Two: Remus

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"Kid just tell us where anxiety went." Remus shoved the kid into the wall.

"Woah there." Remus pulled away and frowned at his brother who had jumped down from the fire escape. "What's going on here duke?"

"Nothing that concerns you." Remus growled, he then turned his attention back to the kid. "Where is he kid!? Who payed you!?"

"Look, I was desperate okay!? He wanted anxiety for some reason and I lured him here! That's all!" The kid pulled away from Remus.

"The kids telling the truth he doesn't know." Remus looked over at Janus who was glowing yellow. The light dimmed out and he looked at Remus sadly. "The hero took him and ran off."


"Now tell me why you two are bugging a poor kid, who are you searching for?" He asked.

"Anxiety." Remus replied. Roman scoffed.

"Pretty sure that maniac is roaming around somewhere." Roman went to walk away but Remus grabbed his arm.

"He was taken by one of yours!" Remus snapped. Roman looked down.

"Doesn't mean I care." Remus sighed.

"Princey, please?" Remus asked. Roman looked up and raised an eyebrow.

"Asking me, for help?" He asked. "Hah! A villain asking a hero for help as if." Roman went to walk off but Remus grabbed his arm.

"He's a child Roman!" Remus cried out. "Please he-he was taken by a hero we can't just let this slide please help us get him back home please?"

"He was probably taken to the jail." Roman pulled out his phone. "If it makes you feel better we can all go check it out."

"No tricks right Princey?" Janus asked.

"I'm not getting you two arrested, just helping you look for this...anxiety. Promise." Janus looked at Remus as he let his powers die down.

"He's telling the truth." Remus frowned then looked at Roman again.

"Try anything, and I will dissect you." They followed after Roman to the jail. Roman paused at the door and looked at the two.

"Promise me, you won't do anything stupid?" He asked.

"Promise, we just need to find anxiety before he self destructs." Roman sighed.

"You guys are a lot of work..." he walked into the jail and the two followed behind.

"Ah Roman, you brought two in today?" Patton asked. He glanced at their wrist and Remus tried to twist his mind so he saw handcuffs but Patton frowned. "Stop that." Remus frowned.

"Why didn't that-."

"Why are they free to wander Roman?" He asked. Roman glanced at Remus then back at Patton.

"He's my brother Patton, and besides that, we were looking for one of theirs that might have been brought in last night?"

"Roman, why are you working with villains?" Patton asked.

"Look, anxiety is a kid, and he's in trouble." Remus said quickly. "If he isn't here, where is he!? What is that hero doing to him!?"

"Remus!" Janus snapped his fingers. "Calm." Remus immediately calmed down. "Look, anxiety is only seventeen Patton, he's not a danger to anyone unless they annoy him and he's been trying to not use his powers. Last night a kid was egging him on and teasing him and he got angry and turns out a hero stopped him from using his powers somehow and we just want to know what hero and where did they take him..."

"What's anxiety's real name maybe I can look him up in my system?" Patton asked.

"We don't really use names..." Remus pouted. "But fine, Virgil Knight." Patton typed away and then frowned.

"He's been erased." Roman gasped.

"No fucking way..." Roman looked at Remus. "We have to go Patton! You heard my brother he's only seventeen! He can't go through that!" Patton pouted.

"Roman I'm all for helping people but...only when they deserve it." Patton looked at Remus and Janus. "How can you trust these villains even if one of them is family?"

"Patton, they don't seem to be lying and Remus is never worried about anyone ever..." Roman looked at his brother. Remus looked away quickly.

"If you don't want to help us fine, we'll find our own way to find him, and whoever took him better get locked up for life." Remus stormed out. Tears started flowing down his cheeks. He walked home and took a deep breathe as he climbed the stairs into his room. He looked up at the stars through the broken ceiling. "Please be safe..."

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