Movie Game (Andy)

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Hello meh Piggabears! This one goes to Brittany_luvs_BVB! She is amazing so please go follow, vote, and grass her stuff!

Enjoy! :>

Brittany's P.O.V.

"Andyyyy," I moaned, "Why is there nothing good on TVVVV?!"

"I don't knowwww," he groaned, "What's on? If there is nothing, I'm gonna pop in movie."

"Let's see," I began reading off all the possible choices, "The Fake Housewives of Bitch City, Dateline, Shitter Sharknado 2, Disney Shit, or The Fucked Up Files."

He sighed and walked over to the movie shelf in the right corner of the room, "What movie should we watch?"

"Do we have Titanic over there?" I asked, peering over at the movie shelf.

"Ugh, no," he whined, "I don't want to watch a romantic movie that lasts five million years."

"It's got boobs!" I smirked, thinking that it would convince him.

"Rose's boobs aren't enough," he smiled, "Why would I need her boobs when I have yours?"

"True," I nodded my head, "I'm not really in the mood for romantic either."

"Then why did you ask for Titanic?" he chuckled.

"Because that's the only movie I remembered we had over there," I replied.

Andy shook his head and laughed. He went back to search the shelf for more movies. I suddenly got an idea.

"Why don't we play a game?" I asked, moving up off the bed and walking towards Andy.

"Said the blonde girl before she died in a famous horror movie that I can't remember the title to," he turned around to face me.

"Very funny," I said, "How about you guess what movie I want to watch. Every time you guess wrong, I move away from you. Every time you get close or say something related to the movie, I get closer. If I am as close as I can get, and you haven't guessed the title, I will remove some clothing. Only if you get more clues right though."

"Sounds fun," he grinned.

"All I will say is that it is a comedy," I gave him a clue.

Andy's face grew into a wide grin. He knew the answer, but I could tell he wasn't going to guess the title right away.

I had guessed right after all. I was down to my bra and shorty shorts. Andy just kept guessing right and using his height to his advantage. (Looking down at her boobs.)

"It's really cold in this room!" I complained, "Just say the title already."

"Fine," he answered, "Anchorman."

"Finally!" I tried to reach down and grab my shirt, but Andy snatched it before me.

"Keep it off," he smirked.


"Okay," he flinched, "I'll take my shirt off, then we will be even."

I rolled my eyes and hopped back in bed, "Just put the damn movie in."

"Which row is it on?" he asked, taking off his shirt and tossing it over near the laundry basket.

"Um, third or fourth I think," I pondered.

"Found it!" he exclaimed while running over to the TV, "Mind if I turn off the lamp?"

"No," I answered.

After he set the movie in the DVD player and switch the channel to play the movie, he went over to the lamp and clicked the button to turn it off. He crawled into bed with me and slung his arm over my shoulder.

I wrapped myself in the covers. Andy pulled them off of me though.

"What the hell?" I tried to yank the covers, "It's cold."

He then wrapped his arms around me and leaned my head into the crook of his head, "I'll keep you warm."

"Thank you," I smiled.

He then sneaked his hand under me and unhooked my bra. He started to slowly pull it off before I caught him.

"What are you doing?" I gave him a concerned look.

"I don't like the feeling off your bra against my chest," he scratched the back of his head, "It's lacy so it itches."

I gave him a flirty look, "Okay then. Go ahead."

He removed my bra and threw it over near the laundry basket, "You were planning to sleep with your bra on?"

"I didn't think we were going to sleep so soon," I snuggled up against him, "I was going to go grab my shirt once the movie ended, turn off the TV, and go to sleep."

"Well not anymore!" he smiled and snuggled up against me as well.

And we fell asleep just like that. Up against each other with bare upper halves and covered lower halves. What a weird way to fall asleep.

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