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LAURA FOUND herself in a giant office about to be sorted into her Hogwarts house.

"This is definitely a different experience," she said as the hat was placed on her head.

"Another Potter, hmm," the hat said. Laura was getting bored as the Sorting Hat talked in her head. The Ilvermorny sorting was more interesting (in her opinion) with the statues of the houses who would claim you.

"Should you be a Gryffindor like your cousin?" the hat wondered. "Or a Slytherin like your father?"

"Does it really matter?" Laura asked. "Does this seal my fate or something? Because if I could choose, I'd definitely go with Slytherin."

The hat paused for a second, not expecting her answer.

"Well, it better be Slytherin!" the hat exclaimed loudly.

Laura smiled as her robes were changed.

"You can go down to the Great Hall, Miss Pickering," Dumbledore said. "Welcome to Hogwarts."

Laura nodded, thanking him, and then successfully making her way to the Great Hall without getting lost. When she walked in, Lavender Brown saw her, a smile on her face until she saw the green-lined robes Laura was wearing.

Laura saw this but ignored it. She covered the little Slytherin logo and walked up to the Slytherin table. She dramatically revealed her house to the people she knew would accept her.

"You're stuck with me from now on," she grinned, wiggling her eyebrows.

"Yes!" Pansy exclaimed, jumping up and hugging Laura tightly. "My dorm has an empty room. I bet they're going to put you in there."

Laura sat down, chatting with Pansy and Blaise, but soon the first-year sorting started. Laura didn't pay much attention; she wasn't too interested. But as she sat there, she felt someone staring at her.

She turned to see Harry staring at her. She sent him a questioning look and a small wave. Turning back, Draco sent her a strange look, but she shook her head.

Soon after the sorting was finished, there was dinner. Where Laura kept talking with Blaise and Pansy. Draco sometimes added to the conversation. When that was over, Dumbledore started talking, Laura once again not too interested.

"The Inter-House Quidditch Cup will not take place this year."

Laura sat up, furrowing her eyebrows. She was definitely paying attention now.

"What?" she asked. "You're kidding... the one year I'm here? I was looking forward to playing Quidditch."

"You play Quidditch?" Draco asked, tilting his head slightly.

"Yeah," Laura nodded, "I'm an excellent seeker."

Draco looked like he wanted to say something but was cut off by booming thunder. Everyone looked over at the doors of the Great Hall, and a strange man walked in.

His face was covered in scars. He looked as if his face was about to fall apart at any second. Laura and Pansy shared a look.

"Terrifying," Laura whispered to Draco.

Draco shrugged, holding back a smirk, which Laura didn't like the look of, but she didn't comment on it.

It turned out the man was their Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. Laura watched as Snape frowned at this. She knew he had wanted the position for a while. But, he was quickly old news as Dumbledore announced that Hogwarts was holding the Triwizard Tournament, not that Laura cared too much.

"-All be alert and rested as you enter your lessons tomorrow morning," Dumbledore said, ending his speech. "Bedtime! Chop chop!"

"You know what would be funny?" Laura said as people started filing out of the hall.

"What?" Pansy asked, tilting her head.

"I just think it would be so ironic if I was chosen for the champion," Laura said with a laugh. "Not that I will or want to. It just feels like my luck."

"Yeah, right," Draco said. "I doubt you would be qualified to do something like that. Besides, if it was anyone, it'll be Potter."

Laura shot him a look as they left the hall. While they walked to the common room, Laura felt someone's eyes on her. She tapped Draco on the shoulder.

"I'm taking a detour. I gotta take care of something," Laura said. "Don't wait for me."

"How're you going to find the common room?" Draco asked. There was the tiniest bit of concern in his voice.

"I have my ways. I'm a witch, after all," Laura shrugged. "Just go, I can find my own way back. We're just in the basement area."

Draco hesitated but nodded as Laura left. She went down a hallway or two, only stopping when she knew she was alone.

"You can come out now," Laura hummed, glancing around the room. "I know you've been following me."

Harry uncloaked himself, revealing that it was he who was following.

"Invisibility cloak, interesting," Laura said. "But uh, why are you following me?"

"I just wanted to talk to you," Harry said, putting his hands up. "I just was curious as to why you got put in Slytherin. You don't seem to be the typical Slytherin. I was also curious about what your deal is with Malfoy."

"You hardly know me," Laura said, raising an eyebrow. "I had a choice, and I asked for Slyherin, and no one influenced me... Well, maybe my dad... but with the whole thing with Malfoy, I'm not friends with him. I doubt I ever will. He's slowly becoming my punching bag for bad jokes."

"Okay then," Harry said, nodding slowly. "Well, that's all I had to ask, so goodnight I guess."

"Oh wait!" Laura said as Harry started to turn away. "I have something to tell you that you should know now, not later."

"Go on," Harry said, curious about what she had to say.

"We're cousins," Laura put bluntly. "It's not Laura Pickering. It's Laura Potter. Your dad is my uncle, and vice versa; our dads are twins.

"We didn't take you in when your parents passed," she explained, "because of loads of legal things that didn't translate well between the two wizarding worlds. Though, it's finally nice to meet you."

"Okay, wow," Harry said, his eyes wide, trying to take the information in. "This is absolutely mental to find out. I hope you know that, Laura. I'm choosing to believe you."

"Thank Merlin," Laura laughed, pulling Harry into a hug. "Well, this is still a secret; I am still Laura Pickering- not Potter. Hogwarts doesn't need two Potters running around, committing crimes."

"We don't commit crimes, Laura," Harry said, before grinning. "Well, maybe sometimes- but never on purpose." He added, winking.

"I'll keep that in mind," Laura laughed, pulling away from the hug. "Well, goodnight. I'll see you tomorrow at some point, probably."

"Night, Laura," Harry said, waving, then walking off.

Laura waved back before realizing she had no clue where the Slytherin common room was. She was wandering for not too long when someone laughed at her.

"You seem lost."

Laura sighed, turning around to see Draco leaning against the wall, his arms folded. His face held a petty smirk, making her a little ticked off.

"You didn't hear the whole conversation, did you?" she asked, not minding too much if he did.

"Well, you weren't whispering," Draco said.

"Yeah, yeah," Laura said, rolling her eyes. "It's not like we discussed anything important."

"Well, apparently, I'm becoming your punching bag," Draco drawled, folding his arms. "You're gonna like me at some point. I can guarantee it. The tables will turn, and you'll be my punching bag."

Laura doubled over in laughter, shaking her head. Draco stared at her, unsure why she was laughing.

"Oh Merlin- you're hilarious, Malfoy," Laura laughed. She then stopped laughing abruptly, staring at Draco, causing him to become a little defensive. "But you hardly know me. I won't become anyone's punching bag, Blondie."

"Well, then I'd like to get to know you better," Draco said, causing Laura to be a bit surprised.

Most people only got to know her "fun" side and assumed she was only like that. They usually backed off when she decided to get serious. However, when the lives of an entire continent lie on your shoulders, you have to get serious.

Draco's reaction piqued her curiosity. She had already been a little interested in who he was, but now she was even more interested. Maybe he wasn't so bad as she initially thought.

"Well, since you're here," Laura said after a couple of moments, a smile forming on her face, "we can walk back to the common room together."

"Well, since you're here," Laura said after a couple of moments, a smile forming on her face, "we can walk back to the common room together."

"You have no idea where it is, do you," Draco said with a soft laugh. "But come on, you still haven't even seen your room yet."


"Pickle!" Laura grinned. It was the next day, her snowy owl flew down from the group of owls, handing her a box and a letter.

"Your owl's name is Pickle?" Blaise asked, feeding Pickle a piece of his breakfast.

"Yeah," Laura said, petting Pickle. "He's my pride and joy."

Laura opened up the box. It was a package from her parents, containing a few things she had forgotten. Her parents always sent her a letter on the first day of school, telling Laura how proud and excited they were for her.

"What're you smiling about?" Draco asked skeptically.

"My parents," Laura sighed happily. "I miss them so much."

"You're so weird," Draco mumbled.

"For loving my parents?" Laura asked, raising an eyebrow. "Whatever, you'll change your mind if you ever meet them."

Draco shook his head, going back to eating his food.

When they finished eating, the four of them went to their classes. Laura got mad at Draco for being a brat at one point. He quickly tried to apologize, but Laura wasn't having it.

Then, for their final class of the day, Transfigurations. Laura loved that class back at Ilvermorny. So, she was hoping it would be just as good at Hogwarts. Part of making it fun would be if Draco didn't sit next to her.

Unfortunately for her, he was fast, snagging the seat next to Laura.

"Hi," she said bluntly.

"Hi, Pickering," Draco smiled, resting his chin on his hand.

"Do you want something from me?" Laura asked, skeptical.

"No," Draco shrugged. "I just wanted to sit next to you."

Laura sent him a questioning look, then turned to the front where Professor McGonagall.

They were learning about how to turn hedgehogs into pincushions that day. The lesson went fine until halfway through the lesson. Laura's hand slipped off of the desk, brushing against Draco's hand.

When Laura realized, she quickly pulled her hand away, but the damage was already done. Her face was already a deep crimson, while Draco's was a light pink. Neither looked at each other, keeping their eyes to the front.

Despite saying nothing at all, Professor McGonagall noticed and decided to comment on it.

"Mr. Malfoy, Miss Pickering," she said, raising an eyebrow, "do you two wish to say something?"

The class turned and looked at them, causing Laura to feel even more embarrassed. Lavender Brown and Padma Patil snickered at their table. Laura had no clue what they had against her, but she ignored them.

"No, Professor," Laura said quickly.

Professor McGonagall nodded, going on with the lesson.

Laura ignored what happened, not wanting to think about it. She couldn't be embarrassed if it didn't happen. On the other hand, Draco couldn't stop thinking about it.

Laura looked over to see he was deep in thought, a small smile on his face. She pursed her lips, kicking his foot.

"Blondie, don't space out," she whispered. "We're actually doing work now."

Draco nodded.

A smirk formed on Laura's face, seeing the faraway look on his face as he worked.

"Whatcha thinkin' about?" she asked, playing a bit with the hedgehog.

"Nothing," Draco shrugged. "I'm just plotting something against your cousin.

"Sure," Laura said, with a laugh, turning back to her hedgehog, not believing him.


"Draco, don't," Laura sighed as Draco walked up to Harry and his friend, the Daily Prophet in his hands. Laura quickly decided Draco was a lost cause in her eyes as he kept walking.

"You'll come around at some point," Pansy sighed, watching as Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle walked over. "Or, maybe you being here will change him."

"Well, he better," Laura sighed.


Pansy, Laura, and Blaise looked at each other. They then looked over to see Professor Moody, with a small white ferret sitting where Draco had previously been standing.

Laura swore under her breath, walking over and picking up the ferret.

"Leave it!" Professor Moody exclaimed.

Laura placed the ferret down, glancing up at Moody with a raised eyebrow, standing back up.

"Don't touch the ferret," Professor Moody growled.

(Draco) The ferret quickly hid behind Laura for safety. However, he wasn't very safe as Professor Moody walked over, drawing his wand.

"You know what, it's only my second day here," Laura said, putting one hand up, the other going to pull her wand out from her pocket. "I'm about ninety-five percent sure you're not allowed to do that."

"Who says?"

"Uh, a lot of people. Including me?"

Professor Moody ignored her, causing her to pull her wand out. Thankfully, Professor McGonagall showed up shortly after (after Draco was about ten feet in the air), transfiguring Draco back into the human.

Laura stifled a laugh, watching as Draco tried to recompose himself. His face was pink, and his hair was disheveled. Laura decided to be kind for once, going over to help him up, helping him as he limped.

"We're going to Snape's office," he muttered as they started to go over to Snape's office.

Laura nodded, letting go of him, causing him to stumble.

"What was that for?" Draco asked, catching himself as Laura kept walking.

"You can walk yourself," Laura said, not looking back. "You didn't hurt your leg. I know you were trying to play it up for attention."

"At least give me a warning next time," he sighed, jogging up to her.

"There shouldn't be a 'next time,'" Laura said, raising an eyebrow. "But if you do something stupid again, I'll be sure to remember."

Draco nodded as they arrived at Snape's office.

"Snaps!" Laura said, inviting herself into his office, surprising Draco.

Snape raised an eyebrow, watching as she walked in, took one of his mints, and sat herself down in one of his seats, Draco following close behind.

"Larua, Draco," Snape said as Draco took a seat.

"Do you two know each other?" Draco asked, glancing between the two of them.

"I've never met this man," Laura said sarcastically. "No, Blondie. He and my dad were 'mates' when they were students here."

"Yes," Snape sighed, ignoring Laura's first comment. "Laura, Draco is my godson. I was quite surprised to see that the two of you were acquainted on your own."

Draco had a smile playing on his lips concerning Laura.

"Never mind that," Snape then said. "Professor Moody will be here shortly? What did you do this time, Laura?"

Laura stared at Snape, her mouth open in shock.

"What? It wasn't me, I swear," she said. "How could you think I would do anything awful, especially my second day here."

"Laura," Snape said. "I know what you've done while at Ilvermorny, your parents have told me. Besides, you can't just think because you got a letter to come to Hogwarts when you turned eleven, Headmaster Dumbledore wasn't going to look into your track record at Ilvermorny.

"Your old Headmistress gave us the details of some of your past actions, including exploding another student's robes."

Laura blinked at Snape. She hadn't thought of that. That also meant Headmistress Imber ratted her out. She glanced over at Draco, who now had a giant smirk on his face as she was being told off.

"Okay- the exploding of the other kid's robes was an accident," Laura said, putting her hands up in defense. "Year one, Laura would never do something like that. You remember how I was back then. Besides, the kid deserved it. He betrayed me later."

"Whatever it was, it didn't stop you from being let into Hogwarts," Snape said. "Well, I'm assuming it concerns Draco, then.

Laura glanced over at Draco, whose smirk was nowhere to be seen, now being interrogated by Snape.

"Professor Moody transfigured Blondie into a ferret," Laura said, trying to conceal a smile. "It was funny, if I'm being honest. I personally think Draco is better suited as a ferret."

Draco opened his mouth to defend himself. However, before he could say anything, Professor Moody walked in. Draco shrunk a bit in his seat.

"I found Mr. Malfoy here making fun of Mr. Potter," Moody said, cutting to the chase. "Miss Potter here was interfering."

"It's Pickering," Laura said, frowning. "Get it right."

"So you transfigured him into a ferret?" Snape asked, looking quite amused.

Professor Moody nodded.

"Well," Snape sighed, "I will handle this now. You two can go off to dinner."

"Bye, Snape!" Laura exclaimed, shooting him some finger guns as Draco dragged her out.

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