Eighteen: Remy

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Remy whimpered as he felt another unwanted touch.

"Making you see your precious little boyfriend is worth it." Slev turned back into himself and he smirked at Remy.

"Y-You bastard." Remy was too weak to do anything after having gotten like seven injections...though he wasn't sure how much because he hasn't been very aware whenever they inject him.

"Logan's dead you know." He held the needle in his hand. "He was finally erased after all this time."

"Y-You killed him!?" Remy struggled against the chains a little fight coming back to him. "How could you!?"

"I wish I got to do it. Watch his face as he burns from the inside out and fucking dies slowly and painfully. God that would have been hilarious to see! Especially when he would have seen my face just as you did and probably would have screamed in his last moments rather than go quietly like they said he did."

"Why are you doing this..."

"Because." He shifted back into Emile. "I love torture."

"Y-You died! You were killed!" Slev laughed.

"Oh I know I was. But at the last second I took someone's power of revival and waited until everyone was gone to come back." He smirked. "If Logan could see that he failed that boy would cry so hard it would be absolutely hilarious."

"Why..." Remy looked away. "Just kill us and be done with it."

"Well, every single one of you is slowly being killed. These injections are a very high dose for you in particular though. Why is that?"

"Because I don't want him around much longer." A women stepped into the room arms crossed. "How did you get past security?"

"Don't worry honey." Slev smirked at Remy. "He was about to get his last dose."

"Oh?" She grabbed his chart and then looked at Remy. "Well, carry on." She leaned against the wall.

"You know this is wrong..." Remy started crying. "Please don't..." his step mother shrugged.

"Villains need to be erased. Especially these very people you call friends? Come now Remy, I thought after spending time here once you would have been better. But you don't call yourself a hero or a villain. But now? The whole world associates you with villains. You yourself are a villain now so you will be treated like one."

"Can I like...stab him now?" Slev turned back into himself and held the needle. His step mother stared at Slev.

"What the fuck..."

"Fuck you!" Remy growled. "Don't you dare slev..."

"Nighty night princess." He stabbed Remys mom in the neck and she collapsed to the ground immediately. Remy stared horrified. "Now...let's get you out of here shall we?" Slev licked his lips.


"I mean, after all you do have your little boyfriend to see don't you?" Remy stood as he was released from the chains. He very shakily followed Slev as he dragged Remy behind him. Tears fell down his cheeks. Yes she was a bitch, but she didn't deserve to be erased like that. Nobody ever really does. Remy looked around and panicked when he saw they were almost out. He looked back.

"What are you planning..."

"Oh don't worry, the rest of your little friends that are actually alive are already released. I got them out early you know?" He laughed. "You'll see them again soon." Remy felt his vision go black and he collapsed to the floor.

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