Mirror Image

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I see her standing there.
The embodiment of everything I dream and wish to be.
The sun and the stars.
moon and the sky.
She looks just like I imagined.
Beautiful and fair.
Strong and fierce.
There is grace in her determination and poise in her gait.
I see her like the mirror image of myself.
A direct inverse of my reality.
She is the beauty to my ugliness,
and the flawless to my flawed.
I see her glowing light in my painful darkness.
I take a step toward her.
Then I take the next.
I keep walking, but never really reaching her.
I've taken a thousand steps and they're running into a million.
I fear that she moves away from me.
But how can she?
When she is stood still in a frame by my bedside.
Her eyes exactly like mine.
Her smile duplicating mine.
Whoever saw her would think that we are one and the same.
And maybe we are.
For I remember the day I became that image, staring blindly at the camera flash.
The image of perfection I am never to become.

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