You look lovely, Darling," Peeta says, holding my hand from his chair. "Not that you don't always but."

"I understand what you're saying, Your Highness," I say. "And you got me the dress, so all thanks to you." The room chuckles and a servent bearing a wrapped bundle comes in. I recognise the shape before anyone says anything.

"From Her Grace, the Duchess of Windsor," he says bowing and Peeta looks at me.

"You didn't need to get me anything, he says getting up and I shake my head.

"I didn't get you anything," I say as he gets up and pulls open the parcel, pulling out the long wolf coat with the blue silk lining. "I just might have put a few of my talents to good use."

"You made this?" He asks.

"The wolf on my shawl isn't the only hunting I've done in the time I've known you," I say. Peeta smiles as he holds it up and the room claps for the lovely furs. Peeta folds it over his arm and walks back to me, leaning over to kiss my cheek.

"Thank you," he says quietly," Its perfect sweetheart."

"You're welcome, Your Highness," I whisper back.

"Please bring in the Duchess' present," Preeta says and a moment later, three men come in. One with a rolled up document and two with covered bundles. I stand up and walk forward to take the paper from the servent. I read the contents and laugh, turning to look at my love.

"You never give up, do you?" I say and he smirks. I turn back and look it over the careful writting again.

"What is it, Your Grace?" Prim asks and I look at her, smiling as I meet Peeta's eye.

"His Highness signed the horse I ride on when we go into the woods over to me," I say. "You just couldn't help yourself could you."

"Scottie has always been your horse," Peeta says. "I figured when you can't turn her down, might as well make it official." I walk over and uncover a dazzling black saddle and bridle along with other tack. All of them with silver detailing.

"Thank you," I say looking back at Peeta and he motions for me to come back to my place. I sit back down next to him and place my hand back in his. We smile at one another and set into our rolls.

Many more extravagant gifts come for us and many friends at the same time. Many of them I just nod to, a little nervous to say anything to these people who can so easily undo what I've found to be pure dumb luck on my part to be engaged to their soon to be king.

"You okay?" Peeta asks after a while.

"Fine," I say. "Its just, its a lot of people, a lot of eyes." I look down and rub the fabric of my dress nervously between my fingers. I look over at Peeta and he just smiles at me and motions to the next people entering.

"Well, perhaps our next visitors will give you some cheer," He says and I look up to see Finnick and Annie entering the hall, Annie cradling a small bundle, her baby no doubt. I feel a smile cross my face as I get up and go to them.

"Everything went well?" I ask. "I'll admit, I was worried when Annie told me how young she was." Finnick smiles and kisses my cheek.

"She did amazing, Your Grace," he says smiling. "She's given me a healthy son."

"Sebastian," Annie says holding her baby out to me. I carefully take the bundle and hold him close to my body. The baby stirs a little and I bounce him a little to quiet him. He opens his bright green eyes and I gently touch his little cheek.

"He's lovely," I say. "A tribute to both of you." I carefully hand the baby back, ignoring the nervous butterflies in my stomach. I look back to see Peeta standing by our seats. He smiles as he watches me with our friends.

"I've been told dinner is ready for us, Katniss," he says and I nod.

"See you at the dancing later," I say quietly to the Duke and Duchess of York in their native tongue as I turn to join Peeta and he leads me into the King's chambers for our meal. During Chistmas, the Reigning royals do get a private chistmas dinner away from all the fuss. Which I am eternally grateful for.

Peeta helps me to a chair before sitting across from me. I smile at him as I dig into my roast goose and he just looks at me, barely touching his meal.

"Spit it out Peeta," I say.

"Do you want children?" He asks and I nearly choke on my meal.

"Thats a little out of the blue, don't you think?" I say.

"I know we haven't talked about it, but I mean, we should, at some point right?" He says and I nod.

"Yes, at some point," I say. "I just didn't expect some point to be now, Your Highness." Peeta looks at me, looking somewhat confused.

"Do you not want them or?" I shake my head.

"I never intended to get married to anyone," I say. "And seeing as I am extremely devote, I didn't see children either. And I know what is expected when we marry. So I know that we will have children. But seeing as it was something I accepted as not being a part of my life, I don't know what I want. I just know that I will have a baby at least once. And when that happens, we will just have to see how I handle it then." I continue to pick at my food and Peeta just chuckles.

"Would it kill you to ba little less rational?" He asks.

"Peeta, I have never once thought about them," I say. "I don't know what I want." I look up to meet his eyes. "Other than living out my life at your side, I don't know anything about what I want. So just let me have the mystery until I do." He nods and I turn back to my dinner. "Do you like children?"

"What?" He asks.

"Well, as a man, as a king, of course you want them," I say. "But do you actually like them. Or are you just going to send each one of them off to a house in the country until they are old enough to be seen and not heard like Edward did to you. Because I really don't think I'd be able to handle it if I had to carry someone inside me for nine months only to hand him off to a wet nurse and only get to see him a few times a year for the first 5 to 6 years of his life."

"Its for their own safety that we don't raise our children," Peeta says and I shake my head. "With all the diseases and terrible things that could happen to them here."

"Who has more children?" I ask. "A king or peasent? They have healthy children who don't get sick and live longer. Because they get their mother's milk and have a connection to the people they came from. Not a governess."

"Katniss, lets just wait until there is a baby to discuss this," Peeta says and I nod.

"Yeah," I say. "But you never answered my question." Peeta smiles at me and reaches forward to grasp my hand.

"I love children Katniss," he says. "They are the hope of the new world. I will love and care about every child we have." I smile at him and he kisses my hand.

"I know you will," I whisper. "Now, I think its time to join the Christmas celebrations." He nods and helps me to stand. I feel his hand on my waist and I lean on him, feeling the reality of the long day.

"We don't have to," he says. "If you're tired, I can just take you to your room."

"Its Christmas," I say.

"There will always be more dances," Peeta says. "Especially big ones. Just go to bed. It is really late."

"In two weeks we'll be having an even bigger ball here with a even bigger event," I say as he begins to lead me deeper into the palace where my rooms lay.

"I don't know that I'm ready," he admits and I laugh.

"You've been doing the job for 3 weeks, Your Highness," I whisper. "All you do then is get the title and let them congratulate you on all the accomplishment's you haven't made yet. You'll still be Peeta." I look down a moment. "By February, you'll be officially My Peeta." He smiles and kisses my cheek.

"And then in April, I will take you to the place where we really, truly fell in love and make you my Queen," he whispers, his lips brushing my ear and I feel myself blush.

"I suppose that is what is happening," I say quietly as we reach my door. I reach out and turn the handle and stand there in the open doorway. "But for now, just go and enjoy your Christmas Party. Be sure to say goodnight to Annie and Finnick for me and I'll see you at breakfast."

"Then we'll take our new presents out for a nice ride in the woods," I nod and smile at him as my ladies rush by into my room. I turn and call after them.

"Once I'm ready for bed, you girls go ahead back to the party. I'd hate to ruin your Christmas just because I'm calling it a late night," I say before turning back to Peeta. "I guess I shouldn't keep them or you any longer." He smiles at me and pushes a piece of my hair off my shoulder.

"I'll see you tomorrow," Peeta says. "Sweet Dreams, Katniss. And Merry Christmas." He kisses me gently and I lay my hand on his shoulder as he cups my cheek.

"Goodnight, Peeta," I say softly. "Merry Christmas."

"I love you, Sweetheart" He says as he starts to walk away. "Always remember that." I smile as I watch him leave, I small smile playing on my lips.

"I love you, too, silly boy," I reply and he glances back at me a moment having heard as I duck into my room.

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