Lemonade or Vodka? (Ashley)

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A special request for @TooTallTina

I felt a cool breeze run through my hair as I swung father into the air. It was blazing hot outside, but I was too bored inside. Nothing but reruns were on TV and that annoyed me. None of my favorite shows were included in those reruns. So I decided to build myself a swing. I found an old tire along with some rope. I nailed the sucker into the tree and enjoyed to wind hitting my burning face. I began to think about my dearest friend Ashley. He was from the South like I was. I'm sure he would appreciate the swing as much as I had.

My phone in my pocket began to vibrate. I looked at the caller ID. Speak of the devil! Ashley had called me.

"Sup Purdy boy?" I answered the phone.

"I'm coming over," he said.

I pulled my legs back and brushed the ground the slow myself down, "Why?"

"I want to get away for a little bit. I just got back from tour, and I missed hanging out with you," he explained.

"Ashley," I smiled, "You can come over anytime. You don't have to ask. You never have in the past anyway."

He chuckled, "See you soon, Tina."

I squealed and squirmed. I had a huge crush on Ashley. I had denied it when we became friends, but I couldn't push down those feelings forever. I always hoped he had felt he same, but I was too much a coward to flat out ask him. I halted to a stop and stood up. I knew Ash was going to ask for snacks.

I went inside my air-conditioned home to cool off and prepare the buffet of dollar store snacks. I dumped a bunch of M&Ms into a bowl. I knew Ashley did not enjoy eating junk food, but he would have to get over it. I took a bottle of vodka from the fridge and set out some shot glasses so Ash could pace himself. I got some lemonade for myself, because I did not feel like drinking that day.

Ash soon arrived with a grin on his face. He walked in the door holding a huge box of popcorn. He looked around the house like he had never seen it before. After Ashley had broken up with his girlfriend, he came to live with me. He had bought an apartment right before he went on tour and left the house. He hadn't stepped so much as a foot inside since.

"Didn't take you long to redecorate, huh?" he aimlessly walked around the living room.

"You were gone for six months Ashley," I said.

"Yeah," he sat down on the couch and propped his feet up on the coffee table, "but that is short for us."

"True," I shrugged, "Hey! Get your feet off my table. The last one has scratches in it from you doing that."

He smirked, "Well this one will too."

"I swear," I shook my head.

I grabbed the box of popcorn that Ashley had set on the counter while looking at the kitchen. I slid two packages out of the box, took the plastic wrapped off of them, and shoved the first one in the microwave. I repeated the process and emptied both bags into a large bowl. I walked over towards Ashley and plopped down onto the couch. He grabbed the bowl and put it in his lap.

"Hey bud," I reached over to grab the bowl and I placed it on the table, "share."

"I missed you," he looked me in the eyes.

I blushed a little, "You too. What do you want to watch?"

"No," he answered, "I just want to talk."

I stuttered, "A-About what?"

"Do you mind if I move back in?" he asked.

I gasped, "Ash! You literally spent like a whole night in your apartment before leaving on tour."

"I know," he looked at the ground, "but as soon as I walked through that door..."

   He pointed to the door. His sentence drifted off into silence. I could not tell what he was thinking. What he wanted to say was not coming out. He looked up at me, expecting me to read his mind.

"What?" I asked.

"Tina. It's so hard to do this. I don't know why," he continued, "I've always been able to do this with others."

Do what?

"Ash," I smiled, "You know you can say anything."

"I like you," the words poured from his mouth.

Is this real?

"Ash," I grabbed his hand, "I feel the same."

"Really?" he seemed shocked by my answer.

"How could I not? We've been friends for the longest time. Something was bound to happen," I moved closer.

"All that worry for nothing!" his face became flushed, "I talked about it for days with the guys! I paced for hours after the show. You don't even know."

"Ashley, I do know. Days? Try years!" I exclaimed.

"I must be charming if you held on for that long," he kissed me.

"It's worth it," I climbed onto his lap.

"Oh," he winked at me.

"Hold on," he grabbed my hips, "I need to get a drink before this party starts. I'm a little thirsty."

I bent down to whisper in his ear, "I bet you are. Lemonade or Vodka?"

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