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LAURA WALKED into the common room. She was about to fall back onto the couch when a first-year approached her.

"Erm, Professor Snape wants to talk to you," he said.

Laura was so exhausted, especially with Snape.

"Tell him I can't. Dumbledore's orders," Laura said, collapsing onto the couch. "If Snape gets mad, just tell me. I'll tell him off tomorrow."

The first year nodded, going off to tell Snape. Laura sighed, closing her eyes for a second as she leaned back into the couch.

"Stuck in here, eh?" asked a voice, walking down the stairs.

"Yeah," Laura replied, knowing who it was, keeping her eyes closed.

"On Dumbledore's orders... what did you do?" the person said, sitting next to her.

Laura opened her eyes to see it was Draco. She shrugged, leaning into him.

"I was talking to Viktor after learning what the next task is- they ruined the Quidditch field- and then Mr. Crouch showed up out of nowhere," Laura's hands were waving everywhere as she explained everything. "I had to sprint and get Dumbledore, but then Crouch apparently attacked Viktor while I was gone... Hagrid and Karkaroff beefed... Oh! And dumb Moody showed up suspiciously on time."

"You were talking to Krum?" Draco seemed to ignore everything she had explained once she told him she was talking to Viktor.

"Oh my, don't be jealous," Laura said, rolling her eyes. "He was just asking me if there was anything between Harry and Hermione."

"Oh," Draco said. "But Mr. Crouch just showed up? Like the Minister?"

"Yeah, he kept saying nonsense. It was kind of terrifying. But afterward, Dumbledore sent me back with Hagrid and told me to stay here... so I'm stuck here all night."

"It's not like you have anywhere to be, Laura," Draco reminded her. "Well, I guess Snape wanted to talk to you... do you know what that's all about?"

"I dunno," Laura knew it probably had to do with that night and her class that day, but it was Snape. "He's been in an awful mood lately. I think he has seasonal depression but for the Summer. Today, he was being dumb during class and when I was trying to get Dumbledore."

Draco looked at her, unsure how to respond to what she had said.

"You did get snappy at him in class," Draco said. "You didn't apologize to him... did you?"

"I know," Laura groaned. "I'm almost a hundred percent sure that's why he was being annoying. But it's whatever now, he's just thick- ugh, I've been here too long."

"I feel like you haven't been here long enough," he said, putting his arm around her and pulling her close.

"Hmm, we'll see about that," Laura said with a smile, pulling away and standing up. "I'm going to go to sleep, so I'll see you tomorrow."

Draco got up as well. Laura stole a quick kiss from him before going to the stairs. However, Draco had something else in mind. He pulled her arm gently and into his arms.

"You can't leave like that," he said. There was a smirk on his face as he pulled Laura in, kissing her softly.

Laura gladly kissed him back, yet it only lasted a moment- the portrait door swung open. Laura and Draco quickly moved away from each other- Laura quickly tidied herself up.

"Laura, Draco," Laura's eyes widened slightly, seeing that it was Snape. "Laura, would you care to explain why I didn't see you in my office?"

"Nice to see you too," Laura said with a smile. "Dumbledore gave me strict orders to stay in here, and I follow the rules-" Draco gave her a sideways glance as she said this "-so I would never defy Professor Dumbledore's orders, even for my dearest godfather."

"If that is the case..." Snape said less than enthusiastically. "Laura, I need you to come to my office tomorrow."

"Sure," Laura shrugged, hoping he would forget.

"Have a good night," Snape said, leaving the common room.

Draco pulled Laura back into his arms as soon as the door shut.

"You always follow the rules?" Draco smirked.

"Oh, Snape knows I don't," Laura laughed. "I'm surprised it worked, though."

"I doubt it did," Draco chuckled. "But since you are admitting to breaking the rules, how would you feel about defying Dumbledore's orders and going to the seventh floor with me?"

"Mmm, well, I guess I would break some rules for my cute boyfriend," Laura grinned. "It is only ten..."

Thankfully, Laura already had her invisibility cloak on her person, pulling it out. The two of them quickly made their way up to the seventh floor and into the Room of Requirements.

When they walked into the room, it was simpler than usual. There was a bed with simple dark green sheets, a matching couch, and a record player in the corner. Next to the record player were stacks of records.

Laura was immediately drawn to the CD player, flipping through the CDs for a specific one.

She pulled out a CD titled: For Laura. A goofy grin formed as she placed the CD into the CD player.

"My dad burned this CD for me, my first year," Laura hummed.

"What is it?" Draco asked as she fed the CD and pressed start.

"A CD, it holds music on it," Laura said, pulling Draco into a kiss as the music filled the room. "This song is 'Eyes Without a Face' by Billy Idol."

"I like it," Draco said in between kisses. He wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her close.

Laura smiled into the kiss, draping her arms around his neck. When the song got to the chorus, she pulled away, leaning her forehead against his, a giant grin on her face.

"Hey, I love you," Laura breathed.

"I love you more, Love," Draco quipped back, pulling her into another kiss before she could respond.

Laura laughed into the kiss as the song then changed to "There Is a Light That Never Goes Out" by the Smiths. Laura pulled away from the kiss again to start dancing with Draco. She took his hands into hers, and they danced.

Draco danced awkwardly at first, unsure how to dance with Laura, but he slowly got into the song. Laura laughed as they danced.

"And if a double-decker bus," Laura sang, "crashes into us– to die by your side is such a heavenly way to die."

"That's quite morbid," Draco pointed out as he spun her around.

"And if a ten-ton truck kills the both of us," Laura had a giant smile on her face as Draco said that, then spun him around. "To die by your side... Well, the pleasure, the privilege is mine."

"Mmm, well, that might be our fate if Professor Dumbledore finds out we snuck out," Draco said with a chuckle, winking at Laura.

"Oh shh, he won't find out," Laura said as Draco pulled her into another kiss.

The kiss had them end up on the bed, Draco leaning over Laura, his lips leaving her lips, going to kiss all over her face.

"Draco~" Laura scrunched her face as he kissed it. He just smiled, kissing her forehead.

"Hi, Love."

His lips then dipped down to her neck, but she quickly moved them to her own lips. Draco pulled away with a puzzled expression, tilting his head slightly. It was as though he were a lost puppy.

"What was that for?" he asked, wondering if he had done anything wrong.

"I know it might seem dumb or stupid, but I just don't feel the most comfortable with that yet," Laura said, hoping Draco would understand.

"Okay," Draco said, almost hesitantly.

Laura let out a relieved breath, pulling him into one last soft kiss. She muttered a soft thank you against his lips. He then pulled away, laying on the bed next to her.

"Don't thank me," Draco said. "It's only natural I respect your boundaries... I mean, there are definitely areas I lack in. Despite that, I want you to feel comfortable. I want you to feel comfortable, especially when we're in a state of intimacy like this."

"Oh my Merlin, I'm so in love with you," Laura breathed. Draco knew how to make her feel. That was one of the things she absolutely loved about him.

Even if the feelings weren't always positive, Laura's feelings for Draco were larger than she would ever like to admit.

"Mmm, well, we probably shouldn't spend too much time in here," Laura said, looking over at Draco.

"Do we have to?" Draco said, causing Laura to laugh.

"Yes, Blondie," Laura got off the bed, putting her hand out for Draco. "I'm technically not even supposed to be here, remember?"

Draco gave in with a smile. They left the Room of Requirement, sneaking back into the Slytherin Dungeons. The two quickly exchanged goodbyes, then parted ways to their dorms.

The adrenaline from that night had finally made itself manifest in the crash Laura felt as she got ready for bed. She fell asleep almost as soon as she laid her head down,

"Well, if it isn't Laura Potter..."

Laura groaned, seeing who it was: Hecate.

"Not you."

"Oh, are you not happy to see me?" Hecate asked, knowing full well what Laura's answer would be.

"I mean, not really, I'm exhausted, and the last thing I need is a conference meeting type thing in my dream," Laura said, folding her arms.

"Well, you don't really have anywhere to go," Hecate said, shrugging her shoulders. "I heard you did relatively well on your last task."

Laura just stared at her rival. She had so many things piled on her plate. This added "conference" didn't help her much, but she didn't have much choice but to sit and listen.

"Oh, yeah," Laura said. "How'd you hear about that?"

"I have my sources," Hecate said simply. "I wish you good luck on your third task. It would be a shame if you... died. I was thinking about it, and I don't know how I would feel if someone else killed you."

"How so?" Laura asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Because that's my job!" Hecate smirked. "But, I guess if I want you to stay alive for a little longer... Just know things may not go your way."

Laura stared at Hecate. She was unsure if she should trust Hecate or not. This was all so strange.

"What?" Laura asked.

Laura woke up.

"Laura, get up. Breakfast starts soon," a voice said.

Laura groaned, not having to open her eyes to know it was Pansy.

"Oi, Laura Potter, wake up," Pansy sighed, throwing a pillow at Laura.

"I'm awake," Laura yawned, sitting up, blinking herself awake. She threw the pillow back at Pansy and then got out of bed.

After they got ready, they left for the Great Hall.

"You came back pretty late last night," Pansy said offhandedly, "did you figure out what the third task is?"

"It's a maze," Laura shrugged. "Though I got sent back to the castle after the minister showed up."

"Oh?" Pansy asked as they walked into the Great Hall.

"Yeah, Viktor pulled me aside to ask me a few questions, and then boom, the minister was there," Laura said, scanning the hall but finding no platinum blond hair.

"Does Dumbledore know?" Pansy asked as they found Blaise and sat with him.

"He's the one who sent me back," Laura started to fill her plate with food. "Then, Snape got mad at me, so I get to talk to him today."

"Is this about last night?" Blaise asked. "Draco told me a bit about it after he came in late."

Pansy sent Laura a sideways glance.

"Yeah," Laura said, shaking her head at Pansy's glance. Her eyes then widened, remembering something. "Oh my Merlin- I just remembered, the maze they're having us do is in the Quidditch pitch, and it's overrun with hedges right now?"

"They ruined the Quidditch pitch?" Blaise said a little louder.

"How did you leave that part out?"

Laura looked behind to see Draco walking up to the table. He sat next to Laura.

"So much happened last night," Laura frowned at Draco, "you can't expect me to remember every detail, especially when I have to run back and forth between the castle and the forest."

"You went to the forest? Krum talked to you in the forest?" Draco said. He narrowed his eyes.

"Yeah," Laura didn't pay much attention to what Draco was trying to get at. She had told him everything that had happened, but he had focused on her talking to Viktor. "He was thinking that we might be listened to, so we went far away."

Draco nodded hesitantly.

"Actually- I did tell you all of this," Laura furrowed her eyebrows. "Draco, I told you about everything and then chose to only focus on Viktor."

"Oh, right..." Draco said, quickly changing the subject.

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