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Bokuto shot up. The blaring screams of his alarm and he glared at it before it turned off.

"Koutarou, Kuroo-kun is here," Koutarou grudgingly got out of his bed.

"Good morning!" He exclaimed as he walked past Kuroo. Kuroo seemed more focused on his hear and Bokuto realised why when he looked at himself in the bathroom mirror and let out a girlish scream before remembering Kuroo was there. He looked like Ursula from 'The Little Mermaid'.

After much gel, Bokuto finally left the room dressed in a shirt and tracksuit.

"Let's go!" He exclaimed.

Just as Kuroo and Bokuto we're going to leave, they heard a shout.

"Koutarou! Wait!"

"What is it?" Bokuto exclaimed concerned.

"Here's a bento for you and Tetsurō-kun to share," she said. Kuroo attempted to beam angelically which look more offputting. Bokuto stifled a laugh.

"Arigatou Bokuto-san," he bowed.

"Yes thank you!" Bokuto exclaimed happily.

Being nearby, the park took barely any time to get to. As they passed the football court, Bokuto looked inside expecting to see the girl there. She was not. Why would she? She usually was not.

"Akaashi-kun, good to see you," Kuroo greeted.

"Nice to see you too, Kuroo-san," Akaashi replied stoically.

"Kenma, you too!", he exclaimed. Kenma nodded.

"What's Bokuto-san looking for?" Akaashi asked,

Bokuto turned.

"You mean who is he looking for," Kuroo said with a smirk, "Have we moved on from Saori-san?"

"Of course not!" Bokuto exclaimed. He loved Saori-san. Kuroo laughed. Akaashi rolled his eyes.

"I have the ball," Akaashi said holding it.

"Yes, let's go!" Bokuto shouted and people around him looked a him. Akaashi just looked back at Bokuto, still stoic.

The volleyball court had not changed a bit. So many years had passed after he and his father had played volleyball. A lot has changed but no this which made him relieved.

After warming up, they had a two on two game with Kenma and Kuroo on one side, Akaashi and Bokuto on another.

Akaashi started off with a serve which was received by Kuroo. Kenma tossed and Kuroo spiked. Akaashi received the ball and Bokuto spiked a diagonal. Only that Kuroo blocked it.

"Nekoma 1 Fukurōdani 0," Kuroo announced.

The game progressed. They knew that if too many of Bokuto's spikes were blocked, he might get into emo mode and poor Akaashi would have to deal with it however Kuroo did not want to go easy on Bokuto. Bokuto was one of the top 5 aces in the country.

In the end, the four lost track of the points. As Bokuto walked back, he looked at the football court. Again, nobody was there. He turned to look at Kuroo who was smirking.

"What?" He exclaimed and Kuroo gave him a knowing glance. Akaashi and Kenma headed for their houses whilst Kuroo came along to Bokuto's.

"Bokuto," Kuroo said as he slouched on the sofa, "If you're still thinking about Saori-san, why do you keep searching for her?"

Surprised, Bokuto turned.

"I'm not searching for anything!" He exclaimed loudly. Fortunately, his mother was out.

"Are you sure?" Kuroo gave a catlike grin. Bokuto looked at his friend. He was about to answer when somebody rang the doorbell.

"You're safe for now," Kuroo said as he got up to the door. It was his mother and Kuroo left leaving Bokuto all alone.

Honestly, he did not know why he wanted to see the girl so much. It certainly was not love as Kuroo suspected but who would blame him for thinking? Bokuto thought back to the girl warming up to practise - alone - so late. He was too busy chomping away on dumplings then but he remembered how determined she looked. In fact, if he saw her again, he would need to fight back a massive temptation to congratulate her for her mentality, for striving to work towards her goal - just as he tries to work his hardest to win nationals.

Bokuto shook his head. He was thinking too much. He looked around. The house felt so empty because his mother had some sort of meeting. He had nothing to do either which was surprising considering how Bokuto never seems able to have sorted out his life, Thanks to Akaashi' constant reminders to do homework, there was no menacing pile of papers on his desk.

"Maybe it would be nice to get some fresh air," he thought to himself as he put on his coat and climbed down the stairs. He looked in the mirror, before leaving ensuring he looked at his most owllike since he had to walk past Saori's apartment complex to get to the shops.

He passed the park which was also eerily silent.

Eventually, he reached the shops.

"Konnichiwa, may I have some Onigiri please," Bokuto asked the counter. Seconds later, Bokuto left the shop rapidly gulping down the food.

Sipping a can, he left the shop and started getting back home, Hopefully, his mum would be here so-

"Excuse me," Bokuto heard a voice and swiftly turned. It was her! The girl from the park was in front of him her features much clearer in the daylight. She was tall but still much shorter than him. She too was dressed in sportswear

"Yes!" he exclaimed loudly.

She held out her hand and Bokuto could see a wallet.

"Thank you!" Bokuto exclaimed though turning a little red in embarrassed at having left his wallet.

"You're welcome," the girl replied and Bokuto recognised the smile and her dimples. They both stood awkwardly as Bokuto stuffed his wallet into his purse.

The girl looked like she was going to leave. Bokuto did not want to give up this opportunity. He was not going to.

"I....uh..I think I saw you at the park yesterday," he said trying to smile friendly and keeping what Kuroo had said the day before in mind about smiling.

"Oh yeah, I remember" she said glancing at his conspicuous hairstyle.

Bokuto grinned, "So you...erm....play tennis," he continued.

"Well,no," the girl said. She was met with Bokuto's confused face.

"There aren't many football courts here so I thought I might just improvise with a tennis court,"

Bokuto nodded. He had not heard of many people who played football or mayb3 that's because he only cared about volleyball.

"So you play football,"

The girl nodded

"And you're one of the top 5 volleyball aces, right?" The girl shook her head.

Bokuto felt like a celebrity.

"Yeah!" He said excitedly. She laughed a little.

The shop owner of the shop they were standing in front of was watching them looking almost annoyed.

"Why don't we walk?" Bokuto said and the girl nodded. Bokuto desperately tried to think of a topic.

"So do you always practise in the park?" Bokuto asked.

"The school field was closed as the semester had finished so I had to wait for the court in the park to not be in use,"

She turned to Bokuto.

"How often do you practise?" She asked.

"I try to everyday," he replied and she nodded thoughtfully.

They reached a junction. Bokuto was going to continue straight but the girl had stopped.

"Goodbye then," she said, "My house is this way,"

"Would you be alright getting home?" He asked.

"It's not far, it's fine," she said.

The girl looked like she could take care of herself but Bokuto had heard terrible stories on the news, some close to where they were.

"I'll come with you if you want," he said.

The girl looked at him anxiously and a Bokuto could understand why. They had only just met. They were strangers. Maybe she did not want him to know where she lived.

"That is if you want," he replied emphasising 'want' and giving me a friendly grin.

The girl smiled and saw the brightness in the girl's dark eyes. Maybe, she trusted him even though they barely knew each other.

"Thank you," she said slightly bowing.

"So, why football?" He asked curious as to why anybody would choose that sport.

Shrugging, the girl tried it think of an answer.

"I find scoring goals exciting - exhilarating," she turned, "Is that how you feel when you score goals or whatever the volleyball equivalent is?" She asked.

Bokuto chuckled to himself at the thought of points being called goals in volleyball.

"I love it!" He exclaimed and an old woman, though was on the opposite side of the street, looked visibly petrified.

"Sorry!" He exclaiming with a wide smile and the young woman hurried off.

"So what do you like other than football?" Bokuto asked. The girl looked like she was struggling to thinking of a reply.

"I don't know,", she answered, "Reading I suppose,"

Bokuto nodded. He could relate. He received such satisfaction form reading volleyball magazines.

"What about you?" She asked curious as to what this yellow haired boy also likes.

Bokuto smiled. "Theatre!!" He shouted dramatically giving the final syllable more of an 'aah' sound.

Bokuto watched as the girl tried her best to cover her astonishment.

She could not imagine someone like Bokuto reciting any serious monologue.

"It's not anything serious, " he added quickly rushing a hand through his gelled hair.

Thankfully, her apartment complex arrived,

"Goodbye then," she said.

"Goodbye," he replied, "See you around,"

The girl nodded and opened the gate.

Bokuto turned back to head home, He had become so engrossed by the interests he and the girl had shared, he had not realised he had entered the run down part of the neighbourhood. Bokuto head back home but doing so, smiled about himself. Just as there were volleyball dorks, there were also football dorks.

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