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Keenan flashed a card in front of the staff and the staff took the card, matching its credentials against the marine club's database.

"Good morning, Mr Robinson, have a lovely day."

"Thank you." Keenan replied before pulling me through the gantry.

"Mr Robinson?" I choked out, laughing. I looked back at the clueless staff before bursting out laughing again.


"Where'd you even get that card anyway?" I took the card from him, tilting it and watching it gleam in the sunlight.


"Do I even want to know?"


"No, yes. I do."

"Swiped it right off the real Mr Robinson. Poor dude didn't even know. You're in luck today. The staff who served us is new, that's why he doesn't recognize that I'm not Robinson."

"Oh. How'd you know he is new?"

"It says new on his employee badge." He told me in a flat, bored tone. I ignored it and looked at the yachts parked in front of me. My father owned a few yachts, so this place wasn't anything new to me.

"What do you think of going for a ride?"


He jumped onto the deck of the yacht, presumably Mr Robinson's, and fumbled around the cooler boxes on the top.

"Hm, I swear he left them here the last time." He mumbled.

"That's alright." I patted his shoulder because he seemed genuinely upset that we couldn't go for a ride.

"But it would've been really fun." He grumbled as he hopped back onto the platform.


"Holland, what brings you here today?" A senior staff rounded the far end of the wooden planks and waved at me.

"Hi, Ben. Uh, I was just-"

"Your father isn't here today, are you here to find him?"

"Uh, no. This is my friend. He's just visiting. I thought it would be cool to bring him around to see the yachts."

"That's nice."

"Yeah, he uh, loves boats."

"Okay, you both have yourselves a good day."

I caught sight of my father's yacht and suddenly I had an idea.

"Uh, Ben. Could you give me the keys to my father's yacht?"

Ben looked at me skeptically.

"I want to bring my friend for a round around the area."

"Oh yes! I've seen you on the move a few times, pretty impressive, I've got to admit." He said brightly. "Wait here, I'll get the keys for you."

I nodded.

"Why do you leave the keys with the staff?" Keenan looked at me.

"They conduct regular maintenance for their guests."

"Here you go!" Ben said as he passed the set of keys to me.

"Thank you." I beamed, flashing my best smile and tossed the keys into the air, catching them again swiftly.

"Have fun,"

"Oh, definitely."

As soon as Ben was out of sight, I pulled Keenan after me toward one of the biggest yacht at the platform.

"C'mon, just asking, what made you so sure I had a license to operate a yacht?"

"I don't. But I do have one." He grinned at me. "I used some of the money I got to sign up for lessons. I capsized the small ones a few times by accident but I'm pretty good with the big ones." He winked.

I gaped at him, who knew he liked to sail too?

"Welcome aboard, mademoiselle." He held out his hand and I took it, jumping onto the deck of the boat. I unlocked the door leading to the interior of the yacht and climbed down the steps. I settled on the plush cushions and Keenan poured me a drink. He marveled at the design of the yacht the same way I had with his house.

"Beautiful." He skimmed the wooden display with the tips of his finger and pressed at the cushions. He turned to look back at me.

"I think I know where I want to bring you."

If I wasn't already (most likely) dying, I would've screamed and kicked my way out because that sounded pretty darn sinister. However, I didn't.

"Sit back, relax and just enjoy the ride."

I followed Keenan up to the control room and sat beside him.

"Let's sail together, it'll be less boring for you." I smiled and he nodded.

We set sail towards the East and continued on for the next half and hour of so before he shook my arm excitedly.

"Holland! Holland! Look, Holland!"

I didn't quite catch what he was saying until I too spotted the blue fins peeking from the water.

"What the f-"


I jumped from my seat, running toward the lower deck.

"Oh my god, look!" I yelped as I spotted the whole school of dolphins. Keenan started the waves and the dolphins swam behind us, just to jump over the waves created. I clambered down the steps toward the bottom most floor. It was glass paneled all the way. I stared at the magnificient creatures and almost cried. I couldn't believe I was only seeing this now.

The school of dolphins were heading steadily in our direction when suddenly I had the best idea.

I grabbed the intercom by the side of the bottom floor and rang up to Keenan. He picked up the call.

"Keenan, we have got to go down-"

"Yo, where are you?"

I hung up the call and bounded back up to the deck. There Keenan stood, shirtless and only with his board shorts on.

"It's fucking cold." His teeth was clattering.

"No, we can't go down like that, dumbass." I guffawed. "Come on." We went into the heated living room. I pulled one of the closets open and grabbed my winter wetsuit. I pulled one of the extra ones that looked like it could fit Keenan and passed it to him.

"C'mon, quickly change into the wetsuit before they swim away," I squealed before taking off my clothes, leaving only my underwear on. Pulling on the wetsuit (with much difficulty), I scrambled to the decking again. Delighted to see that the dolphins were still around, I pulled on my flippers and waited for Keenan to get up onto the deck.

"You ready?" I held back my laughter as Keenan struggled to put on his flippers.

He nodded and we jumped into the freezing fucking cold fucking water.

My heartbeat pounded like crazy and I could hear every beat under water.

Oh, fuck.

Nevertheless, I pushed on and with all the willpower I had stored in my tiny body, kicked and moved forward toward the dolphins. The water was clear and blue so I could make out the swimming beauties in the water. I think the dolphins realized we were there because they turned and started swimming slowly toward us.

Keenan swam closer to me and pointed at one of the dolphins with a scar on its head. We surfaced and he pulled off this head gear whilst threading water.

"Baby dolphin, can you see it?" He said excitedly, teeth clattering as the wind blew across our faces.

My eyes widened as I ducked down underwater again just in time to catch the baby dolphin swim from behind its mother.

I cooed in my head and I waved at the dolphin. The dolphins flipped and swam backwards, its tummy up toward us, and then shifted onto its side, peering at me.

"Hey there," I muttered. Of course, the words came out gurgled.

Keenan surfaced for air and I followed suit.

"This is amazing."


We dived underwater again just in time to catch them swimming away.

Oh well, at least another item checked off my bucket list. I hoisted myself back on the deck and yanked the towel around my shoulder before I hurried into the living room.

"How'd you manage to find this place?"

"Just a lot of research and luck." He winked. "But it wouldn't have been possible without your boat anyway."

"True. But thank you. One item ticked off my bucket list." I poured hot water onto the cocoa powder I'd poured into two separate cups.

As we disembarked and handed the keys back to Ben, I felt something warm in my chest. It was a nice feeling and I was really starting to get used to the immense joy I felt after every adventure I had.

Maybe my heart was failing me but at least I was mending my soul.

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