𝐢. corridor collisions

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butterfly's repose  —  part one
" 𝖈𝖔𝖗𝖗𝖎𝖉𝖔𝖗 𝖈𝖔𝖑𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖎𝖔𝖓𝖘. "

     𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐖𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐖𝐎𝐋𝐅 𝐈𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐘𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐁𝐔𝐓 𝐀 𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐋𝐄 𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐄. If one were to ever be in such a frightful situation, of which one is faced with the menacing beast, it is pretty difficult not to be petrified. What saddens Selene Vervain the most about transforming into said monster, is that she means no harm, and she never will. And yet, the person on the other end, is unaware of the young and sweet girl inside of her, because that girl is masked behind ominous fangs and yellow beading eyes that would shake one to their cores.

     Becoming a werewolf is not a choice any sane witch or wizard would make in their right mind, because who would ever want to befriend a beast like a werewolf? Selene Vervain blamed her terrible social skills and lonely lunchtimes on the fact that she herself is a werewolf, and no one has the courage to walk up to her and say "hi" because of what she could do when she was one. Selene does in fact know full well that that is not the reason she is friendless, because she is sworn to secrecy, like the rest of the staff at Hogwarts of what she is, and the rest of the student body, are blissfully unaware that there is a werewolf in their midst.

     Well, two actually.

     So, Selene went by her days at school, with her head down, buried in a book, meaning she is to blame for the fact that she is lonesome, because, Selene is terrified. Terrified of what people would think if they knew. Terrified of creating a close enough bond with someone and they, therefore, feel comfortable enough to ask Selene about her scars, so she would then have to lie to probably the one close friend she had made in her lifetime. Or worse yet, not be able to think of a made-up scenario that concealed the truth about her monthly transformations.

     Academic life was about the only thing that did keep Selene sane and allowed her to enjoy at least one aspect of the school environment. Selene always pushed aside the idea that the Professors at Hogwarts took pity on her, and that the only reason she excelled in every class, was because they passed her due to the sympathy vote. Selene was smart, and she worked hard. Besides, that wouldn't be fair on everyone else attending Hogwarts. But to Selene, life was unfair anyway.

     With a touch of briskness in her step and Clyde nestled on top of her trunk that was resting on her trolley, preparing himself for impact, Selene rushed through the brick wall, that concealed their world of magic. Corrina and Colton following just behind, the Vervain family made it to Platform nine and three quarters and were met with the sound of muffled goodbyes, a few sniffling cries from mothers, and the loud squawking of the engine, bursting out of the train, signalling its fast-approaching departure.

     Selene passed her belongings that were all bundled into one large leather trunk to one of the stewards by the side of the train. After a moment of reluctance, she more carefully transferred the cage, which now carried her furry friend, over to the balding man. But not before a scratch behind the cat's ears, acted as a shortened goodbye and apology for the guilt she felt, knowing he'd be all alone, bestowed in the darkness of the train's storage.

     Selene then turned to her parents, a wistful look upon her face. Corrina quickly pulled her daughter into a tight hug, and after a few seconds, it felt as though Selene's blood circulation had stopped due to her mother's vine-like grasp.

     "You enjoy yourself, okay?" Corrina pulled away to glance at her daughter, still clutching Selene's arms ─ a hopeful expression, with saddened eyes. "I know that can be hard sometimes, but it's your last year and I want you to know-"

     Mrs Vervain was cut off by her daughter pulling her into another hug, burrowing her head into her mother's shoulder. "I know, mum. Thanks for everything. I best be off." A weak smile tugged on Selene's mouth, as she turned to her father, embracing him just the same.

     "I love you, hon," Colton said, as his wife let out another sniffling sob beside him.

     "Love you too, dad," Selene said in response with a deep sigh, before turning back around to face the crimson steam engine, that was still blaring at the remaining students at the platform.

     Knowing that eleven o'clock had arrived ─ the large iron clock chiming marking the departure time ─ Selene boarded the train, as her parents stopped and watched their daughter, leave once again.

     Selene had always been that one child that was more about family before friends. Not that she had any friends to put before her family, but she would be considered as a "mummy's girl" and names like that. In all fairness, as a counter-argument for all those labels, her parents were about the only people that had supported her through her times of struggle.

     The rest of the Vervain family, on both Corrina and Colton's side, had distanced themselves and claimed the reasoning behind it to be as "protection to the little ones". Corrina was ashamed that her own sister had refused to see them again on holidays, like Selene would go all savage, and none of them would make it out alive. If they had listened to Selene's parents even just once, they'd soon find out that that couldn't be further from the truth. Selene was just the same quiet girl, that Abriella Dooley used to call a niece.

     Selene's eyes glanced from one compartment to the next, landing upon large and small groups of teens all settled and ready for the long ride to Scotland, that would commence very soon.

     Selene sat on her own. She didn't even have a particular carriage she liked to sit in on her own. Anywhere that was out of the way, and far from louder groups, that can't keep their mouths shut, not even to take a nap, would do.

     One group that was far from the ability of keeping quiet was the renowned band that went by the name, the "Marauders". Selene didn't have much of an opinion towards their so-called "club", seen as she knew very little about them. Bar Peter Pettigrew. Not having any, Selene didn't consider Peter a friend. They rarely spoke outside of class, but when they did, it was simply polite small-talk to pass the time.

     As for the rest of them, she knew what she had heard. What others said. What Lily Evans had mentioned to her this one time during Potions with Professor Slughorn. But to Selene, they were a bunch of misfits that enjoyed leading a carefree life. Selene saw nothing wrong with that.

     The train jolted into a move, whilst Selene continued her search for an empty carriage, that she could abide in for the next several hours with a book to keep her occupied.

     As she strolled by the many compartments and carriages, the level of noise intensified, then morphed into silence due to passing the louder groups and then the quieter ones.

     One chamber that was providing a particular moment of intense commotion, that, as Selene ambled passed, came to find out that the source was James Potter, Sirius Black, and sat by the window, Peter Pettigrew. The last time she checked there were four of them.

     Selene peered into the compartment to her left ─ not empty ─ and then to her right, where the three boys sat.

     James and Sirius were already exchanging bursts of laughter and Peter was sheepishly smiling along.

     For the second Selene had glanced over, Peter looked up and met her eyes. His weak laugh, melted into a more confident smile, that was still slightly feeble in reality. But a smile nonetheless.

     Selene offered a smile in return, before strolling past, continuing her hunt for a peaceful carriage.

     Just as she was doing so, a firm body collided with her own, whilst her head was turned to the left, scanning the insides to see if that could be the one.

     "Sorry-" she atoned, before glancing up.

     "I'm sorry-" the boy showed his equal remorse. It appeared he was doing the same - peering into carriages, just the opposite way to her, hence, the corridor collision.

     Remus Lupin was the fourth Marauder. Probably the sweetest too from the little Selene had experienced, and that hints that she had heard.

     His scruffy hair flopped over his face, almost with a touch of bedhead. The boy was quite a bit taller than Selene, and there was a moment where he towered over her, before stumbling back a little. Selene could see little twinkles of light from the overhead bulbs, dancing around in his coffee coloured eyes. Across his face, in various locations, his skin was indented with numerous scars, that cut deep into the surface. Almost like her own.

     There was another moment in which they waited for something to happen, and when it didn't, they both opened their mouths to apologize again.

     "I'm really sorry," Selene said, her lip quivering to an angle.

     "Oh uh me too," Remus uttered with a wavering smile, that still beamed with sugary sweetness.

     The pair faltered past each other, their sides brushing, before Selene turned back around, "If you're looking for your friends, they're three carriages down and to your left." she stretched out her hand to the carriage she had recently passed, and pointed to it with a tad of uncertainty, as it was still in view.

     Selene was ninety-nine percent sure that the reason there were only three boys perched in the loud compartment a few doors down was that the one that made it four, was the boy she had just walked into. She hoped she was being helpful, not kooky.

     "Thanks," Remus' wobbly smile returned, with a single nod of his head, Selene nodding her own, just before he turned back around, and walked in the direction she had told him.

     When the boy disappeared into the compartment, a roar of laughter and greetings from the boys inside, Selene sighed as she turned around, knowing she had helped the right boy and had avoided any possible embarrassment. She was glad she stayed to check because she really didn't want to be that kooky, quiet girl that was careless and lonely enough to walk into a Marauder because helpful was much better.


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