What Anxiety? (Andy)

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Dedicated to @ellemu152

"You'll do fine Elle. It's not like we have not preformed this a billion times already!" my best friend and guitar player Raven exclaimed.

I replied while twiddling my thumbs, "I know. It's just that we worked so hard for this. I don't want to fuck it up."

"And we won't!" she sighed, "We are going to go out there and be the very best that no one ever was. Our names are going to be every where and we will get the tour we always wanted. You just have to believe in us. You have for five years, why quit now? But more importantly, you have to believe in yourself."

I smiled, "If we don't get the tour, you should become a motivational speaker."

"Oh shut up. I got to go tune real quick. You know how I am. I always have to do things at the last second," she ran off to join my other fellow members Cynthia, Caitlyn, and Beck.

I ran through the lyrics of the first song in my head.

Hear the cries of the dying disheveled lives
They speak your name
They speak your name
They want something more than a game
They want afterlives
Watch them reclaim
Watch them reclaim
They want afterlives

"Pretty cool song," a deep and gravelly voice spoke.

I spun around quickly to be greeted by none other than Andy fucking Biersack. He was wearing his signature thin tank top and skinny jeans. His stiff hair was messy and clean at the same time. I had no idea how he managed to do that.

"O-oh thanks," I silently kicked myself for stuttering, "It's the first song we wrote."

"Wow," he grinned, "Most of people's first songs don't sound that great."

I tucked a piece of loose hair behind my ear, "Thanks. You write some great stuff too. I'm a fan of yours. You kind of inspired me."

God why am I saying this?! Now he thinks I am a weirdo. This is not how this day was planned. I hope he leaves before we preform.

"Thanks," his cheeks grew a little pink, "You guys started on the Internet, right?"

Is Andy motherfucking Biersack blushing and how does he know about me?

"Yeah. We did. I'm surprised you know about us," I said.

"Well I heard a new band was going to be at Warped this year, and I wanted to see what they were all about. You've got a solid band and some cool songs. I've got to go, but you keep up the hard work and maybe I'll see you around?" he shuffled his feet and looked at the ground.

I literally wanted to squeal and jump up and down like a little kid, "Yeah. Maybe."

I'm such a dork. Yeah? Maybe? What the literally fuck was I thinking?

Raven came up behind me and shook me, "It's showtime!"

"It's showtime," I whispered to myself as I walked on stage.

"How are we doing today?!" I yelled as we settled on stage.

I was shocked by how many people showed up. Did we really have this many fans? I shook my head in disbelief. The large crowd roared with applause. I spotted Andy in the midst of teenagers wearing all black in ninety degree weather. He was cheering and clapping just like the rest of them.

Needless to say, once my nerves were gone I was able to fully sink into the performance. I poured my heart out all over the words and made sure everyone felt something. I wanted them to walk away knowing the words meant something more than a paycheck. A few audience members in the front had tears running down their faces. Andy was just grinning like an idiot. During the last song, I noticed Andy was not there. I frowned a little inside and shook the thought out of my mind.

"Good afternoon and thanks so much for enjoying the show!" I yelled as I walked off the stage with my other band members.

Raven nearly tackled me when we were backstage, "I told you we would do amazing!"

"Yeah. That was amazing," a familiar voice said.

Raven gasped, "Is that-"

"Andy of THE Black Veil Brides," I whispered, "Don't freak out."

"It's too late!" she went to shake his hand and when she did she shook his whole body.

"Your band isn't too bad either," he said while
looking at me.

"Thanks! That means so much coming from you! She's single by the way," Raven winked at Andy.

I just shook my head as he walked over to me, "I am so sorry about her."

"That's alright. I'm actually glad she told me that," he flirted, "I haven't seen a performance like that in awhile. I was thinking...if you are coming back for the second day here...do you wanna walk around together and hang out?"

"Fuck yes," I accidentally said, "Shit! I did not mean to say that like that."

"It's okay," he kissed my cheek, "I'm excited too."

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