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"Because of you, I got a chance to fly first class like what, three times." Keenan said suddenly, pulling me from my thoughts.

"Oh, it's fine. You're my designated adventure buddy anyway." I brushed it off before closing my eyes again.

"You don't actually want to be a lawyer, do you?"

I opened my eyes slowly, wondering what had caused the sudden change in topic.

"Well, there is financial stability printed in bold on that option." I reasoned.

"It's a yes or no question."

"No, I'd rather own a small restaurant, actually. I don't know the first thing about cooking, but I do enjoy business. I think I'd enjoy running a business, you know, making it into a chain one day. That would've been my ideal life."

"That does sound nice."

"What about you? What would you have wanted to be if you weren't a thief?" I whispered the last part.

"Maybe a pianist? I've always enjoyed listening to other people play the piano, I wish I'd the chance to."

I decided not to mention that I had a grade 8 piano certificate. I hated playing the piano though.

"Do you actually steal enough to get by?"

"Yeah, I mean, I usually manage to steal valuables. But I sell them little by little so it doesn't get too suspicious."

"So you have lots of stolen items stashed in your house but very little cash on hand?"

"Yeah, well. Something like that. Let's just say I have enough to live comfortably."

"Nice." I drawled. "So, why do you keep stealing then?"

He kept silent. I quickly changed my question.

"What is one thing no one knows about you?"

There was a period of hesitation before he finally answered.

"Uh...I was-"

"Passengers, please put on your seat belts, we will be experiencing some turbulence due to strong winds. Please refrain from going to the lavatory. Thank you." The seatbelt light switched on and the lights in the plane dimmed.

"Fuck," Keenan squeezed his eyes shut and even I felt my heart lurch when the plane dipped.

"Don't worry, this happens pretty often." I waved a nearby air stewardess over.

"Hello miss, what can I get you?"

"An apple juice for the both of us, thank you." She smiled and nodded before making her way to the food cart in the front, returning with two glasses of juice. I thanked her before passing one glass to Keenan.

"Here you go, don't worry, it'll be over in a jiffy." I whispered. He did not respond.

"Hey," I shook his shoulders, only to realise he had fallen asleep.

I chuckled and placed the drinks in the cup holders.

"Sleepyhead." I murmured as I laid my head on his shoulder. Soon after, I fell asleep too.


"Hey, Holland. We're here." I opened my eyes to see that the plane was almost empty. The last few passengers had disembarked, leaving Keenan and I the second to last passengers. I yawned and stood up, stretching my arms above my head. Keenan retrieved the small suitcase from the overhead compartment and adjusted his own backpack on his shoulders.

We headed out from the departure hall to the main part of the airport silently.

"Well then, I guess this is goodbye." I sighed and he nodded, seemingly deep in thought. "I really hope I get to see you again soon." Slowly, I leant over to Keenan, wrapping my arms around his hips, the top of my head barely grazing his chin. I pulled away. I smiled again before I turned to go.

"Wait." His fingers wrapped around my forearm and pulled my back toward him. I spun around in surprise, a high pitched squeak emitting from my throat.

"I was thinking maybe I could return you the favor." He scratched the side of his cheek, a little above where his dimple was. "Maybe it's my turn to take you on my daily adventures."

I was stunned for a moment before I wrapped my arms around his neck, which really took immense effort because I had to tiptoe and stretch at the same time.


I grinned at him happily as I dragged him toward the taxi stand.

"If that's the case, could I stay over at your house?"

He spluttered a few incoherent words, completely different from the Keenan Drew I knew.

"Come on. I can't go home or else my father would put me under house arrest." I pouted. During this period of self discovery, I realized how much I'd grown and how much I'd missed in my life. No, I was never deprived of the basic necessities and lived a far more glamorous life than most of my schoolmates but I'd never quite felt genuinely happy. I realized that money can buy a lot of things, it's a huge factor in happiness too. But it can never directly buy happiness, it just can't.

"Fine." He drawled. "But on one condition-"

I hailed a taxi and clambered in, pulling my suitcase in after me.

"Hey, I'm not done." He grumbled but followed me into the taxi anyway. He gave the driver his address before leaning back into the seat. I remembered then why the address sounded so familiar. He stayed in one of the apartment complexes my father owned.

We pulled up in front of the apartment complex and I paid the fare with the last of my money.

"Keep the change." The words fell out before I knew it, before I could take it back. Keenan rolled his eyes at me.

"Guess old habits just die hard."

I looked up the cream colored apartment and wondered why my father wanted to demolish it. It wasn't new but it wasn't the oldest he owned. Sure, there were chips in the otherwise flawless paint job but other than the chips here and there, nothing seemed to be the matter. The security doors seemed to still be working fine and the glass panels were not damaged in anyway.

Keenan tapped his access card and stepped into the lobby. The air conditioner was working fine too.

"Welcome to my humble abode." He said as he opened the door for me.

My mouth dropped open and I was pleasantly surprised by how neat and clean his house was. He switched on the ceiling fan and ushered me into the house.

The four walls were painted a deep navy blue which blended immensely well with the parquet flooring. There was an expensive looking porcelain tea set on the small wood table on the floor in front of the grey coloured couch. A wooden bookshelf beside the television boasted books from Jane Austen to J.K Rowling. The flat screen television hung from the wall between two large sleek black speakers that promised surround and quality sound and movie viewing experience. At the far end of the living room, there was a black rattan chair that hung from the ceiling with a small lamp overhead. It looked like a small reading corner.

"You have a shit ton of money to be able to afford all this." I mused.

"Well, I never said I didn't have money. You assumed it all." He shrugged.

"So you do have money." I guess I really assumed wrong. I thought that Keenan didn't have any money, and was only barely managing to get by.

"I'm a thief. After I sell the goods, I get back money. This is my room."

It wasn't a large room like mine, however it looked nice and comfy.

A large bed sat in the middle of the room, grey sheets that were free of creases was spread on the bed. The comforter looked plushy and extremely comfortable.

"Don't mind me asking, where do you put all your things?"

"You mean the things I steal? In the nook behind the artificial wall under the bed. There is a safe under there." He said without skipping a beat.

"You trust me." I said, more of a statement than a question.

"The password is 673927."

I was still stunned silent.

"I'll sleep on the couch, you take the bed."

We watched movies the whole night and slept only in the wee hours of the morning.

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