PG & Massages

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"I kinda missed you babe." Jimin sighed lowly, a small smile on his thick lips.

"Did you miss me or my foot massages?" Namjoon teased. It was true that he hadn't been home the previous nights, having spent them at his studio because of the deadlines of the new album coming up, hence why he hadn't been able to see Jimin (or massage his feet like it was usually done every night).

Jimin giggled slightly, his body shaking slightly, from his place on the couch, his arms crossed over his chest and his eyes still closed.

"Well now that you ask..."

They both laughed.

When Namjoon recovered from his laughter, he finally noticed the sweater his boyfriend was wearing.

"Is that mine?" He asked, looking at the black hoodie, the emblem of the Seoul University of the Arts that stood embroidered over his name.

"Yeah." Jimin mumbled, snuggling in the piece of clothings further. "It smells like you."

Namjoon chuckled, looking at Jimin endearingly with soft eyes, his heart going all warm and fuzzy.

"We use the same laundry detergent and the same shower gel." He teased.

"Yeah but your cologne is different, plus everyone has a different body odor."

Namjoon snorted at that, partly because it was terribly cute for Jimin to say but also because of the very term 'body odour'. He sat up from his seat, shifting to be one his knees in front of Jimin, placing both of his hands on the younger's knees and spreading his legs to make space for himself, settling over Jimin and nuzzling his head in the crook of Jimin's neck.

"What are you doing?" Jimin giggled, Namjoon's breaths tickling his neck, arms wrapping around Namjoon's lower back.

"I'm spreading my smell on you." Namjoon answered, placing both his hands on either side of Jimin's head to brace himself over him.

"You know." Jimin giggled, his sparkly eyes looking at Namjoon's loving ones making the older's heart melt. "I saw some memes about you being an egg. I can see it now."

Namjoon rolled his eyes, dipping down to kiss Jimin's lips softly.

"I feel like all you do on pinterest is look up memes of me and the guys."

Jimin giggled.

"I have a board for each of you. But yours is the biggest."

Namjoon smirk not being able to resist his dirty mind, ghosting his lips against Jimin's teasingly.

"Yeah it is." He mumbled in a purposely lower voice.

Jimin snorted, rolling his eyes.

"Ok, let's keep it PG." He gently pushed his index against the top of Namjoon's forehead to get some space between their faces, but as soon as his finger left, the older was back in his face again.

"You sure?" Namjoon teased as his head dropped to Jimin's shoulder, his deep voice doing something to Jimin's crotch, of course the light kisses to the side of his neck didn't help.

"I don't know? Am I?"

The older sighed, pressing his hips flush against the younger's, eliciting a surprised yelp followed by a small moan.

He trailed with mouth over Jimin's warm skin, feeling his chest starting to rise with each deep breath under him. His lips formed a small smile as he licked a small stripe along Jimin's sharp jawbone, loving the softest moan that accompanied his next exhale.

Namjoon's head moved to the side slightly as he pressed his lips against Jimin's fuller ones, bobbing slightly with the rising intensity of the kiss, their tongues sliding against each other's as their bodies moved to seek friction.

Jimin's hands both slipped all the way to Namjoon's hair, tugging at the brittle white strands like he knew the older loved, his hips buckling upwards.

Much to his disappointment though, Namjoon parted their lips teasingly leaning away, making the younger chase after his lips needily  and even drawing a small whine when his want wasn't satisfied.

"Let's keep it PG hm?" Namjoon teased, holding Jimin's hips firmly against the couch to prevent him from grinding up to him further.

The older then had the audacity to stand up, leaving Jimin all flustered, hickeys on his neck and shiny kiss bruised lips.

Namjoon, from where he was standing between the coffee table and couch, licked his own, bending down to catch the remote and turning the tv off and taking both of their bowls to the kitchen, Jimin's burning eyes never leaving the smooth lines of his lean body.

He made a short stop to the bathroom to brush his teeth and use the toilet before walking his way to their shared bedroom to change into his nightwear, a two piece navy blue ensemble that Jimin found adorable, and let his lanky frame fall face first into the soft covers.

"You ow me a massage." He yelled to Jimin who had recovered from his initial shock of betrayal, and was now in the bathroom brushing his teeth.

"You ose me a blow job." The younger sassed back, finally walking in.

He also changed, pulling on a baby blue ensemble that Namjoon found adorable, looking over at his boyfriend who still had his face first into the covers, though he soon turned it to the side to breath better.

Once Jimin was ready for bed, he slowly crawled on top of the older, settling on his plump butt to press his small hands on the older large shoulders.

As usual, his back was really tense from sitting bent down and slouched at a desk for hours on end. A  small sigh of disapproval left Jimin's lips as he shook his head, pressing his hands into the muscles between Namjoon's shoulder blades.

He made sure to get all the spots, having noticed Namjoon always had knots of muscles in the same places he knew exactly where to press, hearing an occasional pop of his bones or muscles.

"Mhm that's great babe." namjoon mumbled, his hands sliding against the covers to bury his hands under the pillow and support his head better, his cheeks squished by the pillow.

Jimin chuckled, raising his shirt to slide his hands under the fabric and press flush against Namjoon's hot skin, resuming his small massage.

"I can feel your boner against my ass. » Namjoon laughed, his body making the bed bounce

very slightly.

"Well whose fault is that?" he shot back, squishing Namjoon's shoulders.

Namjoon snickered.

"Raise your butt." He said softly, Jimin obliging curiously, hands leaving Namjoon's shirt as he lifted himself to only straddle him loosely..

Under him, Namjoon turned around to be on his back, facing him with his hands on his hips pressing them for Jimin to be sitting on his lower stomach.

"Should we take care of it?" He asked, a lustful glint in his eyes.

Jimin smirked back, bending down to press his lips against Namjoon's ear.

"With pleasure."


Hey guys!
This story reached 100 reads yesterday woooh :)
Thank you so much for reading!
Hope you enjoyed.

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