Andy Biersack Imagine

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Hey my dear Wally Forces! This one is for Brittany_Wilson3! I hope that after you read this you go check out her stuff and vote and all of that good stuff!

Brittany's P.O.V

"I've got you now!" yelled my boyfriend Andy.

We were in some laser tag place. Techno music and prepubescent screams filled the air. It was a cool summer night, and we had nothing better to do.

I crouched behind a wooden box and peaked over towards Andy. He searched frantically to find me, but I was too sneaky. He started to look sweaty, almost as if he was afraid of not finding me. I giggled a little as he pointed his gun towards a 10 year old kid that he thought was me. That giggled soon turned into laughter. A very loud laugh.

I threw my head back and shut my eyes. I had know idea why it was so funny, it just was I guess. I laughed for too long because I felt an arm grab me from behind. It was Andy, and he had the biggest smirk planted on his face. He turned me around and pointed the gun at my stomach. That was where my censor was. He shot the censor, and I was officially dead.

We had been playing this game for about an 1 hour and 30 minutes. I was tired. I could tell that Andy was too. He started to get bags under his eyes. We want to spend a lot of time together, because Andy was going to leave for Warped Tour in a week.

"You wanna go home and eat a bunch of junk food?" I asked him.

"Sounds like a plan to me," he answered.

He held out his hand, an I took it. He helped me up. We gave the guy standing outside the door to the laser tag room our stuff. He wished us a good night, and we did the same to him. We were about to get in the car when Andy realized that he forgot to give the guy his gun.

"I will be back in a bit babe," he said, "I forgot to give the guy back the gun."

"Okay," I replied, "Can you at least unlocked the car?"

"It won't take long!" he assured me.

So I waited. It took a bit and I was wondering where he was. It was dark out and I was really worried about him.

Suddenly a guy came up behind me and yelled,"Look what we got boys! A nice lady here! Get her!"

They started to grab my clothes and pull on them. They ripped my one of my sleeves, and I screamed out Andy's name. I had said it 3 or 4 times before I saw Andy come out of the place. He dashed across the parking lot. He sneaked up behind the leader of the group and punched him right in the neck. All of his friends ran to help him up.

Meanwhile, Andy unlocked the car and we took off. Andy raced across the parking lot and exited quickly. It was silent for a few minutes, until Andy broke the silence.

"I'm sorry," he apologized, "that guy was an old friend of mine, and I guess time escaped me. Why didn't you come in?"

I answered him with, "I trust you Andy, I'm not that impatient. Besides, there really wasn't a rush."

"I'm going to make it up to you, okay?" he promised.

I nodded my head and we drove home. I quickly entered our house once we were parked and ran upstairs to our bedroom. I plopped down and was ready to fall asleep. I could hear footsteps coming up the stairs and sure enough, it was Andy.

He opened the door and laughed. He lifted my body up of the bed, bridal style. He propped me up with his knee as he let one arm off of my body pull back the covers. He laid me down, and I smiled cheerfully at him.

"Goodnight Brittany," he whispered in my ear.

"Goodnight Andy," I whispered back.

I drifted off to sleep. I was glad that I had a boyfriend like Andy.

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