Andy Biersack Imagine

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Hello meh Wallabears! This one goes to flanc002! I know I have done others for her, but hey, Billy taught me I could do anything! Anyway, go follow, vote, and grass her stuff because she is super amazing!

Enjoy! :>

Courtney's P.O.V

"Get off dude!" I heard a boy scream.

I was sitting outside, eating my lunch like I always do. Some kid was being bullied again. It wasn't that uncommon to have blood land on the table and possibly in your lunch. The school I went to was a breeding ground for mini Jeff The Killers.

I was moping around in silence, eating my food. I didn't have any friends. I mostly kept to myself, I have an issue trusting people. Social Anxiety I guess?

Suddenly, a boy was slammed onto the table I was sitting at. He was being choked to death by Mitch, the biggest and baddest bully of them all.

"You done lookin' at my b*tch?" he screamed at the kid.

"Y-you *gasp* should treat her w-with re- * choke * spect!" he tried to say.

"You don't tell me sh*t emo cutter p*ssy!" he grasped his neck harder.

"You tell 'em babe!" I heard a girl scream in the background.

I tried to say something. I wanted to speak and stop this madness. I c-couldn't let him get away with this.

"H-Hey!" I stuttered, "Stop it!"

Mitch let go of the guy. The boy clutched his neck and started to breathe heavily.

"What the h*ll did you just say b*tch?!" he glared at me.

"Y-you heard me!" I tried to find the confidence to say.

"Dare to say it again!" he yelled.

"I am tired of your sh*t Mitch," I finally pulled myself together, "I may not be a victim, but I can't let this happen anymore! You just tried to kill an innocent boy!"

"Innocent my a**!" he replied, "That sissy look at MY girl! She belongs to me! He should back off!"

"He didn't even talk to her!" I yelled at him, "So is that really a reason?!"

"Um," he was at a lost for words, "I d-don't know."

"That's right!" I fought back, "You have a problem with someone, something, or maybe even with yourself, but blaming random people isn't gonna solve your d*mn problems!"

"Why don't you suck my d*ck?" he smirked.

"Sure!" I fake giggled, "Let me know when you get one!"

Everyone was silent. Their eyes were stuck to me. Some were looking at Mitch, expecting him to have a good comeback.

Mitch just turned his head and walked away. The girl who he was "standing up for " followed him. She dropped her head and whimpered. Did I really effect her that bad? Or is she just afraid of what Mitch might do to her out of anger?

I wasn't gonna let it bother me. It wasn't my problem.

Soon, everyone returned to talking. At least I gave them a new topic. Silent Girl Owns Big Bad Bully. Wouldn't that be something?

The boy came up to me and sat next to me. Lunch started 6 minutes ago so I guess I can talk to him.

"Thanks for doing that," he smiled, "You didn't have to."

"I had to get my table back somehow, right?" I laughed.

"I suppose so," he laughed as well, "Don't I know you?"

I tried to think of where he might of seen me, "English maybe?"

"Yeah!" he exclaimed, "You never talk."

"I kinda don't have a-any friends," I shyly spoke.

"Me either," he replied, "I am known as Andy Freakshow Emo. My real name is Andy by the way. Andy Biersack."

I giggled, "Biersack?"

"Yeah," he sighed, "I wanna change it to Andy Sixx, you know, after Nikki Sixx?"

Out of nowhere he said, "I must admit something to you."

"What?" I asked.

"I maybe have a teeny-whiny crush on you Courtney," his face grew red.

"R-really?" I blushed.

"Do you maybe want to go on a date?" he questioned me.

"I don't know," I answered, "This is all moving too fast for me."

"It's fine!" he widely smiled, "Look, if you go on a date with me and feel uncomfortable, I will not bother you about it or make fun of you!"

"I guess I should," I stared at him.

He got up off of his seat, "I had to get that out, I wanted to tell you for so long. Bye! See you on our date!"

He left and headed off to his next class early. Did he really have feelings for me for a long time? But more importantly, did I like him? I suppose so, for both question. There was one thing left to do though.

Which person to rub this in their face first? I thought.

• 3 days later •

I took a sip of my water after I finished laughing at the joke Andy told me, "You mentioned something about Nikki Sixx when we first met, do you like Motley Crue?"

"H*ll yeah!" He shouted loudly in the diner, which earned us a few stares.

"Me too," I smiled, "I want to be in a band when I get a little bit older."

"I have the same dream as well," he agreed, "Maybe we should be in a band together?"

"Wouldn't that be amazing?" I winked.

I had grown a little more confident since he asked me out. After school that day we had traded phone numbers in our last period. He taught me some cool stuff and I taught him to appreciate his own thoughts. I now know that I really, truly like Andy.

"Well this was a great date," I sighed.

"Does it have to be over so soon?" he groaned.

"I know," I said.

We paid the bill, that the waiter left us, up at the front. We soon exited the building and walked to his car.

He stopped in front of his car and ushered me over to him, "Can I show you something?"

"Sure," I answered.

He quickly leaned in and kissed me on my lips. It was a short kiss but it was defiantly a shock.

"Wha-" I said before he cut me off.

"Oh and another thing," he interrupted.

He then grabbed the back of my head and made the kiss longer. This was my first kiss. It was full of sparks. I know it sounds a lot like a movie kiss, but I really didn't care.

"What did you do that for?" I said, breaking the kiss.

"To make sure you have a good time," he smirked, "I know I shouldn't be saying this on the first date. Will you be my girlfriend?"

I gasped, "I'm sorry, but it looks like you won't be single anymore!"

He smiled and I kissed him on the cheek.

"You still have trust issues?" he flirted.

"Well not anymore," I flirted back.

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