CH-1 (they are the best)

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The hall was filled with people. All the Writers of Mumbai city were present there and their families , friends and fans were also present there to support them. Everyone were talking with each other. But in the third row a 24 year old girl was sitting silently looking down. No expression was shown on her face. She was looking calm but she was nervous from inside. But she is the girl who never show her nervousness to others. Everyone's attention went to the big stage when the anchor started.

Anchor : And finally the time has come you were waiting for. Best writer of the Year.

Everyone were looking at the stage with great excitement. All the writers were very excited as well as nervous because this is the biggest award in their profession. But the anchor was taking time to announce as he was checking their patience. Finally he spoke.

Anchor : And the award goes to......goes to.....

He was looking at all the audience. They were looking at him eagerly and wanted him to speak further.

Anchor : the award goes to MISS ANANYA VERMA.......

The girl who was sitting silently was still sitting like same. After hearing the announcement everyone were looking at her and cheering for her. Yes she was Ananya Verma. A small smile came to her face still her eyes closed when she heard her name. One lady held her hand and pointed her towards the stage to go. Ananya gave her a smile. She stood up and headed towards the stage. When she was going to the stage the audience was cheering for her. She reached the stage and received her award for the best writer of the year. Audience was still cheering for her. She was waiting them to stop so she can speak something but they were in no mood to stop. Indeed she was a famous and favorite writer of readers.

Anchor : at least let her speak something guys...

But they don't stop and cheer more. Ananya was looking at them and admiring their love for her. After some time they stopped.

Anchor : finally(giving a sigh) So would you like to say something to your fans Miss Ananya Verma?

Ananya held the mic and she started after silence of two minutes.

Ananya : I don't know how to thank you people for giving me so much love and support. Today I am here and receiving this award is just because of you guys. Without you all I am nothing. Thank you so so much for loving me , supporting me and liking my books . thank you so much guys and keep loving and supporting me.. In the last but not the least I want to thank my ma - Neela ma. (The lady who was sitting beside her earlier gave her a smile) Today I am here because of her. She always support me. She always have been a source of courage for me. Thank you Neela ma for being at my side forever. Thank you(and give her a flying kiss, Neela ma act like she catch it and kissed her fist.)

After that she came down from the stage and the anchor started to thank everyone for coming to the award ceremony. The ceremony ended and all the writers started to live while chatting with each other.

The very next hall there was another ceremony was going on. Police department has arranged the ceremony to appreciate their brave police officers. They have work for police department with full honestly and they put their life in danger for saving others.

Commissioner was standing on the stage any giving rewards to the officers and appreciating their work. And the others were appreciated their efforts by cheering them. Commissioner called the officers one by one on the stage to give them reward.

C : And now I would like to call ACP NEIL KHANNA for appreciating his work. He has solved the case of raghu pandit which was not solved from last five months. He solved the case on the risk of his own life. He didn't think for once to keep his life on risk. Huge round of Apollos for Acp Nail Khanna.

A handsome boy age of 27 stand up from his place and headed towards the stage. He reached to the commissioner and salute him. He gave him the reward and give him the mic to speak something.

Neil : I just want to say that being an Acp it's my responsibility to serve people and I will do my duty with full honestly for my whole life. Thank you.

He spoke with great confident. His family was also there. They look at him with great proud. He came to his sit and the ceremony goes on. Soon it comes to end and everyone started to leave.
I know guys it's too short but it's just introduction part so I make it short.

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I will write the next part based on your views.

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