[Helios (Future Transformers Oc) ]

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(Future version of Helios Prime)

Name: Helios (no longer a prime so he just goes by Helios)
Other name he goes by: Sunstreak

Gender: Mech/Male
Pronouns: he/him

Age: [Much older now and age has finally caught up to him, which means he's losing color and his limbs are becoming less functional]
Birthday: March 3rd
Zodiac sign: Pisces
(Extra information: Birthstone: Turquoise)

Faction: Factionless

Alt-Mode: No longer transforms into his alt-mode

Status: Online
Status in the future: Offline (died of old age)
Possible injuries?: Yes
Injuries: missing optic, scars everywhere, and injured neck capable that makes it difficult to speak.

Height: same height as Ratchet

Sexuality: Pansexual
Crush: Grimlock + (Backup crush: ???)

Personality: [Helios is less expressive than he used to be when he was a Prime, almost acting exactly how he was when he was Sunstreak, aka before he became a prime, this is because he gave up his title of Prime entirely and went back to what he used to be, and since his body was modified(changed entirely), he didn't change back to his original body. Sunstreak was always focused on work and would immediately snap at people if he's interrupted with something he's working..so basically, he changed from his happy personality to an angry one- but when another bot is affectionate towards him, he'll become quite confused but would accept the affection.]

Phobia: Trypanophobia (fear of needles/injections)

Likes: Exploring earth, tinkering with broken things(including dead bodies of bots, fighting, antiques, personalized gifts, reading, and collecting random things.

Dislikes: being taken advantage of, cheap quality, disrespect, being teased, know-it-all's, gossip, being rushed, decepticons, and big crowds.

Items: (no abilities)
-very old scarf (is able to cover his mouth)
-Old helicopter chainsaw
-face covering

Appearance: (not made by me)

Original picture:

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