takeout dinner

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Seokjin hummed as he walked down the hall of the producing department, an apple flavoured lollipop between his full lips. It was already dark outside, the sun setting earlier and earlier as they got closer to winter. He was off work for the day, but still wandered through the corridors with a plastic bag clutched in his hand, the other twirling his lollipop in his mouth.

The hallway was barely lit, the black floorings and grey walls made a slight pout etch on the his lips, having the urge to get a bottle of pink spray paint and slap some colour onto the depressing walls.

Eyes scolding across the name tags on each door, he finally let out a small hum as he found the one he was looking for.

« Adora. », the only woman who happened to work for Blue Moon.

He pushed the door open after a short knock, finding her at her desk, comically large headphones over her head. She turned around, having spotted him in the mirror she had displayed as to not get sneaked upon, straining her neck slightly to include Seokjin in her line of vision.

« Hey Jin » she grinned with a small smile as the man stepped further in the studio, closing the door behind himself.

« I came to bring you your lunch. » The man said as he handed her the cardboard box he'd just fished in the plastic bag;

The woman placed her thin hands on the wheels of her chair, expertly pushing them to a roll around in order to make chair go backwards and turn for her to be facing Seokjin fully.

« Thanks Jin-Ah! » She beamed, accepting the meal with grabby hands.

She turned around in her chair  to take two sets of metal chopsticks from her drawer, handing one to her guest and opening her box. A satisfied hum left her tinted lips as the fumes of the chinese take-out met her nose.

Seokjin sat on the floor against a shelf that displayed the trophees her career had earned her. Adora didn't have much furniture, only her desk and shelf, notably because it gave her more space to move around in her wheelchair.

« So how's the album coming up? » Seokjin asked, opening his own box of noodles and stirring the steaming noodles with his chopsticks, digging for a huge knot of noodles and attempting to shove them all in his mouth at once -which he did, under the amused eyes of the producer across him.

« Pretty Good, i'm still waiting for Yoongi to give me his project and then get the girls for a recording and we're good. How's the producing doing on your end? »

Kim Seokjin was head of the video producing, just like Adora was of the music producing. He helped the girls craft their ideas into tangible and aesthetic MVs. With the help of Jungkook -who had overflowing and artistic imagination-, he came up with concepts and story lines to develop through their videos.

« I've been having a lot of work since Hajoon left for JYP. »

Adora hummed, to busy slurping on her noodles to answer with words.

The two hadn't known each other for that long, considering  Seokjin had only started with working at Big Hit for a little over nine months.

There friendship had formed quickly though, especially because they had a similar sense of humour and because Seokjin took it upon himself to help her whenever her disability became a hassle.

Adora had only been in a wheelchair for half her life, after having been in a snowboarding accident. She had been we'll off go to become an Olympic champion, but the accident forced her to choose another one of her passions, music.

Despite her physical handicap, she remained a very sporty person, competing in a many sports events and even winning a basketball tournament -she was a total basketball geek, which brought her very close to Yoongi.

Seokjin admired her greatly for her resilience.

There was a knock at the door, and a messy haired Yoongi entered the room holding a stack of papers and a usb key. He seemed shy, eyes darting to Seokjin nervously as he stepped further into the room.

« Sorry for the wait. » He said in his gravelly voice, Seokjin leaning towards him unconsciously to try and understand his low voice better.

Adora smiled.

« No worries Sugar. » she smiled as she took ahold of the papers and placed them on her desk.

Yoongi was about to walk away when Adora called out to him again.

« Why don't you stay for a minute and hang out.? » She suggested. « I know my studio isn't the most comfortable but at least it will get you out of yours for a moment. »


exam season is starting -ew-,
so good luck to any of you who'll be getting big tests soon, don't stress out too much. :)

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