gatherings and fights

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"Joon-Ah! Over here!" Adora smiled as she raised her hand within the cramped space.

The restaurant -if it could ben be called that- was completely saturated with people around grills and pots, it smelt like freshly cooked meat and seemed slightly misty from all the fumes coming from the grills.

Loud laughter boomed against the walls, as well as the clinking of glasses and chatter

Namjoon smiled, immediately taking off his coat as he stepped further into the toasty atmosphere. He took a seat next to Yoongi, who was pouring more beer into his glass as he shook his head at whatever stupid thing had come out of Seokjin's mouth this time.

"Where's Jimin?" Hoseok asked from across the table, handing Namjoon a large glass of beer.

The younger shrugged, taking the glass and thanking his hyung.

"No idea." He rose his eyebrows slightly, slightly irritated with his boyfriend's incapacity to be on time.

He remembered one of their first dates, when he had waited for almost an hour before finally leaving the meeting place, only for Jimin to catch his arm and apologies sheepishly.

Of course he had forgiven him, how could he not, with those gorgeous puppy eyes and his countless excuses

But it seemed like the longer they stayed together, the more he took Namjoon's patience for granted.

"Why the long face?" Yoongi rasped next to him, elbowing him gently as he placed a bowl of rice in front of him, garnishing it with some grilled beef.

Constituting meals for his friends at a table was one of Yoongi's awkward ways to show affection, Namjoon had always found it adorable and appreciated the sentiment Yoongi put into them as well as the attention he had to everyone's well being.

"Nothing." He shook his head, taking another sip of his beer before digging into the small meal Yoongi had just made for him and smiling his way.

"So what's up with you and Seokjin?" He asked, leaning in closer to Yoongi.

The man looked at him with confused eyes, before he scoffed.

"Ha?" He rasped, an eyebrow raising and his mouth falling open slight. Not very flattering.

"Seokjin? That crusty uncle?"

The said uncle took immediate offence to that, bolting to the side to slap the back of Yoongi's head, almost crashing it in his plate.

"Yah!" He gasped, shocking the older's conservative values immensely -clearly he wasn't used to younger lads talking to him so informally- as he gasped.

"How dare you 'yah' me?"

Yoongi rolled his eyes, taking his beer and looking straight into Seokjin's eyes with a challenging gaze, further breaking Korea's social rules by looking at an older man while drinking alcohol.

Instead of slapping his head again, he did the most childish thing he could have possibly done and tapped the bottom of Yoongi's glass, making him jump slightly and get some foam smudge on the tip of his nose and on the corner of his mouth.

Namjoon attached with amused eyes as the eldest started laughing obnoxiously loud, slapping his thigh and shoving Yoongi slightly.

Yoongi glared at him, wiping the foam on his lips, but missing a spot on the tip of his nose.

The older recovered from his laughter, wiping an invisible tear from his eyes and looking back at Yoongi, noticing how adorable he looked with his glaring eyes, his slight pout and the foam on the tip of his nose.

He chuckled, a small smile pulling at his lips as he wiped the foam from the very tip of his finger, licking it off under Yoongi's surprised eyes.

"Dork." He said with teasing eyes, completely breaking the rising tension between them as the younger rolled his eyes.

Namjoon turned away, looking across the table to Adora, who sat between two other of their colleagues. She had that cheeky smile on her lips as she looked at the two, moving eyebrows up and down suggestively.

The young man smiled even more at that, taking his chopsticks and placing some more meat in the grill.

"Sorry I'm late everyone!" A voice called from the door as an out of breath Jimin made his way towards the table.

Namjoon rolled his eyes, looking down at his watch to see he was already over twenty minutes late, before turning his eyes back up to his boyfriend.

He was probably back from dance practice, because his pink hair still looked wet and he had that cute tint on his soft cheeks to match.

The dancer dodged the chairs and people to find a seat next to Namjoon, squeezed between him and a friend of Hoseok's.

"Hey babe." Jimin smiled, placing a kiss to Namjoon's cheek.

The older only hummed, stuffing his mouth with some marinated pork and getting more rice into his small bowl. Jimin looked at him with furrowed eyebrows and a small pout, confused at the cold shoulder he was receiving from his boyfriend.

"What'd I do?" He asked, turning to Namjoon completely and placing his sports bag as close to his chair as possible as to not inconvenience the waiters moving around. "Why're you so cold?"

Namjoon didn't say anything, simply shrugging his shoulders.

"Not mad." He mumbled.

Jimin took a deep breath, turning back to look in front of him and get some vegetables from the large bowl sitting in the middle of the table. He hated, how passive aggressive Namjoon got when he was mad. He didn't say anything explicitly, but made it very clear Jimin had done something wrong without telling him what it is...

He decided to not pay attention to it and simply have a good time with the friends and colleagues around the table, but he realised perhaps he shouldn't have done that when the two entered their house and Namjoon bolted towards the bathroom.

"Yah! Namjoon!" He called, the older stopping in his tracks and turning around, his chest falling from a sigh that had just left his lips. "Are you going to tell me what's up?"

Namjoon rolled his eyes, nourishing the irritation growing in Jimin's chest.

"I just hate it when your late." He said, shrugging his shoulders slightly and turning back to look at Jimin as if to say 'happy now?'.

JImin scoffed, a small smile of disbelief crafting on his face as he looked away for a short second, as if it would wipe the challenging look plastered on Namjoon's face off when he looked back.

"Are you serious? You were grumpy for the entire night just because i was a few minutes late?!" That same, shocked smile played at his lips, eyebrows rising slightly.

Namjoon had the sudden urge to slap it off his face, his hand tingling.

"Almost twenty Jimin."

"You counted?!" Jimin almost laughing, turning around and running a hand through his fading pink hair, the other going to his hip.

"Of course i did! Because it's fucking annoying to have to wait for you every single time we see each other." Namjoon spoke in that same calm tone that enraged JImin, always talking as if he had every single sentence in the conversation planned and new exactly what he was about to say and what to counter it with.

"I'm sorry ok! We're not all perfect little humans like you are." He raised an accusing hand at Namjoon, his voice raising.

"I'm not a perfect human." Namjoon gritted between his deeth, his eyes trained on the floor, long eyes seeming thinner as he glared at his mismatching socks.

"That's right!" Jimin scoffed, the same. smile. at his lips, looking up to Namjoon as if memories were flooding in his mind. "You never cook, not even when i'm sick!"

"What does this have to do with you being late!" Namjoon yelled.

"Absolutely nothing! I'm just picking at your small flaw, just like you're doing to me!" Jimin yelled back, with just as much aggressivity.

Namjoon sighed, closing his eyes and letting his chest fall from a loud sigh. He was mad, he was very mad. That familiar feeling nibbling at his chest and whispered for him to just punch Jimin, or the wall, whatever was closest; or scream until his throat hurt and smash plates against the floor.

But he didn't feel it, that one touch of desperation that intensified all of those feelings.

Ah, why am i mad again? this isn't that big of a deal...

"I'm sorry." He says. "Just please, make an effort to be punctual, it's really disrespectful to be late."

Jimin huffs as well, running a hand through his pink hair.

"I'm sorry too." He says, looking up with a small smile. "Not your fault you can't cook to save your life."

And with that small joke, they both chuckle.


Behold friends, i have survived most of my finals!

However, i am utterly brain dead.

Wish me luck for spanish and geography...

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