Chapter 18

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I pick up a dress from my closet and pass it to Lady Hunt, smiling as she takes it to the large trunk sitting on the table. "Be careful with this one, Emily. It was my mother's in France."

"Of course, Your Grace," she replies. The other ladies carefully fold the dresses I have selected and chatting amoungst themselves. I smile to see my sister so happy with her friends.

"You have so many dresses now, Katniss," Prim says holding the edge of the pale blue and pink gown. "Why are you bringing this one?"

"Its very special to me," I say. "I was wearing it when I met his Majesty. I think it reminds me of my last trip to York." I smile, remembering the sweet feeling of dancing with Peeta on that lovely rainy night. I continue to look through my closet for my dress for today. I pull out a golden one with red embroidary of birds across the skirt and bodice. I hand it to lady Buckingham and Lady Brandon, "Find something that might match this please. I'll wear it for our trip." They nod and take the dress up in their arms, walking over to where my shoes and jewelry for the trip lay across my bed. I go and sit upon a stool in the corner and Lady Wood begins to brush out the long braid of my hair. She rebraids the side of my head and wraps it around the loose remainder, leaving a long, loose bundle of curls down my left shoulder. Anna pins her work in place and Adrian and Cassandra bring over the plattes of my dress, quickly getting me dressed in my layers of fine fabric. A circlet of gold with a fine red stone is sat upon my head and I turn to look in the mirror, closing my hands over my waist as I had seen the Queen Mother do mant times. I smile at the thought of seeing my dear lady again, who will have arived in York not long ago to prepare for the festivities. 

"Everything is ready, Katniss," Prim says and I turn to my ladies smiling.

"Shall we set off then?" I ask. They nod. "Well then, lets start for the carriages and get settled." The Ladies bow and I pass them and begin down the long halls of the Panem. I stop at the top of the steps down to the carriages and motion to my ladies. "Go on to your coach. I'll wait with the guards for His Majesty."

I do not find myself waiting too long for Peeta to join me as fanfare plays and I turn to bow to him.

"Your Grace," He says.

"Your Majesty," I return. "It is a fine day for our travel."

"A truly beautiful day, Katniss," Peeta says. "No where near as beautiful as you, but yes, lovely. I pray there be many more days like this upon our trip." I chuckle and take his hand as we walk down the steps.

"I'm sure a rainy day or two wouldn't be too unwelcome to the farmers, Your Majesty," I comment and he nods.

"Yes, of course," Peeta says. "Always so wise to find the good in things that may come as an unfortunate event to us, Your Grace."

"One of us should be," I say. Peeta kisses my cheek. "I'm glad to see you in good spirts. It seems so rare now." The coach is opened and Peeta helps me in, follwing just behind and the door is shut behind us. I sit across from him and straighten my skirt. The carriage rocks a little as it sets into motion and I clutch the window to steady myself. We roll slowly out of London, troves of people standing in the street to watch the grand caravan roll through. I smile as we pass the children, who hand flowers up to me. I take the weedy blooms up into the carriage and sit back down, starting to twist together a daisy chain.

"You glow around them," Peeta says and I shrug.

"As you say, My Lord," I reply. "They are our future and the representative of innocence. I cannot help but smile at the sight of your people so happy and feeling so free." I connect the end of the chain together and lift it up to show off the crown. I reach out and set it upon Peeta's head.

"You are more happy about the idea then?" He asks.

"I told you the conditions of which I shall raise a child," I say simply. "You dare try to take my babe that I will bare with blood and pain and hide her away from the world like Edward did you, I shall go with her and you shall not see us. My children will be fed by my breast and raised by me. They will have tutors and govenesses within the house we share when necessary, but my children will never lack their mother's love nor spern to feel yours from some threat of disease." Peeta places his hand thoughtfully beneath his chin.

"Fine," he says.

"Fine?" I say. "I expected more resistance after the fight you tried to put up on Christmas."

"I'm choosing to marry a head strong, determined woman," Peeta says. "This is not a fight I'm willing to fight with you. Besides," He leans forward and takes my hand. "I am beginning to enjoy the idea of raising our child together rather than having someone else do it." I smile.

"We'll be married when we come back home," I say, the realization setting in. Peeta nods.

"Yes, My love," he says. "And you won't just be the people's princess, you'll be Queen of England, Scottland, and Ireland."   I take a deep breath.

"I don't know if I'm ready for that," I say.

"You are," Peeta assures me. "You are a leader that I envy. I love you and you love me. Together, we will make the world a beautiful place for our children to live in.

"Together," I say.

"Together," Peeta replies as we continue down the road towards our happily ever after.

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