Fourteen: Roman (Logan)/ Virgil

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Roman ran over immediately to Patton and took the gag from his mouth.

"Are you hurt?" Patton started apologizing and shaking his head.

"He-he took him in there I couldn't stop him I-I my powers..."

"It's alright, you didn't do it Patton." Roman looked at Slev. "Now release him like you said you would."

"Roman?" Patton looked at him horrified.

"No." He laughed as he walked over to Roman and lifted him up from the ground. "You really need to stop being so trusting." Roman shook his head.

"Bastard! You told me you'd let them both go!" Slev shrugged.

"And I lied." He laughed as he kicked Patton. Patton started crying as he held his side where he was hit. "You can't escape me you know."

"I wont let you hurt them." Roman backed up and Slev got closer. Roman took a deep breathe and materialized a dagger behind his back. He smiled but quickly let that drop as he looked up at Slev. (AN it is important to note that IS NOT one of Roman's powers!!)

"You can't really do much over there to save them. You are pathetic and weak." Slev gagged Patton again and stood up. "What do you think you can do? You have limits to your powers don't you?" Suddenly in front of Slev, Roman flashed and in front of Slev stood Logan.

"Maybe to his." He stabbed Slev in the stomach with the dagger and materialized another one slicing his throat. When Slev fell Logan backed away. He ran over to Patton.

"How!?" Logan laughed.

"Roman, he okay?" Roman walked out with Virgil who was looking very confused.

"He's okay."

"How did you two pull that off so easily?? There's no way he would have fallen for that if-if he sensed your powers."

"That's why I wasn't using them." Logan smiled. "I tricked him that's all there is to it."

"You could have been killed, idiot." Roman shook his head.

"It worked did it not?" Logan laughed as he lifted Patton to his feet. Patton hugged him.

"I didn't even sense that was you!"

"Because he switched places with me." Roman replied.

"Yeah but how?" Virgil asked. Logan smiled.

"I have more to me than you all know, and we'll figure all of that out later. Can we just get you all away from here?" Sirens blared in the distance and Virgil winced.

"Or we get taken in by the cops..."

"We aren't running Virgil." Logan looked down at Slev. "They are here for him, And him only."

"He's dead....You actually killed him?" Virgil looked at Logan shocked.

"He deserved it after all these years." Logan took a deep breathe. "After everything he's put me through I told you I would kill him."

"Is everyone alright!?" Emile came running out of the woods. Virgil ran over to him and held him in a hug. Remy, Janus and Remus came running through right after them.

"Oh my god!?" Remy stared at Slev shocked. "Who..."

"Logan." Virgil replied. The cops came running and Virgil and everyone else put their hands up.

"What have you all done?" The officer asked. Logan stepped forward.

"It was me officer." Logan held his hands up. "They didn't know what I was planning."

"Can all of you come to the station for questions?" They all nodded. "Alright, come on."

***virgil: two months later***

Virgil looked at Remy and Emile as they drove in silence.

"Logan's going to be fine Virgil." Remy pulled up the mental health hospital and they all got out meeting up with Remus, Roman and Janus.

"How do we know that? I've been here before an-and it's not the best place." Virgil rubbed his arms. "He's been here for two months."

"I'm sure everything's fine." Remus said as he walked through the doors. As soon as they were all inside all the former villains cringed. Virgil backed up.

"I can't..."

"It'll be okay." Janus walked over and held his hand. "This time we all have eachother when coming in here and it's not a forced thing by the government."

"Ah, hello my dear friends." The lady at the desk stood up and Janus immediately held Virgil tighter. Virgil felt Remus hide behind the two.

"We are here to visit Logan." Roman stepped forward. She smiled.

"Oh but of course." She looked at everyone and placed three power inhibitor collars on the desk in front of her. "You must wear these. And of course we need you three to change in the other room. We can't have any weapons in here or you know any of your personal belongings. I hope you understand." Remus grabbed Roman's arm and pulled him back.

"She's trying to get me, Virgil and Janus in here as patients." Remus grumbled as he stepped forward. "Just let us in."

"I was ordered to this." She gestured at the collars.

"Remus?" Virgil looked at him. Remus glared at the collar.

"I knew the police wouldn't trust us to come visit Logan without us being shoved in here as patients." Remus glared at the women. "We are not going in there we don't have any reason to."

"You three have been ordered to stay." Remy glared and stepped in front of the three.

"No the fuck they haven't, we would have been informed." Remy grabbed emiles hand. "Seeing as all of them have been staying at our place."

"If you don't comply, we will have to force them to come by any means necessary." Virgil stepped back.

"You can't!" Roman shouted as he stepped in front of Remus. Janus just sighed.

"If we don't go, they won't trust us." Janus grabbed the collar.

"Janus what the hell!?" Remus snatched the collar. "No way."

"Remus, I just want to see if he's alright." Janus looked around then back at Remus. "He's been here a lot longer than any of us ever were."

"And he's not even a villain." Remy mumbled.

"Neither are you love, and you survived this place." Emile said. They all turned and looked at the two horrified.

"I'm sorry, WHAT!?" Virgil looked at Remy. "You were a patient here!?"

"Yeah, yeah I was." Remy glared at the women at the desk. "Bitch thought I needed to be."

"Remy, my dear. Please calm down." Remy rolled his eyes.

"Calm down? Calm down? You want to lock my friends up for something they didn't even do!" Emile held Remy back. Virgil looked between the women at the desk and Remy.

"Who are you to remy exactly?" He asked.

"His mother." She smiled sweetly at Virgil.

"Step bitch." Remy growled out.

"Now, are you all going to cooperate?" She asked. Remy shook his head.

"No, no we aren't." Remy opened the door and started walking around the building, Virgil followed after him looking for Logan's room. When they reached it Remy slid the door open. "Oh my god..." he ran over to Logan who was laying completely still on the bed he was strapped to. Logan was sleeping. "Logan..."

"Oh my god...." Virgil ran over and cut the straps off.

"Jesus kid..." Remy looked him over.

"Do you think..." Virgil looked at Logan's file. Remy huffed annoyed and walked over to it.

"I'm going to kill them" Remy ran from the room with the file. Virgil looked down at Logan.

"We will get you out of here. I promise." Virgil got up and ran from the room after Remy. Cops were fucking everywhere! Virgil hid in the shadows watching as they ripped the file from Remy.

"You are trespassing!" They shouted at him.

"Bitch wouldn't let us by!" Remy glared at his step mother. "No wonder why! I can't believe you are trying to erase him! That's inhumane the way you are doing so! He's a child!"

"Where's that other villain gone?" She asked. Remy glared.

"Like I would ever tell you! You already arrested Remus and Janus! Why would I ever tell you where virgil is?!" Virgil looked towards the door and saw Janus struggling against the cops holding him. He was wearing a collar and so was Remus.

"Might as well collar them all! They all helped these three!" Remy glared at his step mother.

"Touch anymore of my friends I will attack you, powers or not" Virgil watched as they grabbed hold of Patton, Emile and Roman.

"Hey!" Patton started struggling.

"Separate them all, we'll just erase these villains from the world the fast way."

"No, do it the hard way." Remys step mom replied. "I want them to all suffer."

"Understood." Virgil watched them drag everyone away and he started crying. What have they gotten into?

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