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Jimin winced from the passenger seat of Hoseok's car as they hit a speed bump a little too fast, making his foot hit the car's flooring.

"Sorry, should i drive slower?" Hoseok asked as they stopped at a red light.

It was dark outside, but the streetlights and glow from the advertisement panels casted an artificial light on both of their faces. Jimin was playing with his fingers on his lap, eyes teary and eyebrows furrowed.

"No, just be careful on speed bumps." Jimin answered, looking down from his hands to his ankle, that had doubled in size since they'd left the studio.

He'd took off his shoe after Hoseok had told him it could potentially trap the inflammation and make it worse, so he now had full view on the damage. It looked like he'd sliced an orange in half and had stuffed both the halves in his socks, on either side of his ankle.

"Don't think about it too much Jimin-ah." Hoseok said with a soft chuckle as he ruffled the younger's hair, his hand going back to the wheel when the light turned to green. "It's fine to get an injury."

"No it's not." Jimin said as he tilted his head back, trying not to let his tears flow down his cheeks. "I can't help Blue Moon, I can't help BTS, i can't even perform! I'm basically useless."

"Since when is it mandatory for people to be useful." Hoseok snorted. "You can live without it being fruitful to someone else."

"Yeah but it's my job." Jimin mumbled softly.

"So what? You want to dance with a sprained ankle? What good is that going to do?" Hoseok shrugged. "Just take the time to relax and Live with the fans or something, you can still sing, that's also you job. Besides, Blue Moon's is promoting right now, they don't need their choreographer for that."

Jimin sighed as he looked out of the window. Somehow this conversation with Hoseok made him feel like he was bickering with his mother, meaning, there was no way in hell he would win the argument.

"Fuck it hurts like shit when i try to move it." He said between gritted teeth.

"Then don't move it, dumbass." Hoseok rolled his eyes as he turned to the parking lot of the hospital, following to the signs to the ER.

"Alright let's do this baby." Hoseok mumbled, slapping both of his hands against the wheel before as he got out of the car with a determined 'hmpf", jogging to one of the staff to ask for some crutches.

They made it to the waiting room slowly, Hoseok keeping a hand on Jimin's back to reassure him as he got used to walking with the crutches.

"I fucking hate this already." Jimin mumbled as he let his body fall down on one of the chairs.

"Well get used to it." Hoseok said with a small laugh, opening his practice bag to find a cereal bar and handing it to Jimin.

It was around three in the morning, they were both exhausted and not even the tv in the background could keep them from being completely awake, both of their heads dipping slightly as they struggled to keep their eyes open.

"Park Jimin?" A nurse said, jolting Jimin and Hoseok out of their open-eyed-nap after around four hours of waiting.

Jimin came back after his consultation  around half an hour later with a baby blue cast around his ankle, going up until right under his knee. He gave Hoseok a painful smile as the boy stood up from his seat.

"I have to keep it for a week, they said i need to come back for a checkup after that." He explained as they both made their way back to the parking lot.

"And what do you have exactly?" Hoseok asked as he took the last sip of the iced coffee he'd gotten from a vending machine when Jimin had gotten inside the consultation room.

"Nothing's broken, but apparently it's a pretty big sprain, that's why they put a cast on it."

Hoseok hummed softly, unlocking his car and taking Jimin's crutches as he sat down.

Once they finally exited the hospital grounds, the sun was slowly rising in the sky, painting hues of orange across the otherwise still dark blue sky, tinting the clouds light pink.

They drove in silence, Jimin occasionally saying a few things to keep Hoseok awake until they made it safely to the house. It was arranged for Hoseok to stay over, Jimin being too worried that he might fall asleep on the way back to his own appartement seeing as he'd spent half the night practising choreo and the other half sitting in a waiting room.

Namjoon opened the door on the first ring of the doorbell, hair all over the place and eyes crusty, obviously fresh out of the bed, quickly getting out of the way of Jimin, looking worriedly at his crutches and cast.

"Well, good thing you wore large shorts to practice huh." Namjoon said with a soft smile as Jimin made his way to the bathroom. "When Yoongi broke his leg they had to cut through his pants."

"Hoseok' is staying over tonight." Jimin only said, ignoring his boyfriend's effort to make him smile as he shut the door.

Namjoon only nodded, looking over to Hoseok who was just barely standing in the entryway, body swaying from side to side. He snorted at the trail of drool that was starting to crust at the corner of his friend's mouth and quickly made his way to the couch, kneeling before it and pulling the clutch to convert it into a decent bed.

"You can sleep here, i'll go get you some covers, you want something to sleep in?" Namjoon asked, already making his way to the bedroom.

Hoseok shook his head, crashing in the couch face first, falling asleep within the ten seconds his head hit the pillow. Namjoon chuckled at the sight of him as he came back with a duvet, only placing it over the older and going to the bathroom to check on Jimin.

He knocked softly before entering, finding Jimin with a loofah in hand, sitting on the edge of the bathtub in his underwear, one of his leg inside it and his cast on the other side. He was washing his arm before he turned his head to Namjoon.

"Need help with that?" Namjoon asked with a gentle smile.

Jimin nodded, handing the loofah over to his boyfriend and swinging his leg over the tub, standing up to take off his boxers and get back into the tub now completely naked, his cast perched on the edge of the tub.

"The cast can't get wet." Jimin said.

Namjoon nodded, taking a step into the tub as well, settling on the edge of the empty tub behind the younger as he sat up and leant forward to allow the older to gently wash his back.

"This fucking sucks." Jimin mumbled.

"I know." Namjoon answered softly, his deep voice even more soothing to Jimin wit the good acoustics of the room. "I also sprained my wrist just before university."

Jimin's ears perked up, jolting slightly when Namjoon took the shower head to rinse his back, the still luke warm water startling him slightly. Namjoon never spoke of anything prior to his first year of university, it was rare to hear anything come from him, even if Jimin asked.

"What happened?" Jimin asked softly, as if if he'd spoken louder Namjoon would change his mind about opening up.

Namjoon sighed, probably recalling the memory as he tilted Jimin's head back and ran his hands through hair to distribute the water evenly.

"I was running and tripped." Namjoon simply said. "Something like that"

Jimin nodded, wondering if he could push his luck further and get more information.

"Why were you running,"

"I was just in a rush."

Apparently not...

5k yay!

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