Party & Crash & Party (Ash)

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A request for Ali_Purdy_Girl

This is the night! I am going to be so amazing tonight that it isn't even funny! I never usually went to parties and wore revealing clothes and look so done up, but it was what my boyfriend wanted so it is what he'll get!

Evan, his name wondered through my mind.

My best friend was going to be there too. Ash was going to be my wingman. He knew everything about parties and how to have fun. I have much to learn, but he is going to be an excellent teacher.

I was finishing up my lips when I heard a car honk. I dash to my window and saw Ash in his car. I waved and jumped up and down. I grabbed my Converse and headed out the door.

"Converse and a dress? Could you be anymore 2013?" Ash looked at my outfit when I got in the car.

"Oh c'mon. You wear black all the time. You are no better than me!" I laughed.

"Some one is in a good mood!" he smiled.

"I just can't wait to see Evan!" I exclaimed.

Ashley went silent for a second and then changed the subject, "So are you going to be drinking tonight?"

"Probably not," I shrugged.

"Alright then," he sighed, "You'll be the driver. Do you know anyone else besides Evan and me?"

"No," I answered.

"You are going to be a tough one, but you will succeed. I just know it!" he smirked.

We soon arrived at the place where the party was. Evan told me that he would wait for me outside in the front lawn, but I couldn't see him. He was probably there. He might have gotten lost in the crowd. He will text me.

Ashley spoke up, "Okay, where's your boy toy?"

"I don't know," I said as I pulled out my phone, "I will text him."

Ten minutes passed and there was no reply.

"Should I wait any longer?" I asked Ash.

"No! We are going into that party now. We are going to have a good time!" he hopped out of the car and I followed him.

"Can you help me find him?" I tugged his arm.

"I'm sure we'll bump into him," Ash answered.

"Okay," I groaned.

When we went inside I nearly died. The music was so loud and people were everywhere. I even saw someone duck taped to the wall. I'm not sure how that happened. I didn't want to ask questions though. Who knew what kind of people were here!

"So," Ashley shouted , "I'm going to teach you how to dance!"

I nodded my head, eager to learn.

"So you need to sway your hips, since you're a girl, and basically try not to look like a white dad at a barbecue okay?"

I understood half of what he said but I knew that he wanted me to sway my hips. So I did just that. I started to get in time with the music and sway my hips to the beat.

"You're a fast learner!" Ashly came closer to me.

I started to dance on my own and I lost track of Ash. I was completely lost in the music. Parties are actually fun when you're dancing! But suddenly, I bumped into someone.

I turned around and opened my mouth but quickly shut it when I saw who it was. Evan and another girl were dancing hand and hand.

He looked like a deer caught in a headlight. I could see lipstick stains on his face. He pushed the girl out of the way, but it was too late. I ran out onto the back porch.

I found a secluded spot on the stairs next to a couple eating each other's faces.

I looked down at the ground and heard heavy footsteps coming my way.

"Ali?" I heard Evan's deep voice, "I need to talk to you."

"I don't want to talk," I replied.

"I know. I really should have done this before," he rubbed my shoulder.

"Done what?" I looked at him.

"Break up with you. Things are boring with you around. It's not fun like it used to be. You're aren't my type anymore," he said with a blank face.

"Are you kidding me?" I shoved him away, "Go! Just leave!"

He walked away. After he did I got a text from Ash.

A- Hey, where r u?

Ali- Out on the back porch next to a couple of cannibals. Come quickly.

A- Okay. lol

A few minutes later Ash arrived.

"What's up kitty?" he rubbed my back.

"Evan broke up with me," I sniffled.

"That asshole! He knew this was important to you! You talked with him for weeks about it!" he pounded his fist into the step.

"He said I wasn't fun," I sunk my head.

"Well he didn't see what I saw earlier," Ash said.

"And what was that?" I looked back up into his eyes.

"A beautiful girl who didn't care. She moved how she wanted to and got lost in her own happiness," his face moved closer to mine, "I don't know if you can tell, but I really like you Ali. I've liked you for so long and you never knew."

"Is this the alcohol talking?" I smirked.

"No, not one drop," he grinned.

"I don't know what to say," I grinned back.

"You don't have to say anything," he hugged me tightly, "Just embrace my touch. He'll never get to see your beauty again, but I always will. Now let's go fucking party!"

I hopped up and at the top of my lungs yelled, "Wooooohoooooo! It's Purdy time!"

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