I Want To Need You (Andy)

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"Lily! How could you do this to me?" my boyfriend Andy shouted at me.

"What did I do this time?!" I shouted back.

"You went out with Erik. You know that he flirts with you...did you cheat on me?" he asked.

"God dammit Andy! You are so damn insecure! You know that I would never do such a thing," I slammed my hand on the counter.

"I worry about you! I shouldn't have to. I can't trust you," he sighed.

"That is it!" I ran out of the house.

I could hear Andy scream and beg me to come back but I wasn't interested. I went to the only place I felt truly safe, my brother Jinxx's house. No matter where he lived, any place he was felt like home.

I tried so hard to keep myself together. It was very difficult, but somehow I managed to not completely fall apart. I walked up to his doorstep and rang the door bell. It didn't take him long to answer. I'm glad he wasn't lost in his thoughts like he usually is.

"J-jinxx," I stuttered, "Andy and I fought again."

He didn't say a word. He silently lead me into the the house.

He let me rant, "I know Andy and I have fought a lot these past two weeks. I want to make it up and fix things, but that's a bit difficult when you don't what to fix. I just want everything to be normal."

He sighed, "I don't know what to tell you Lily. I do know that I will not stop being friends with him. I know I'll sound like an asshole for saying this, but I told you in the beginning that I wasn't going to be the middle man. I'm still not Lily. You need to figure this out on your own. I love you and you can stay here if you like, but you need to fix it or leave it."

I made up my mind.

It has been three months since I broke things off with Andy. I thought things would be easier but I was sadly mistaken. I stopped eating, sleeping, and working regularly. I had lost interest in things that I once loved. I only wanted Andy. I needed Andy and I hoped that he needed me.

I started cyberstalking him and found out that he had started dating this barfly slut. Her name was Melody and that's all I wanted to know. I couldn't stand her. I fucking hated her. Why did I never fix things?

One day, I was extremely desperate. I messaged him and he actually replied.

A- Why don't we get dinner?

L- Melody won't like that.

A- She'll be too busy blowing some other guy anyway. I miss you Lily. I mean it.



L- Um, sure.

He came over to my brother's house the next day. He had flowers in his hands and a smirk plastered on his face. When I opened the door he kissed me. I was surprised but quickly kissed back.

"I love you," he said.

My heart beat so fast, but I couldn't let him know that, "You too."

He frowned for a split second but regained the smirk. He grabbed my had and rushed me to the car. He blindfolded me once we were buckled up and such.

"I remember that you use to do this all the time," I said.

"Quit talking like years have past," Andy laughed, "I still want you."

"Melody?" I brought up the bitch again.

"I wanted to make you jealous, it really isn't serious. Just like her boobs, our relationship is completely fake," he explained.

"You have such a way with words," I replied.

"I know," he put his hand on my thigh.

I smacked it away, "Hey mister, wait till the 3rd date!"

-Le time skip brought to you by Hello Kitty!-

Andy and I laid on a sky blue blanket under the stars. He had brought me to the place where we had our first picnic. The atmosphere is just like it was back then. I looked over and Andy and he looked at me. I saw the love in his eyes.

"Why did we ever give this up?" I asked.

"Because we're idiots," he kissed my cheek.

"I love you," I finally said.

"I love you too," Andy smiled.

"We'll make it work this time," he continued, "I promise."

Hey cuddlebunnies! Thank you so much for reading this request and thank you LpsCherry for requesting. I hope you enjoy and don't forget to request in my inbox. Beh~

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