class reuinion

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"Wait, we're going to your old high school?" Namjoon asked surprisedly, darting in his seat to face Jimin, who was driving through the residential blocks to get to said high school.

"Yup." Jimin smiled. "We're even going to see my homeroom teacher from senior year."

"Talk about pressure." Namjoon said as he turned back to the road, looking down at his long fingers as he picked dirt from under his nails.

"What are you talking about." Jimin asked as his eyes looked up to the rearview mirror to see him, one of his hands leaving the wheel to go to Namjoon's thigh, stroking it softly. "They'll love you, Mr top 1% of the nation."

Namjoon rolled his eyes. "You're never going to let that go are you?"

Jimin giggled, shaking his head.

"Never, Mr IQ 148"

Namjoon sighed, his hand flying to shield his eyes in embarrassment.

Ever since he'd known Namjoon was one of the top students in his year when he'd graduated from high school, Jimin had made it his mission to remind him of his latest IQ score everytime he did or said something stupid.

"We're here." he said as he pulled up into the entrance of a large building.

The school was pretty average, seemingly built on the same model as any other korean metropolitain school. They parked the car between two of the trees that lined the large alleyway that served as an entrance, next to a few others.

"Do you think some of my classmates got famous?" Jimin joked as he got out of the car his parents had leant him for the day, locking it.

"If you don't know they are then probably not." Namjoon answered, stuffing his hands in the pockets of his long trench coat. "besides, you're pretty famous yourself."

Jimin rolled his eyes, sliding his hand into Namjoon's pocket and lacing his finger with his.

"I'm not." He mumbled.

"Sure you aren't."

They entered the school buildings, Jimin making a few occasional comments on the hallways they were in, showing him his old locker and then finally leading him to the classroom he had stayed in for most of his senior year.

As soon as they opened the door, they were met with loud chatters and laughter, the room being mostly full with the old students of the class and their homeroom teacher, a tall man with a bit of bear belly, a baby face and a large smile on his thin lips.

"Yah! Jimin-ah!" Someone said as they entered, both of the new arrivants turning their heads to meet the sparkly eyes of a short woman with shoulder length hair parted neatly in the middle.

A lot of the students had worn their old school uniforms, she was one of them. It made Namjoon feel like an outsider.

The woman jumped to Jimin's neck, the man hugging her back with as much passion. Namjoon chuckled.

"Soora!" Jimin said as well, loosening the hug to greet her face with a large smile.

"How's are you Min-ah?" She asked. "We were just talking about how freaking famous you got." She laughed.

A few people had joined them, forming a circle around Jimin and talking about his successful career or the memories they had shared in their last year of high school.

"I saw you dancing on Tv," One of them said. "You were amazing!"

"You're the choreographer of BM aren't you? I hope they'll win an award."

"They were nominated for best dance right?"

Namjoon felt slightly overwhelmed, but the soft smile hadn't left this lips as he watched the entire class now crowding around him to talk to him, some even jokingly asking for his autograph.

He looked from where he was standing, arms crossed and shoulder leaning into the doorframe.

"Who's the hottie with you?" One of the girls asked as she threw him a smile that was a little too seductive to his liking, nodding her head towards him only for the entire room to turn towards them.

"Oh!" Jimin smiled, pulling Namjoon next to him and making him stumbled slightly. "This is Kim Namjoon, my boyfriend."

All eyebrows seemed to shoot up into foreheads at the new piece of information. A small silence falling over the room.

Namjoon smiled his most polite and attractive smile, the one he did when BM were filming in the company and he happened to be in frame, or when he had meetings with producers from other companies, waving his hands at them.

"Nice to meet you everyone."

Soora was the first to speak, turning to Jimin with a large smile on her face.

"Wah! Jimin-ah i didn't know you were gay!" She laughed, making Jimin smile.

"I didn't know either, until i met him." He said that while wrapping an around Namjoon's shoulder, having to tiptoe slightly despite his chunky sneakers.

Some of them cooed to that, one of the guys making fun of Jimin for being so much shorter than his boyfriend and others praising him for finding such an attractive partner.

"You're a producer for BM aren't you?" A guy asked him as the excitement of a new arrival died down and people started forming their own little conversation within smaller groups.

"Yeah, I am." Namjoon smiled.

"Is that how you met Jimin?" Another asked as he joined the conversation.

"No, we met in university."

"Waah, then you've been together for a long time right?" The first asked.

Namjoon nodded again, running a hand through his hair and looking at JImin. "It's been... four years i think?" To which the younger nodded.

"Where did you go to highschool?" Soora asked, a short silence arising in their conversation.

Jimin looked up to Namjoon, curious of the answer. But his face seemed off, as if he'd just bitten into a lemon bu didn't want to show he hated the bitter and sour taste. he was about to say something to change the conversation when Namjoon smiled tightly.

"I studied abroad." He said, earning a bunch of surprised gasps.

"Really, where?"

There was another uncomfortable gaze thrown at the floor, and a bobbing of his adam's apple.

"America." Jimin shot him a surprised gaze. To his knowing, Namjoon had always lived in Seoul and was born there, even though for some reason his parents lived in america at the moment.

Now that he thought about it, that didn't make any sense.

Well, not that it had to make sense but...

He knew Namjoon spoke decent english, but he could never have guessed it was because he'd studied abroad.

"Dammn!" Soora said with a large smile. "Do you speak english then?" To which Namjoon nodded.

"Funny you do, Jimin was really bad at english back in the day." The teacher suddenly said, walking to them to join in on the conversation.

Jimin pouted.

"Don't expose me like this teacher!" He called, the rest of the small group laughing.

"Jimin-ah, you found yourself such a cool boyfriend!" One of the guys said, to which Jimin laughed nervously.

Apparently i do, have a cool boyfriend...


Happy 2020,

hope you all had wonderful winter holidays!

So, thoughts about this chapter?

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