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Since, when did Itachiyama have a girls football cub? Well, for all Bokuto knew, it could always had existed, he was too busy thinking about volleyball he had forgotten.

"I thought she played tennis," Kuroo said.

Bokuto looked at the players and could recognise the girl in the line.

"Did you know she would be here?" Akaashi smiled. Bokuto shook his head,

Bokuto had been attending sports tournaments since a young age however this one felt strange. Maybe, it's because of the lack of support the crowd were giving the players. Thee was barely anybody on the bleachers and there was no cheerleading team. Sure, the teams would support each other but Bokuto could not imagine having to play a major game with no external encouragement.

Kuroo ate his hot dog whilst Akaashi did not even try to conceal his annoyance at a

Bokuto. Kenma was scrolling through the AppStore seeing what game he could download when suddenly he heard a loud noise and nearly dropped his phone.

"Go go Itachiyama! Go go Nohebi!" Bokuto screamed. The girls looked up. Bokuto continued ding some sort of dance.

"Push it push it Itachiyama! Push it push it Nihbei!"

Kenma sunk into his seat trying to hide his face with his hoodie as all eyes fell onto them. Akaashi tried to hide it but was honestly surprised. Kuroo was a laughing.

The girls looked up and soon the few other people scattered across the bleachers clapped. Bokuto saw the girl at the park looking shocked.

The referee stared at Bokuto who was now leaning into the game. After a while, he finally blew the whistle and the game begun.

"What's going on?" Bokuto asked as a girl took a ball to the corner and kicked.

"I have no idea, Kenma, you play Fifa, do you know what's happening?"

"Corner kick," Akaashi muttered. Bokuto stared at his friend.

"What, my Dad watched the World Cup so I've seen part of it,"

Every now and again, Bokuto would get up and do his own cheer routine using the drink cups as pom poms.

Akaashi was proud to have a captain like Bokuto, Yes, he was unpredictable but he was excellent and hoisting morale and just a kind person. Bokuto turned back smiling proudly at Akaashi after he had finished what was his routine.

"That was great, Bokuto-san," Akaashi said with no expression on his face or voice.

"Yes!" Bokuto jumped.

The points or goals did not go up a squiggly as they did in volleyball. Half an hour had passed and still no team had scored a goal.

One of the girls who had the ball was smacking her way towards the opposite team's goal when she fell forward and tripped. All the boys winced expecting the girl to roll over the floor in again. Instead, she got up and raced forward seemingly in no pain at all. Awestruck, the boys watched as she approached the goal and kicked. The boys had seen this several times One of the players would come close to the goalkeeper trying to rip down the defence but they will kick the ball. Either it would be right into the hand of the the goalkeeper, or land nowhere near the goal.

Instead, the girl kicked the ball .... and the ball went in.

The boys all got up even Kenma and Akaashi and started shouting wildly. Kenma was smiling. Bokuto was shouting, jumping and clapping. The teammates ran to the girl giving her a hug whereas the other team waited impatiently. Bokuto felt happy. He realised that even if you were not on the court, the joy at seeing somebody else you have been rooting for hell your team win can be overwhelming. The goal scorer was the girl from the park and she looked joyful for the briefest of moments before the referee told them to resume their poisstions to restart the game. She looked focused again.

The game started. The boys were at the edge of their seats. They understood that Itachiyama had to defend well to maintain their lead the same way in each round, the middle lockers have to stop any spikes from getting through to prevent the other team from getting an upper hand. There was a break. Bokuto still had not even eaten his hotdog as he was too busy cheerleading which surprised his teammates. Bokuto himself gasped and gulped the entire hot dog down.

In the second half, the boys sat watching and Bokuto's cheers had become the norm. Even the other spectators did not look surprised or amused anymore. Again, there were many misses a sloth teams attempted to score. The ball would either go over, to the wrong side, or snatched by the opposition and one went in.

The four boys go up and cheered as Nihbei scored a point. The Itachiyama girls looked on warily. Bokuto looked over at the girl who looked even more determined.

The game ended with a few minutes of extra times as a draw.

"A draw?" Kuroo murmured, "Rarely see one of those,"

The other spectators got ready to stand up and so did the boys.

"Volleyball practise," Kuroo smirked, "Bokuto, maybe you would want to come and cheer us on. It seemed you learnt a thing or two from Saori-san,"

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