CH - 4 (cafe time 2)

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Neil :no yaar.... i have to talk to mom .....i m going

Ali : wait neil you can't go like this. we are here to celebrate you winning and you are going like this. this is not fair.

Neil : mom fixed my marriage without asking me and you want  me to celebrate this. no this can't happened. i m going. bye.....

and he left without lookind back at them.

at the same time Avni and Trisha were leaving the cafe and they want to meet Ali before leaving. so they were going towards Ali and Neil was going towards the gate. he was in so much hurry that he bumped with Avni but without looking at her he just mumbled a sorry and run towards the gate. Avni turned back to see who was he but before she couldn't see his face he left the place. She just ignore the thing and they proceed towards Ali who was talking with DD.

Trisha : hey Ali... thanks for your delicious poha yaar...

Ali : no need to thank me Trisha....

Trisha : ok then we will meet you soon..bye...

Ali : ok then bye....

Avni : bye...

Avni and Trisha left from Ali's cafe and went to their respective home.

at khanna house

Neil entered in the home and shouted.

Neil : bebe were where you all??

Sweta : Tillu..we are here only why are you shouting??

Sweta prakash and bebe come out from their rooms to hall.

Sweta : why are you shouting tillu and you come early i think you will be late today.

Tillu : mom from when you started hiding things from me??

Sweta : what have i hid??

bebe : what are talking about tillu? Sweta what have you done now???

Sweta : i haven't done anything bebe..

Neil : oh you haven't done anything. great mom. you fixed my marriage and now you are telling that you haven't done anything.

Sweta : oh so you are upset for this.

Neil : of course i am fixed my marriage without asking me that's a big deal mom.

Sweta : tillu..

Neil : i don't want to hear anything mom

Prakash : ok then listen to me. we didn't fixed anything beta. we have just talk about it to them. you meet the girl and if you like her then and only then we will fix something.

Neil : but i don't want to marry now dad.. why don't you understand.

bebe : just once meet her tillu. i know you will like her.

Neil : it is nothing about my likes or her. the thing is that i don't want to marry now.

bebe : just for me..once meet her

Neil : but bebe..

bebe : you are going to meet her and thats final.

Neil : OK

Neil : (in mind) i agreed to meet her only because of you bebe but my ans will be same. i don't want to marry now and i am going to deny for this marriage.

all the family member get happy that Neil agreed to meet the girl. Neil went to the room and laid on the bed.

after some time he get up to freshen up when he saw a bracelet on his sleeve.

Neil : whose bracelet is this??

then he remembered that while coming from cafe he collide with someone.

Neil : may be it belongs to her with whom i bumped at Ali's cafe. it looks like it is  precious. i have to return it. but i don't know her how will i return it to her. i will give it to Ali may be he know that girl.

Thinking this he put the bracelet safely and get freshen up.

at parikh house

Avni was throwing thing here and there. Neela came and looked at the room.

NM : what are you doing bachcha? why are you creating mess?

Avni : Maa.. i am finding my bracelet. i don't saw it since i came from Ali's cafe.

NM : it will be found avni. it will be here only. don't worry bachcha.

Avni : no maa... i have to find it you know nah how much it is important to me. ayesha ma gave it to me.

NM : oh. let me find.

then Avni remembered something.

Avni : maa...

NM : what happened??

Avni : i lost it at Ali's cafe.

NM :what and how?

Avni : when i was going to meet him i bumped with someone. may be at that time i lost it.

Avni become sad and sat on the bed.

NM : don't think so much bachcha. i know how much it is important to you. but what can we do now. and don't feel sad bachcha because your ayesha ma is in your heart right?

Avni just smiled and said : yes maa

NM : now let me clear everything and then you go to sleep its late now

Avni : ok maa.. good night.
i want to ask you that whom do you want to see as neil's to be wife? I have two options Rhea or any other random girl?? i hope i didn't disappoint you by not taking Avni's name....

i don't know it is good or not. please ignore grammatical mistakes and thank you for reading...

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