Courtney's Slippers

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Courtney wasn't your average girl. Granted, none of the girls at the mansion were. How can you be average if you're a spy? Some of the girls could balance a social life with their spy work. But what counted as a social life? Having an online account on some social media website? Hanging out with the other girls at the mansion? No, there wasn't really a way to have an actual social life. Nevertheless, Courtney didn't see the point of staying hidden away in the mansion everyday. She may not be able to join sports teams or clubs like other kids, but she always found something to do. She could go riding out in the meadow, or go to the gym to workout. If she wanted to get off the property, she could grab one of her friends at the mansion to go shopping, or head to the beach for an afternoon of swimming. Courtney always found a way to stay busy and enjoyed her life, as odd as it was. Of course there were things that she wished she could experience, such as going to a real school and learning the things everyone else did. She wished she could join a dance team, or be in a band. But what she wanted most of all was a friend. Yes, the girls were the mansion were her friends, and they were great friends too, but it wasn't the same. What Courtney really wanted more than anything else was a best friend. A person you spent all your time with. Someone that you were never seen without, and people were convinced you were joined at the hip. Someone to spend late nights with, to try new things, and to just be insane together, with not a care in the world. But there was just no way for that to be possible, not if you were a spy. So Courtney just spent lots of time with the girls at the mansion, threw herself into her work, and did the activities she loved. She pushed the thought of a best friend far from her mind, until one day, when she was assigned a certain mission that would change her forever.


Courtney was dreaming. She was standing on the edge of a cliff, looking at a gorgeous crystal waterfall falling hundreds of feet down to an endless bottom. Suddenly, she felt the ground start to shake under her. A voice rang through the air.

"Courtney!" It called. "Courtney!" The vision of the waterfall disappeared, and she blinked her eyes open to see Clarissa shaking her shoulder. "Wake up Courtney!" Clarissa said. Courtney just groaned and turned on her side so her back was facing Clarissa. She closed her eyes. She felt the blanket being pulled off her bed, and she shivered. She opened her eyes, turned around, and threw her pillow at Clarissa.

"And she's finally awake!" Marissa, Clarissa's twin, said brightly, catching the pillow. Courtney sighed and rubbed her eyes, sitting up on the bed facing the twins. "I still don't get why I have to wake up this early for a dance lesson." She grumbled. "Oh it's not that early." Marissa said, tossing the pillow back to Courtney.

"Yeah!" Clarissa chimed in. "It's only 5:30!" Courtney just rolled her eyes.

"Whatever you say Clare." She responded, putting the pillow back on the bed. Courtney was one of the few people who could actually tell Clarissa and Marissa apart. She didn't know how she could, she just...could. People would always ask her how she could tell them apart, but she could never give them an answer. Perhaps it was because she saw the twins nearly everyday. Or maybe it's because she had known them ever since they were five. Whatever the reason, it came in handy, especially when they were trying to prank her.

Courtney stood up, eyeing the twins, who were already dressed for the day and were smiling brightly, looking as if they had been up for hours. "How do you do it?" She asked, walking past them over to the bathroom.

"It's easy." Clarissa responded, knowing exactly what Courtney meant.

"You wake up with a happy smile and get excited for the day ahead!" Marissa said.

"Even if it's 5:30 in the morning?" Courtney asked jokingly.

"Oh we've been up since four!" Marissa corrected.

Courtney chuckled and started brushing her milk chocolate hair. "So I need to look like a dancer." She informed to the twins. "Ballerina specifically. No tutu, but the folder said to wear tights and a leotard. Oh, and I need my hair in a ballet bun."

"Alright, we're on it!" Clarissa said, heading over to the giant walk in closet. Marissa followed Courtney into the bathroom, and took the brush from her.

"I'll help with your hair, then we can do your makeup." She said.

Courtney nodded and closed her eyes, still sitting straight up in the chair. She felt the brush flow smoothly across her scalp, Marissa's gentle hand guiding it. She dozed off, trying to get a few more minutes of sleep.

Twenty minutes later,  a light tap on her shoulder woke Courtney up. She opened her eyes to see Clarissa holding up nude tights and a soft pink tank-top style leotard. She frowned slightly. "Aren't there any other colors? Like black or blue?" She asked.

Clarissa shook her head. "You need to have a black or light pink leotard, with either long sleeves or one-inch tank-top style." She explains.

"So can I have a black one?"

This time, it was Marissa who shook her head. "You're supposed to be a girly-girl, who loves sparkles and graceful dancing. Pink fits that so much better than black."

She sighed, but knew the twins were right. "Alright, I guess it's time for the makeup then?"

The twins nodded in unison.

"I have to finish your hair, but Clare will get started on your makeup." Marissa told her.

Clarissa applied blush, eyeliner, eyeshadow, and a touch of mascara and lip gloss, all neutral or slightly pink colors. Marissa continued to work with Courtney's hair, pulling her thick, dark strands into a tight bun resting high on her head. By the time the girls were done, the bobby pin case was nearly empty, many rubber bands lay broken on the floor, and the hairspray bottle was considerably lighter than it had been when they first started.

Courtney shooed the twins out of the bathroom, then closed the door. She looked at herself in the mirror for a moment. She actually looked kind of pretty, her makeup making her face glow, the bun making her look sophisticated. She stared at he reflection for a few moments, then shook her head and snapped out of her daze. This was just an act, just a costume. She wasn't really the prissy, ballerina type girl that she had to be for this mission. Oh well. She could do anything. Plus, it would be a good experience. At least that is what she kept telling herself. She sighed and proceeded to pull her tights on, then oh so carefully put the leotard on, being careful not to touch her hair or face. She cast one more glance in the mirror, then opened the door and went out into the bedroom.

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