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The gong sounded. Amelia was off in a flash, racing towards the side of the field. She wanted to grab something and get out before the Careers got too many weapons. Adrenaline fueled her as she scanned the area.

Amelia snatched a backpack full of camping gear before sprinting into the woods. Her long legs carried her over the fallen trees and bushes as if she weighed no more than a feather. She heard a scream from behind her, followed by a sickening thud. Ignoring it, the girl continued to sprint away.

Quinn grabbed a spear from the Cornucopia. She smirked as she saw a boy sprinting towards her. She thought he was from 8, however, she hadn't paid much attention to him during training. He had a knife, but looked pretty incompetent. She moved towards Asriel. "Watch my back!" The Career called before throwing the spear. It landed squarely in the boy's stomach. He doubled over, landing on the ground. The green grass turned a deep scarlet as his screams filled the air.
Quinn smiled, walking over amid the chaos. She knew Asriel wouldn't let anyone near her. Reaching the screaming boy, she rolled him over with her foot. He tried to fight back, but he had lost far too much blood to be of much use. Placing her foot on his chest, Quinn pulled her spear back out of his stomach. His screams gradually became weaker as she walked away.
     Vire grabbed a shield, noticing that Cinnamon had a knife. She promptly grabbed a small dagger, not completely trusting the girl. They both darted into the fray. The tribute from 5, Julian, was running away from the cornucopia with a loaf of bread in his hands.
       Cinnamon threw her knife before Vire could react. She missed by a fraction of an inch, instead catching the side of his jacket. He paused for a split second. That was all the time it took for the now-unarmed Cinnamon to reach him. Vire watched, feeling a bit sick, as the Career girl punched the unfortunate tribute. His head snapped back, blood trickling from his clearly broken nose. He stumbled away, Cinnamon chasing after him.
      That was when Alejandro ran in.
What's he doing? Vire wondered, her feet rooted to the ground. The boy had a dagger, and looked ready to use it. Cinnamon looked taken aback, and stopped for a moment. Alejandro grabbed Julian's arm and sprinted away, vanishing into the forest.
Vire watched as Cinnamon cursed, realizing she had lost her prey. She quickly ran towards Niles, who she had decided was more trustworthy than any of the other Careers. They hadn't wanted him in the pack, but she had insisted he stay. I hope this goes well she thought before once again joining the fray.

Oliver had darted away as fast as she could, hoping to avoid any trouble. She was faster than most of the older tributes, so she was quite confident that she could get away. Once she did, though, she wasn't sure what would happen. Her heart was pounding, and she checked behind her shoulder to make sure she wasn't being followed.
Her foot caught on a root, and she hit the ground hard, the wind knocked out of her. Her knee stung, and she felt warm blood flow down her leg as she got up again. Her footsteps pounded onto the ground, her shoes not protecting her from a jarring impact each time she brought her foot down.

     Socora sprinted straight forward the moment the gong sounded. She had a plan in mind. Grabbing a loaf of bread and a small knife, she ran to the cornucopia. The girl quickly dove inside the wide horn, hoping she hadn't been spotted.

She had.

Although she didn't know it, Asriel had been watching her. He sprinted over, but was intercepted by a dark skinned boy. His arm moved on instinct, plunging it into his lower throat. The boy looked shocked as he hit the ground, gurgling on his own blood.
Asriel continued towards the huge metal horn.

Slipping in, the Career boy let his eyes adjust the the dim. Although he didn't want to admit it, this place gave him the creeps. Two years ago, the final battle of the Games occurred in the cornucopia, and it had been excruciatingly bloody.
His thoughts were interrupted by a muffle intake of breath. He lifted his sword, taking a guess as to where she was hiding.

Then he struck with all his might.

The girl's screams filled the metal horn as she fell from behind a barrel. Asriel's sword had gone through her stomach. The Career boy bit his lip, slightly disgusted by the blood. He quickly killed he girl, not wanting her to suffer.

Fam, it's out! I'm sorry if your OC died in this chapter, but please stick around to see who wins! The first days are already written, so I will try to publish every Wednesday and Saturday.

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