I See You (Andy)

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This is a continuation of Peekaboo! This second part is dedicated to the same person @ellemu152

It was a usual blazing summer day. I hooked up a fan outside, and it was blowing all the cool air it could muster onto me. My fiancé was currently playing with his soon to be two year old stepdaughter, Tess. He was chasing her around the yard. She was giggling and waving her arms like she was under attack.

I smiled and took a sip of my sweet lemonade. It had been a little under a year and a half when Andy and I started dating. The beginning was rough because of scheduling. I had work and care for a baby while he was touring everywhere. I grew hesitant about letting things continue, but I am glad I ultimately made the choice to stay.

Tess enjoyed being around Andy. She clung to him more often than me. He was the one she wanted to play with. He was the one she wanted to have read stories to her. He was the one she wanted to be tucked in by. My relationship with Andy had really blossomed, and she did not mind. She loved having more than one parent.

I felt something odd in my stomach for the past few days. I noticed that it had stuck out more than usual. I thought it was bloating. What else could it be? I went inside the get some more lemonade. I started to panic and think about what it could possibly mean. Could it be another baby?

I set my now full glass of lemonade down and ran to the bathroom. I bought several tests when I was pregnant with Tess; I still had a few left. I took the test and impatiently waited for what seemed like hours. Finally, it was done. I looked at the little symbol.


I held my breath. I couldn't believe it. Another child? So soon? My mind immediately went to Andy. I had to tell him about this. He deserved to know.

I slowly walked back outside. Andy and Tess were cooling off under a tree in the shade. I walked over to them. My feet made crunching noises when it hit the grass. There was a slight breeze going through my hair. The sun beat down causing me to break into a small sweat.

"Andy," I said, "We need to talk."

His brow furrowed, "Okay."

Tess also had a perplexed look, but then shrugged her shoulders and rolled around in the grass. I smiled a little looking back at her. What I would give to be that young and full of innocence again. I wouldn't ever take it for granted. I wasn't sure I was ready for another child so soon.

I took Andy's hand in mine, "I have some big news."

"We are not breaking up are we?" he looked frightened.

I exclaimed, "No! Of course not!"

He looked very relieved.

"I'm pregnant," I spit it out.

He was silent for a good minute before he replied, "Are you sure?"

"Well I just took only one home pregnancy test, but I wanted to tell you because it was positive," I answered.

"We will set up an appointment later, but for now, do you feel sick at all?" he led me over to the table to sit down.

I sat in a brown woven rocking chair, "I feel a bit nauseous. It's just this feeling in my stomach. I could be wrong. You can't always trust a drug store pregnancy test."

"Well no matter what happens during that appointment we will set up, I will love you," he held my hand and began to rub it with his thumb.

I smiled and kissed his cheek. He kissed me back on the lips. Tess come running over with grass all over her clothes and hair. I laughed and tried to pat some of it off of her. She wiggled out of my grasp and went to hug Andy. He now had grass all over his clothes.

I winked at him and grabbed Tess. I pulled her into my lap and began to tickle her. She kicked and giggled hysterically. Andy also began to tickle her. One of her kicks hit my stomach so I had to let her down. She ran back into the yard and began to hop around like a bunny.

"What is she going to do if we have a child?" I shook my head.

"I can control her," he rubbed my back.

"Yeah. She likes you better," I frowned.

"Hey," he kissed my neck, "Don't talk like that. She loves you. You're mother and daughter and that bond will never go away. There are some lessons in life I can not reach her. She will come to you searching for advice, and you will give her the perfect words to live by."

"You are just so sweet and cheesy sometimes! I can't handle it!" I squirmed, "But thank you. I love you."

"I love you too," he lifted me up off the chair and hugged me.

He bent down to kiss my stomach and whispered, "I hope you are in there because I love you too."

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