[Hydra Neuvillette (Genshin Impact Oc) ]

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(If y'all didn't know, Neuvillette is his last name and not his first name, so shush 🤺)

"Oh? After so long, you finally let me leave..?"

First name: Hydra
Surname: Neuvillette

Gender: male
Pronouns: he/him

Age: 600+
Birthday: February 11th
Zodiac sign: Aquarius
(Extra Information: Birthstone: Labradorite)

Height: 5'11"

Birth Place: Fontaine
(Where you see him the most: Fontaine's Prison ✌🏻)

Sexuality: Bisexual
Crush: Wriothesley - (Backup Crush: ??)

Personality: [Unlike Neuvillette who isn't exactly fond of human emotions, Hydra is very well aware about human emotions and how to manipulate them..he was always seen as the evil version of Neuvillette. Hydra is always seen with a smirk on his face, as if he finds everything humorous..which, he definitely does. But also due to Hydra being in prison his entire life due to his power, he had began to slowly lose his mind instead of being joyful like the other prisoners..but then again, he wasn't exactly given freedom treatment like everyone else, Hydra was chained by his neck, wrist, and legs to keep him still.]

Phobia: Nosophobia (fear of developing diseases)

Affiliation: Fortress of Meropid
Occupation: none

Likes: sharp objects, reading(which sadly doesn't happen a lot), talking with people, murder cases, sassy people, and warm drinks.

Dislikes: being alone, bland drinks and foods, doing nothing, fire, and bright places.

Vision/Power: he has the ability to turn water into poison and is able to control it just like Neuvillette.
(vision casing: none)

Weapon type: Sword
Weapon: Fleuve Cendre Ferryman

Backstory: [Hydra was born as the older brother of Neuvillette(or Leviathan), but was also seen as the evil version of him..this was due to him being born as the dragon of poison, which gave him the ability to turn water into poison, which due to it being harmful to the people of Fontaine, he was taken to the Fortress of Meropid, but since he was a dragon in a human form, he wasn't treated like the rest of the prisoners, he was isolated and chained up. A couple years later have gone by and Hydra was finally able to leave the room he was isolated in and was able to roam freely around the Fortress just like the rest of the prisoners..though it's gonna take a lot more years for him to finally leave the place entirely.]


Idle animations: "We cant stand here for too long, I might get caught, eheh"
Idle animations 2: "Too tired of exploring already?"

Running: "Haven't ran in a while, so slow down!"
Running 2: "eh? Are the guards here?"

Hobbies: "I am quite fond of reading the books that are in the fortress, despite there not being a lot- it keeps me entertained for a while."

Favorite Food: "Unlike my brother who is usually eating liquid forms of food or just consuming water, I actually enjoy food that is rather crispy..like, have you ever made a pizza and the cheese it's crispy and hard? That part is delicious!"
Least Favorite Food: "to be honest..any food from the fortress is what I hate.."

Ally down: "heh, I'm used to working alone."
Ally down 2: "really? You got hurt by that?"


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